Chasing After The PA | Comple...

By DaymareXNightdream

1.6M 55.7K 3.9K

Hunter Blackthorne, CEO of the most powerful company in the world. Young, attractive and extremely arrogant. ... More

Official Playlist
Chapter 1 - Interview
Chapter 2 - Caramel Macchiato
Chapter 3 - Cheaters Never Win
Chapter 4 - A Date With A Familiar Face
Chapter 5 - The Kardashians ft. My Date, My Ex And My Boss
Chapter 6 - Reminder From A Dark Past
Chapter 7 - Sleepover!
Chapter 8 - Goodnight
Chapter 10 - You're Living With Me
Chapter 11 - Roses Are Red...
Chapter 12 - Still A Better Love Story Than Twilight
Chapter 13 - Gideon Harris And Erica Who?
Chapter 14 - The First Kiss Is Always The Most Fake, Right?
Chapter 15 - Necklace Of Lies
Chapter 16 - A Poke To The Butt And A Kiss On The Lips
Chapter 17 - New Goal: Make Her Mine
Chapter 18 - I've Got A Migraine
Chapter 19 - Red Velvet And Hot Pockets
Chapter 20 - Cuddles, Chris And Couple Costumes
Chapter 21 - I'm As Straight As A Broken Ruler
Chapter 22 - Halloween King And Queen
Chapter 23 - Alexander Hamilton
Chapter 24 - Midnight Conversations
Chapter 25 - Holiday Spirit
Chapter 26 - Unwanted Proposals and Holiday Cheer
Chapter 27 - New Year, New Love
Chapter 28 - Time Apart
Chapter 29 - Best Friends Give The Best Advice
Chapter 30 - Bonding With Exes
Chapter 31 - Unofficially Meeting The Parents
Chapter 32 - Breakups And British Devils
Chapter 33 - Prรจs Du Coeur
Chapter 34 - I Love Him
Chapter 35 - Confessions
Chapter 36 - To The Moon And Back
Chapter 37 - (Un)Happy Birthday
Chapter 38 - Dead Flowers And Used Band-Aids
Chapter 39 - Daisies
Chapter 40 - Dishonest Lies
Chapter 41 - I Quit
Chapter 42 - Letting Go
Chapter 43 - Grey
Chapter 44 - Between Two Worlds
Chapter 45 - I Miss Her
Chapter 46 - Lay Your Head Down
Chapter 47 - Don't Believe Everything You See
Chapter 48 - Welcome Home, Brother
Chapter 49 - Cucumber
Chapter 50 - Losing Her
Chapter 51 - The Prince Charming To My Cinderella
You Asked, I Answered!
Bonus Chapter - A Very Merry Blackthorne Christmas

Chapter 9 - We Date

34K 1.2K 102
By DaymareXNightdream

Hey guys! I'm back with another chapter! Just to clear things up, this story is NOT meant to be realistic. I don't In any way think that this would ever happen in real life but who knows? Anyways, I'd like to thank you for over 300 reads! *Starts twerking* This is awesome, I can't thank you enough<3 

Anywho, I decided to put out this chapter a bit earlier than usual as a thank you. (Also because I finally got my shit together yay me!) So I hope you enjoy, vote and comment and I'll see you guys at the end of the chapter.

I Also found someone to play Payton in the story. I thought that Antonia Iacobescu would be perfect. (The girl in the gif) But you can always picture Payton as someone else if you want.


"Always remember... Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots."

― Ziad K. Abdelnour


It had been a few days since I had that encounter with Adam and he hasn't tried to contact me since.

Things have actually been pretty normal lately despite the fact that I now had two bodyguards with me most of the time. I couldn't believe that after all these years, the same two men who helped me cope with my parents' death were here assisting me again.

Apparently when Hunter called and asked for a bodyguard to protect a certain 'Payton Flores' Beckett and Gonzalez both offered to come to my aid which neither one would back down on. They had both retired from being a police officer and became a bodyguard three years after they worked on my case.

Although Gonzalez was my Godfather, I did lose contact with him after my relationship with Adam spiraled downhill and was too ashamed to try and reach him after I had escaped. Beckett was also like a second father to me. After my parents died that night, Beckett and I slowly got to know one another and Gonzalez and him would always take me to amusement parks when they were off work.

The three of us hung out a lot but after Adam became more and more possessive, he slowly started diminishing my connections with the outside world. He would always tell me that it was because he loved me and he didn't want to share me with anyone else and I had always thought that he was being genuine.

I loved him too much to the point where in the process of loving him, I forgot to love myself. I lost me, because I was so compelled to finding him.

He was an ass. He made me fall for him and he wasn't there to catch me. But worst of all, he made me trust him. He made me think that he wasn't like the others and you know what? He was right. He's not like the others, he was worse.


I had just come home from work- Well, it more like I was escorted out by two bodyguards, driven home by Bill (Hunter insisted), then escorted to my door while receiving confused looks by every passerby. It had been about a week since I have been working for Hunter. Things between us have been on the professional side and he never brought up that night.

Becca had been taking care of me a lot more lately. She cursed when I told her about Adam and promised that if he ever came near me, he would be getting a lot more than just a kick in the nuts.

I had just slumped my body onto the couch when Becca came rushing in holding a magazine. "Payton! Come see this!" She shouted her red bangs of her pixie cut bouncing wildly on her forehead as she ran over to me. Even Beckett and Gonzalez peeked out from the kitchen where they spent most of their time when they were here.

"What is it?" I groaned tired from a long day at work.

"You're on the cover of a magazine!" She exclaimed flinging the magazine over to me almost giving me a paper cut.

"WAIT WHAT?!!?" I didn't believe it! Why would I be on magazine? It wasn't like I was famous or anything. I tried to think back on what I could have done to place me on there but I couldn't.

Slowly, I took a glimpse at the cover. In big bold letters it read out: BLACKTHORNE'S NEW BELLE? Has our playboy found a new companion? Hunter caught in bed with his PA! Read page 5 for more, pictures included!

I was horrified. "Wh-what is this?" I stuttered staring at a picture of Hunter carrying me out of the restaurant.

"I don't know," Becca shrugged. "You tell me."

"Well, after Adam hit me, I fell and Hunter picked me to bring me to his place. I told him I could walk but he refused on letting me go," I explained briefly. "That's probably how they got this picture, but does any of this have to do with me sleeping with him?"

"Well, are you sleeping with your boss?" Beckett asked casually stuffing another donut in his mouth.

Gonzalez elbowed Beckett's side making him choke. "Of course she isn't, Payton wouldn't do that."

Becca sighed. "Read page 5."

I flipped over the magazine until I got to the page and nervously read it.

Hunter Blackthorne, CEO of Blackthorne Enterprises was seen last week carrying his newly employed PA into his Limo and driving off. Our paparazzi followed suit and found the pair walking into his mansion. We came back a few hours later catching the pair in a what seemed to be a very aggressive make out session.

The picture that was accompanied by the paragraph was of me lying down on his bed while he was on top of me, his face inches away from mine the sheets around us were all over the place.

I groaned. What they thought was a heavy make out session was actually me getting woken up by Hunter because I was having that nightmare.

I was angry for two reasons. One, I was now going to be labeled as just another assistant who couldn't help themselves from a hot boss, and two, I knew that I shouldn't have slept on the same bed as him! Especially when he had windows all around his room!

"Have no fear Jordan's here!" Jordan announced walking in. "So, what seems to be the---" He paused and looked at the magazine. "Woah," was the only thing that escaped his mouth.

"Yeah, I know," Is sighed throwing the magazine- hopefully out of the window into a pit of fire.

"Payton! I thought I taught you better than this!" Jordan scolded mockingly. "But..."

"But?" I asked annoyed.

"I told you so! I told you that you would eventually sleep with the boss!" He grinned like a maniac.

Both Gonzalez and Beckett spat their coffees out. "What?" They both choked out at the same time.

"See! I was right about-"

"Payton! What in God's name-"

"I didn't sleep with him!" I interrupted.

"Then.. What happened?" Becca interrogated.

I rolled my eyes and let out a loud sigh then proceeded to explain everything that happened leading to those... Unfortunate, misinterpreted pictures.


"Wait, so Adam abused you for all those years?" Gonzales asked angrily.

I nodded ashamed of myself.

Jordan let out a big breath and got up walking to the door. "Hey, do you guys know where to hide a body?"

"Well, you could always throw it in the pacific ocean or something. I bet it would end up somewhere in Asia," Gonzalez said not even blinking.

"Or you could hide it in a graveyard, there are already dead people there," Beckett told him.

"Hey, I thought you guys were police, aren't you supposed to stop murders from happening?" Becca asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well, first of all," Beckett raised up one finger. "We aren't police anymore, and second of all-" He put up another finger, "- can I join you?" he looked over at Jordan who was currently zipping up his leather jacket.

"I work alone..." Jordan mumbled as he walked out the door.

It took me a moment to process what just happened. "He's not really going out to find Adam is he?" I asked. They just shrugged. "You won't arrest him if he does right?"

"Honey, we aren't police anymore," Gonzalez said giving me a nonchalant shrug.

"I really wanted to join him," Beckett whined as Gonzalez gave him comforting hug.

I sighed. "You guys are unbelievable."


The next morning before going to work, I stopped by the small cafe with Gonzalez and Beckett. I really needed something to with caffeine. I didn't sleep well last night, I kept on tossing and turning thinking about the magazine and when I did sleep, my dreams were filled with memories of Adam and my parents.

I was surprised to find out that they didn't sell caramel macchiatos anymore.

Huh, weird they were here a few days ago.

I was a bit bummed by the fact that my favourite drink wasn't sold here anymore but I couldn't be bothered today. I paid for a coffee and left noticing all the weird looks and glares I got from everyone in there.

"I think that the news has spread," Beckett muttered to Gonzalez and I.

"Just act natural," Gonzalez said taking a sip of his coffee.

After reaching the building, Beckett and Gonzalez both gave me a hug and told me that they would be back at around noon to escort me to lunch.

The looks didn't get any better when I went into the building. I first noticed the receptionist at the front desk glaring at me. Thinking that she just had a bad morning, I went into the elevator and pressed on the button to go to the 20th floor. The elevator stopped a few times picking up and dropping people off at a few floors. I tried to be as polite as possible but they all returned my polite gestures with an angry stare, which were mostly from women and a few bizarre glances from men.

I felt relieved when I saw Jordan walk in.

"Hey Payton!" Jordan said with a big smile.

"Hi," I greeted him.

"You seem, tired," He examined my face.

"That's because I am," I yawned taking another sip of my coffee. "By the way, did you really go out and kill someone yesterday?"

"Nah, " he snorted. "Just an excuse to get out of there and get something to eat. I'm still pissed that someone would do something like that to you. If you were my girlfriend, I'd treat you like a queen. Not that I'd have a girlfriend anytime soon..." he mumbled the last part quietly.

I blushed a little. "Don't say that Jordan, any girl would be lucky to have you."

"Sure," he said softly running a hand through his hair.

I reached my floor and got off. "Well, I'll see you later I guess," I said as the elevator door closed.

"See you!" Jordan waved.

As I walked to Hunter's office, I received an onslaught of stares from everyone there which made me quicken my pace. Once I reached the office, I slammed the door shut.

Hunter looked up from his desk. "Ah Payton, we need to talk about something."

I walked over to his desk and put my coffee down. "What is it?"

"You've seen the magazines right? The ones about us sleeping together?" He asked looking at the cup of coffee I had just put down with a little satisfied smile.

"Yeah," I felt heat flush into my cheeks. "You need to do something about it I can't have people thinking that I've been sleeping with the CEO of Blackthorne Enterprises," I panicked. People were already giving me glares and recognizing me.

"Well, I can't do anything about that," he said crossing his arms.

Why couldn't he? He was the most powerful man on earth he could surely do something about it.

"Well people can't just continue to think I'm one of your casual flings!" I said loudly. I had respect for myself and would not have fake news spreading around about me. How would anyone take me seriously after this?

"I said that I couldn't do anything about it, I never said that we couldn't do anything about it," he smirked.

'What can we do to make this situation possibly better?" I asked.

"We date."

Woah! What just happened in this chapter???!!! ;) Welp, you're just going to have to tune in to the next one...

*disappears into thin air*

*Comes back*

Oh wait, you can't see me anyways from your screen.

Until next time... <3

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