The Girl Who Cried Vampire

By Music13

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Jane Robertson is the bad girl who barely shows up for her classes. She is sent to a boarding school one day... More

Chapter 1 - New Girl
Chapter 2 - Roommates
Chapter 3 - The Accident
Chapter 4 - Siblings
Chapter 5 - Plans
Chapter 6 - Missing
Chapter 7 - Threats and Hypocrites
Chapter 9 - The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 10 - Birthday Message
Chapter 11 - Barely A Dance
Chapter 12 - An Explination
Chapter 13 - Going Home
Chapter 14 - Makeover
Chapter 15 - The Traitor
Chapter 16 - Birthmas
Chapter 17 - Back In The Vents
Chapter 18 - Textbooks And Allies
Chapter 19 - Swords And School Plays
Chapter 20 - Valentine's Day Surprises
Chapter 21 - Back On The Road
Chapter 22 - Memories
Chapter 23 - Attack In Arizona
Chapter 24 - Unexpected Guest
Chapter 25 - New Hope
Chapter 26 - The Escape
Chpater 27 - Shouldn't Have Returned
Chapter 28 - Sending A Message
Chapter 29 - The Preformance
Chapter 30 - Dress Shopping
Chapter 31 - Prom (1)
Chapter 32 - Prom (2)
Chapter 33 - Prom (3)

Chapter 8 - Weak Point

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By Music13

"Jane?! Are you even listening to me?"

I lifted my head up from my ipod and studied the frustrated woman. Miss Carters was LIVID at what happened with the fire alarm.

"Of course I am, Miss Carters. What kind of person wouldn't listen at an important time like this?"

"Don't be cheeky. It is a crime to prank the fire department. You are in big trouble, young lady."

"It's Friday! what are you going to do, give me detention?"

"I would, but for you that's not enough punishment. You are going to have to make a phone call to your parents." Miss Carters said with an evil grin.

My eyes widened. No way. She found my only fear.

"But I-"

"No exceptions. Here's the phone." Miss Carters said as she moved the phone closer to me. I took in a deep breath and picked up the receiver.

"Um, could I maybe do this by myself?"

Miss Carters rolled her eyes, but nodded.

I closed my eyes for a few seconds before punching in the familiar number and holding my breath while it rang.


Aaron's POV

I was in no mood to go back to my room, so I wandered the hallways silently. It was Friday night, so most students were out at parties or something. The school was dead silent.

As I walked past the office, I looked in and saw the room dark. All except Miss Carter's office, which was brightly lit. I saw Jane Robertson sitting on a chair across from Miss Carters. I could tell she was crying, her makeup running slightly.

Jane nodded, then left the office silently. I looked away, not wanting her to see me staring.

I watched out of the corner of my eye as Jane opened the office door with one hand while rubbing her eye with the other. A nail that wasn't completely nailed down to the floor caught on her foot and I watched in slow motion as she began to fall for the third time in a few days. I quickly dashed to her side and caught her before she fell.

Jane sniffed back a tear and I helped her back up to her feet.

"Um, thanks." She said softly.

"What's wrong?" I asked without thinking. It was none of my business, but I couldn't help but ask.

Jane looked a little taken aback by my question, but she just shrugged, "Is it that obvious?"

"A little."

"Well, to make it short, Miss Carters found my weak spot." She said with a forced smile.

"How so?"

I mentally slapped myself. Why do I care?

Cuz you're worried about her.

Urgh. Shut up subconscious mind.

"Um, just my dad. She made me call him. I don't really get along with him that well."

I nodded in understanding. I guess we were a bit more similar than I thought.

"What about you? What are you doing here?" Jane asked.

"My roommate is annoying, so I decided to take a walk."

"More annoying than Celeste?"


Jane laughed, "Then may I join you?"

I nodded and she walked alongside me.

"So...You're not partying tonight? You seem like the type that would enjoy those things."

"I got invited to three, but parties aren't really my thing. Too many people in a small space."

"Huh. You learn something new every day."

"Ya, there's a lot you don't know about me."

I guess there really was. Jane got  popular fast, so I just expected her to be like everyone else. She really wasn't though. I mean, she's stubborn, mischievous, and rude. But it seems there's also a real person inside.

"So, what are you doing this weekend?" I asked.


"I was just wondering. I'm kind of nosy sometimes."

"Oh. Well Bianca and Paris are dragging me out to get a Halloween costume on Sunday. Saturday I'm just chilling."

"Huh. Never really been a fan of Halloween. Always been more of a Christmas guy."

Jane made an enthusiastic motion as if she had been shot. "WHAT?! Halloween is the best time of year! Christmas is okay, but nothing compared to Halloween!"

"Why do you like Halloween so much?"

"I think half of that answer is pretty obvious. Scaring people is a hobby of mine. It's also fun when nobody can hate you for doing it."

"What's the other half of the answer?"

Jane shrugged, "I was born on October 31st. 16 years ago. Well, in 2 weeks it will be 16 years ago."

"Cool. I was born in June."

Who cares, stupid? I thought to myself as soon as I said it.

Jane nodded and turned up the stairs leading to the rooms, me trailing close behind her.

"Ugh. Celeste is probably in here. Would you date her so she won't be so lonely?"


"Oh come on! You guys are both nerds! And I'd like to sleep a peaceful night for once."

"That is the most ridiculous question I have ever been asked."


"Oh for crap sakes. I'm not going to date a girl I don't even know, just so you can sleep."

"Just ask her!"

"Your joking."

"Of course I am. I don't think I could put even you in that much pain."

"Rude much?"

"How is it rude if I'm being honest?"

"Just shut your mouth, Robertson. You are just like your ignorant brother."

Jane stopped and turned to me slowly. Rage was bubbling up inside her.

"What did you just call my brother?"

"Ignorant." I said plainly.

"Dean is not stupid. Don't ever insult my family again."


"I know what your going to say. After my conversation with my dad, I realized Dean is all I have left."

Jane unlocked a door beside her and walked in, slamming the door behind her.


Jane's POV

As soon as I slammed the door behind me, I looked at Celeste's bed and rolled my eyes. There was a pile of books on top. I saw the bathroom light was on and I figured Celeste was in there.

I sighed and flopped on my bed, throwing my purse aside and taking out my cellphone. The picture on the main screen was of Dean and I. It was taken about 9 years ago, when our parents were still together. We were dressed up for Halloween, Dean as a zombie and me as a cowgirl. We were laughing and smiling and holding hands. It was probably one of my favourite pictures.

I tossed my phone onto the bedside table and looked up at the ceiling. Suddenly, the bathroom door opened and Celeste walked out. Her eyes lit up when she saw me and she rushed over to her pile of books.

"Jane! I have come to a conclusion! I know exactly what's up with this school! Of course, it took a few hours of studying your brother and your friends, but I know what they are!"

"Ugh. Celeste, we've been over this. Paris, Bianca, Chad, and Dean are not in a gang!"

"No, I know that. It's worse. MUCH worse."


"Okay, first of all, I don't think you should hang out with Bianca and Chad anymore."


"Because, well, they're vampires!"

The room was silent for a while. Then, I burst out laughing.

"Vampires?! Are you flipping serious?! Celeste, that's retarded! Vampires don't exist!"

"That's what I thought! But you're wrong! Vampires do exist, and Paris and Dean are vampires too!"

"So, your saying my brother is a mythical creature that wants to suck my blood? He can walk in the sunlight stupid!"

"I realize that. And I found out that vampires are actually a lot stronger than people give them credit for. They can walk in the sunlight, eat garlic, and even sleep! They are just like humans, except a LOT stronger."

"Celeste, listen to yourself. That's impossible."

"That's not even the best part! Aaron Mandler is like, Buffy the vampire slayer. There used to be a lot more people a part of the popular crowd. All of them were vampires. But as soon as Aaron Mandler came here, the disappearances were only of the vampires. The vampires that broke some sort of code."

"Where did you hear that?"

"Aaron was taking to Dean between classes today He said that Dean would be next, if he broke the 'code'."

"I still don't really believe you."

"Well you should. Chad wants you either a vampire, or out of the picture entirely. You pose as a threat, and if you join Aaron, their lives would be in danger. You are the shiny toy that everyone wants. Whichever side you join, your life would be in danger."

"Okay, say this all actually existed. How would my life be in danger?"

"Well, if you join Chad and become a vampire, Aaron will be mad and probably kill you. If you join Aaron, Chad will be mad and kill you."

"So, whatever I did, it would just get me killed?"


I burst out laughing again, "I'm sorry, Celeste. But until I see it, there's no chance of me believing it."

Celeste crossed her arms in front of her chest, "Challenge accepted."

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