Send me to sleep: Dan X reader

By mooster100025

94.7K 3.4K 4.4K

The sequel to 'wake me up: Dan X reader'. I suggest you read the first one if you haven't already as things w... More

Two years later
Jump into the fog
Jump into the fog: Part 2
Not like this
We're a secret
We're no secret
The way things used to be
I'm yours
Soz, I can't update for a while.
Your story, your decision.
10th January 2018
Joined in holy matrimony
Alone together
Upload schedule
In der zunkumft
They Don't know About us.
My heart did the same.
The house
We owe it to them
Open and Vulnerable
Dil and Tabitha
I made a big mistake.
I'm going to Promise...
Heart beats fast
Break me
You can get through this...
This dream we've been living
Already Home
It was home
A moon without stars
If I say no I'm lying
More than we bargained for
Iden and Willow
Let me bleed


1.8K 80 176
By mooster100025

Fluttering cherry blossom.

Tall shimmering sky scrapers.

Gorgeous colours and sounds.

Japan was an incredible place to be in. Not to mention Dan was sitting beside you, he's pretty incredible too!

Leaving the cramped, tight plane was a struggle. A small child made eye contact with you before taking your suitcase and skipping away. His mother asked for it off him.

"Joseph!" She moaned.

That name struck you, it was beautiful. Your mind began to wander.

"Y/N, don't zone out on me!" Dan chuckled.

"Oh, sorry Dan!" You laugh.

He takes your hand, "I love you almost as much as Pikachu loves Ash." He says.

You blush, "Or as much as Phil loves Chris! You saw how they looked at each other before right?!"

"I ship it!" Dan laughs.

He kisses your lips before taking a bag in each hand and leading you out of the airport.

The streets were packed with busy men marching along, stylish women waltzing away and children laughing and skipping together.

*skip the taxi journey, yo ass is at the hotel*

You let out a loud sigh and leap onto the bed.

Dan smiles and jumps beside you.

His hands run through your hair and tickle your neck. You kiss his lips and wrap your arms around him. He pulls you close and snuggles into you.

"You the little spoon." He says childishly.

"You the big spoon." You reply.

Your lips meet his and you kiss slowly.

*Phil's POV, back in Londidium*

I felt my heart jump at the thought of his touch.


I had passed the thought before. But I was right. It's him, it's really him! I love him!

I can't believe it! This is crazy, but so normal.

My phone buzzes making me actually scream with excitement.

It was my dad, yay...

*Dan's POV*

We approach the cat cafe.

"Oh my god... My life is complete." She says in awe.

"I hope not, we've just started!" Dan frowns.

She smirks and raises her eyebrow before taking my hand in her. I locked her fingers with mine.

The tink of the door bell made the cats insane.

They climbed up cupboards and sat on customers.

One ran circles around my legs. I lent down and ruffled it's soft puffy fur, it purred and meowed contently.

"I'm home." We say in unison. After recovering from our hysteric fit of laughter we ordered drinks and sat down together.

A black and white tuxedo cat looked up at us and purred at our feet. Y/N reached out for him and patted his little head. He pawed at her hands with his little white paws. She giggled and poked his nose. He recoiled in shock before letting out a little sneeze.

"Awwww!" I cry, "He's so cute! Can we get a cat please!!!"

"Dan, remember Simon and Suki. Pets might not be a good idea." She protested.

"True. But it would be good practice." He smiled hopefully.

"Oh, practice for what exactly?" She folded her arms and smirked.

"A... Baby?" I awkwardly shrug.

"Not yet Danny boy, I'm 22. We have lots of time yet!" She laughs.

I wrap my arm around her protectively.

We sit in front of the window and watch the world go by.

She looks over to me and smiles. Her gorgeous (yo eye colour) glimmering in the fresh sunlight. My heart skips a beat when presented with such beauty. I'm so in love with her.

No is the start of our life together. The start of our little family of two.

The start of something beautiful.

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