Sugar Cakes (A George Shelley...

By theRgirl

45.8K 1.3K 340

Only in the movies does your best friend evolve into your lover. However, my life took a weird twist and that... More

Sugar Cakes (A George Shelley Fanfiction)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 - Epilogue

Chapter 8

1.5K 46 1
By theRgirl

George's P.O.V.

The past two weeks were dreadful, but it was worth it. Each day was more nerve wrecking and filled with hard work than the other. The bootcamp stage was awful. I was disqualified. However, to my luck, I was added to a group act, Triple J. Though Josh, Jaymi and JJ were also disqualified when they entered as a band. None of us expected me to join them, but were happy and relieved nonetheless. Together, we were a stronger band. We also got put through the Judge's House, to our full content. All of us were glad that we were the people that were picked to be together, for the fact that we did become good friends previously.

Fulfilling my promise, I called Rose everyday. I told her stories and updated her about what was going on while she listened intently. She would ask question which I happily answer as she marveled at what she called 'The Star Life'. All calls would end with a sweet "I love you." that gave me the same good feeling it gave me the first time.

I was now sat on my bed, my laptop on my lap as I scanned the page I was on. I smiled as I clicked the final button, confirming the purchase I was making.

Rose's P.O.V.

"George, you did what?!" I shouted into the phone in shock.

"I got you a ticket to come to London to witness the live shows!" He replied chuckling, excitement evident in his voice.

"Thank you so much George! But you really didn't have to." I said, smiling to myself. I was going to see George again!

"I want you here with me. I miss you a lot." He said, causing my smile to become wider.

"I miss you as well. It's boring here without you." I mumbled into the phone as I walked in the park.

"Your flight is in two days. I emailed you the ticket."

"I'll have to tell my boss that'll be leaving for a few weeks. As for university, I'm going to have to take the online course." I talked to both myself and George.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, I wanted to surprise you."

"I'm glad it was a surprise George. Thank you so much, again!"

"It's no problem. I've got to go rehearse now. Talk to you later. Love you."

"Love you too. Goodbye." I replied, butterflies flying around in my stomach.

Unaware, I started skipping back home. I passed by George's house and stopped in front of it. I never really did hang out with his sisters, did I?

I pulled out my phone and dialed Harriet's number. We talked and they all said they would come home with me.

"Hey girls." I waved as they exited their mum's house.

"Hi!" They all said in unison. We walked back home, talking mostly about hot actors and new movies until we had reached my house. I unlocked the door and put the keys on the table.

"I don't think George has told you but, he got me a ticket to go to London to see him." I said, trying to keep calm.

"He what?!" They all shouted with wide smiles and gaping mouths.

"That is so cute!" Annabelle said as she and Louisa jumped up and down.

"I guess?" I said hesitantly.

"How did he not tell us?" Harriet said while smirking.

"Uh, could you guys please help me pack?" I asked, scratching the back of my neck.

"Yeah!" Louisa excitedly said, talking my hand and running up the stairs with her other sisters behind us.

By the end of the night, my suitcase was packed with cute winter outfits that Harriet, Annabelle and Louisa had picked for me. I hugged each of them, thanking them before they had to walk back home.

~2 Days Later~

I smiled as the city I had called home since I was little met my eye. I bit back a huge smile as I thought of the fact that I was just minutes away from seeing George again.

After I got off the plane and claimed my suitcase, I made my way through the familiar airport. I weaved my way through the crowds and looked for my best friend.

The end of my lips tugged up into a huge smile once I had spotted curly brown hair. I walked behind him, his back facing me. I tapped his shoulder then he turned around and his face seemed to brighten up.

George engulfed me in a big hug, which I happily returned. He was more dressed up now, clad in a white t-shirt, denim jacket that was cuffed up with a maroon beanie, his fringe out in the front.

"You're looking handsome." I said pulling away from the hug and chuckling.

"You look nice as well." He returned, motioning to my oversized white and blue striped sweater and black skinny jeans.

"Thanks...I'm really happy to see you again." I said as he took my suitcase and put his arm around my shoulder, giving me a side hug when I said that.

"We're going to do so many fun things here!" George said, leading me to the black Mercedes that had The X Factor logo on the side. "You're staying at the contestant's hotel, I talked to Louis Walsh our mentor about it."

"Great!" I said. We both had constant smiles on our faces till we had arrived at the fancy hotel. But all that mattered right now was that I was reunited with the one I missed the most, George.

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