Revenge? Absolutely.

By Elenarenaee

2.2K 365 139

"My sweet pea... You're going to do great things," he whispers in my ear. All of a sudden, I feel a rush go t... More

1. The Turning Point
2. JR
3. A Devil's Kiss
4. Monsters Can't Love?
5. Room for the Enemy
6. This is a Trap
7. 50 Shades of Gray
8. A Gun Can't Hurt Me?
9. Love And Hate
10. Werewolves Don't Exist
11. I Am Death
12. Bitten
*Authors Note* *Please Read*
13. Beef Jerky and the Jerk
14. Dead or Alive
16. Soulmates

15. Emotions

83 19 1
By Elenarenaee

I've been awake all night trying to scream out to Nathan, but no matter how hard I try, nothing comes out. My heart is no longer beating and it's like I'm paralyzed and have lost every function of my body. It's the scariest thing I've ever gone through and I feel like I'm basically dead. I'm once again locked away, but instead of in a cell, I'm in my own head. I can feel myself wanting to cry, but I don't have the ability to do so, which makes me want to cry even more. Luckily I won't have to go through this for long. I look around the room and try to devise a plan to escape. The door that leads out is made out of pure glass and can only be opened with what looks like an ID card. I have no idea where they got this amount of equipment and electricity. Luckily, the glass looks like it can be broken through easily. I then and look over at a cabinet made out of glass also. It holds a bunch of different tubes with numbers on them. They probably have something to do with the cure that they will never find. There's also a glass counter next to it that contains different types of torture tools and knives. My plan is, once she feeds me, I'll immediately break free of the wild rose that's binding me to this chair. It's going to hurt like hell but I'm going to push through and kill that bitch Ruby. Then I'm going to kill every researcher in the entire camp and get Nathan and John out of here. I've had a bad habit of not planning things through well enough, but I'm sure this will work out the way I want it too.

I look down and see the bucket full of my blood. I notice that my blood is a lot darker than normal blood, which is something I have never noticed. The color is such a dark shade of red it could be mistaken for black. I'm startled as Ruby enters the room, usually I would be able to hear her coming.

"Hello Ms. Rose, how was your sleep? Oh wait...," she smirks.

She thinks she's so funny.

She walks toward me with a sway of her hips. "Today's going to be a good day. Want to know why?".

I give her a death glare because she keeps asking me questions she knows I can't answer.

"Well, todays the big day! The day we have all been waiting for! We may have potentially found a cure. So, that means we get to test it out!"she says, putting her fingers together like an evil scientist.

I simply look at her, again, in silence. I want to ask her how exactly she plans to test it out, but I can't. I watch as she grabs the bucket filled with my blood and replaces it with an empty bucket. She then takes the filled and places it on the glass counter. She then throws on a wipe pair of gloves and grabs a glass cup. She takes the cup and dips it into the bucket, making sure to fill it all the way to the brim with blood. She then wipes the outside of the cup with a napkin and fills another glass cup.

What the hell is she doing?

She turns around and gives me a pouty smile. "You may be curious as to what I'm doing," she says picking up the glass cups,"don't worry, you're about to find out." She gives me another smirk and walks out the room. She walks straight across right into the room where they are keeping Nathan and John.

Shit. Is she going to test it out on Nathan and John?

She one glass of blood next to Nathan and another next to John and leaves their room. Nathan and John both look at the blood with confusion and disgust, but I know what she's planning to do. After a few minutes, she comes back into my room with what looks like a blood bag. Normally, I would feel hunger. My mind wants it, but my body doesn't crave it like normal. I feel nothing. She brings it towards me and put a puncture in the bag causing the blood to slowly drip into my mouth. The first few drops didn't really do anything but after a few more I can feel my body start to come back alive. I start to gain my senses back and my ability to talk,but for some reason I still can't move my body. I assume it's because I need to drink more, so my fangs come out and I drain the entire bag. I can feel the power coarse throughout my body, but my body is still completely stiff. I can feel my heart start to pump again, but still at a very slow rate. I don't feel powerful enough for this plan to work.

Fuck me.

I look ruby in the eyes and say,"I want more."

She laughs in my face like it's the funniest thing she's ever heard. "You really think I would give you more so you're stronger? I'm not foolish, Rose. Plus, you wouldn't want any more of that blood."

"Why not?"

"Because it comes from a kid I accidentally killed the other day while experimenting on," she says like it's no big deal.

"What the fuck? You're sick!," I say, spitting out the remaining blood in my mouth.

"I agree, I just don't care," she shrugs.

In that moment my heart must of dropped as I saw myself in her and felt an enormous amount of guilt. I don't want to be that person anymore and I'm done being a hypocrite.

"Now, enough talking I need to get my experiment started," she says and walks out the room.

She takes off her eyeglasses and walks out the room, taking a right down the hallway. I look over at Nathan and catch him staring at me. I can see the fear in his eyes and I can hear his heart pumping rapidly. I can't help but feel guilty for getting him into this situation. I mouth the words 'I'm sorry' in hopes that this hasn't made him hate me more. His heart calms down a bit and all he does is smile. I smile back as I can feel his comfort. I hope that means that he forgives me. I really need to get him out of here. The researcher comes back a few minutes later holding a person on, what looks like, a leash. Wait a second, it's not a person, it's a demon!

She walks the demon into Nathan's room, and holds it in front of John. The demon holds it's arms out and growls, desperate to eat the flesh off of Jonathan's bones. I watch as John and Nathan scream out in distress as Ruby lets the demons get closer and closer to John. Each step she lets the demon takes creates more tension in the air and I struggle to try to move my body. It's no use! I don't know why this blood won't kick in! The demon is only inches away from biting John's shoulder and I can see a look of defeat on John's face. I almost feel bad for him. Suddenly the building is filled with murderous screams as the demon bites into John's shoulder, taking a chunk of flesh with it. Blood splatters all over the walls and floor and I can smell it from a mile away. I would be appetizing if I didn't have the save the guy. Ruby pulls the demon back after it bites John and hand it over to one of her men. They remove the demon from the room and a sense of relief fills my body as she doesn't do the same to Nathan.

But, my whole life comes crashing down as she pulls a pistol from her coat pocket and points it at Nathan. Everything happens in slow motion as she cocks the gun and pulls the trigger. There's no hesitation and I can't process the malicious act she commits. I watch the bullet tear through his chest and his head drop. I can feel the pain the bullet causes him within myself. I want to scream out but I can feel myself go into shock. He can't be dead, my blood has to heal him! Ruby proceeds to grab the glass filled with my blood and pour it into John's mouth. John immediately reaches for the glass and guzzles it. His wound starts to heal right before my eyes. Reassurance fills my body as I hope the same happens with Nathan. Luckily Nathan is still breathing, but it's very ridged. If my blood doesn't heal him, he can die at any moment. Ruby eventually goes to give Nathan the blood and John looks over at him with worry. I don't necessarily believe in a God but I pray to whatever mighty power there is that my blood heals him. Ruby lift's Nathan's head, open's his mouth, and starts to pour it down his throat. He immediately spits it out in disgust, but Ruby forces it down his throat anyways. Once the glass is empty, Nathan coughs out the blood. Ruby then rips off his shirt to see if the wound is healing. Did I say that my world came crashing down when she shot him? Well now the whole universe is crashing down as I see that his wound won't heal. I can feel my whole body go into shock as I don't know what to do. I over hear Ruby say that my blood only seems to heal a wound caused by something supernatural, and John screams out for his brother.

And then I loose my shit. I don't think I've ever felt this insanely angry in my entire life. I was angry at what Michael did to me, but not to this extent. This bitch just killed the only person I actually care about. Yes, I admit it, I care about Nathan, a lot, and there's no way in hell I'm letting him die. I feel a pulse of power and revenge shoot through out my body. I'm no longer Jessica Rose. The monster within me has fully taken over and I let it. I can finally function my body and I'm more powerful than I've ever been before. I start screaming at the top of my lungs as I tear through the wild rose that's restraining me. I feel no pain at this point because the only thing on my mind is death. The skin on my arms and legs are burning off, but that's the least of my problems.

I break free of the ropes and run full speed through the glass door and toward Ruby in the other room. She turns around and screams as she realizes I'm behind her. Before she can run, I grab her by the throat and pin her against the wall. My fangs come out and I hiss in her face. She then makes the mistake of laughing.

"Do you really think revenge will make you feel better?," she laughs.

"Will revenge make me feel better?... Absolutely." I smirk and sink my teeth into her neck. I drink most of her blood as her shrieks fill my ears. I then take my fingers and gouge out her eyes, causing her to go blind. Just to make the torture even more fun, I rip out her throat and shove it into her mouth. At this point, she's completely lifeless and I let her body drop to the floor. I'm completely covered in blood and I'm in full blood sucking, monster mode. An alarm starts to go off throughout the building and I hear a bunch of men running in my direction. I walk out of the room into the hallway, with my fangs out, ready to fight. A group of men in military suits reveal themselves and point their assault rifles at me. I don't want to waste time so I run full speed at them, dodging their bullets and snap each of their necks. I then feed on each of them and proceed to rip each of their limbs off. I'm usually never this brutal, but I'm not taking anyone's shit at the moment. Thankfully, it's a research camp, so I'm not killing any innocent people.

The whole camp is raining blood and dead bodies lay everywhere. I'm surrounded by dead bodies as their blood lays on my hands. All of the dead bodies remind me of the dead crows, and can't help but feel that instead of a sign of death, it was a sign of power. I've drained each of those scumbag's blood and I know that I'm unstoppable. Of course, as I'm feeling strong, I start to feel weak. I feel like I have been shot and it's not healing.


I run back to Nathan and John and see that Nathan isn't doing so well. His skin is pale and sweaty and I can hear his heart beat slowing down. I can feel his pain somehow and anxiety fills my body.

Jonathan is crying and having a full blown panic attack. "Please! You have to save him, you have to save him," his voice cracks and tears roll down his cheeks.

I stop myself from having a meltdown and I run and untie both of them as fast as I can.

"There's a hospital room in this building, follow me," I order John.

I throw Nathan over my shoulder and run towards the room. It's just down the hall and I noticed it as I was killing people. I can hear John's heart pick up as we run through the hallway filled with blood and bodies. I try to ignore it and focus on Nathan. We finally reach the hospital room and I immediately place Nathan on the surgical table. His skin is cold and sweaty and his heart is weak but beating rapidly. I try talking to him but he simply stares at the ceiling like he's daydreaming. His breathing is irregular and he's no longer reacting to the pain.

"He's going into shock!" John yells.

I look down at Nathan in panic because I have no idea what to do when someone goes into shock. All of a sudden I can't hold anything back anymore and I start to ball my eyes out. Every emotion comes through the door and everything bad I've ever done starts to kill me from the inside. The guilt, the pain, the sadness and misery, everything starting pushing it's way through me. Everything I've done has caused this to happen to Nathan, if I wasn't so evil none of this would've happened. I step away from Nathan and fall to the ground in tears.

"Oh my god, oh my god. I can't believe, I can't. I'm a monster," my voice cracks," what have I done? what have I done? Oh my god, what have I done?!" I scream out.

I, unexpectedly, feel cold arms wrap around me as I cry.

"What are you doing?" I ask John.

"Trying to calm you down. Look you're a bitch and I hate you. But, I know how you feel about my brother and I know how he feels about you. I don't approve at all, but if we are going to save his life I need you to calm down and stop crying," he says while rubbing my back.

I laugh. "I hate you too."

I immediately wipe my tears and stand up. I block away all thoughts and emotions and start to focus. If I keep crying, he's going to die. I grab some alcohol and I pour it on the wound to clean it out. I then grab some tweezers and look up at John, who also has tweezers in his hand.

"You ready?" he asks.


I'll try to post the next 2 or 3 chapters asap! I won't be able to update Sunday or much through out the week because I'll be on vacation. But when I have some down time I definitely will!

I really hope you like this chapter, I enjoyed writing it and I'm excited for you to meet the old Jessica, basically how she was as a human. She was actually a very kind person, and you may see that in a flashback ;)

Anyways, please leave feedback, vote, and share my story! I'm almost 1k reads! xoxo

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