Revenge? Absolutely.

Von Elenarenaee

2.2K 365 139

"My sweet pea... You're going to do great things," he whispers in my ear. All of a sudden, I feel a rush go t... Mehr

1. The Turning Point
2. JR
3. A Devil's Kiss
4. Monsters Can't Love?
5. Room for the Enemy
6. This is a Trap
7. 50 Shades of Gray
8. A Gun Can't Hurt Me?
9. Love And Hate
10. Werewolves Don't Exist
11. I Am Death
12. Bitten
*Authors Note* *Please Read*
13. Beef Jerky and the Jerk
15. Emotions
16. Soulmates

14. Dead or Alive

86 21 2
Von Elenarenaee

I feel the man's hands release from my body as I'm thrown onto a bouncy object. I try not to grunt from the force of the throw and try to keep my body still. It sort of feels like I'm on a mattress, but I'm still not sure because it's pitch dark. I'm not sure where I am but I do know this building is located on the east side of the forest. The weird part is, I've traveled the east side of the forest many times, not once did I come across an enemy camp. They're obviously not bandits, so what other group dresses like gang members and kidnaps people?

Once the men leave the room I try to remove myself from the body bag. But, it's pretty much impossible because it's zipped from the outside. As I'm trying to get out, I start to get a little claustrophobic. It's almost hard to breathe and I start to panic, fearing I won't be able to get out. Just my luck, a few minutes later, people enter the room. I immediately stop trying to escape and pretend I'm passed out, once again. I feel four hands go under my body, two under my back and two under my legs. They lift me up and I'm once again being carried to another location. After of few minutes of being carried, I'm set down feet first. They unzip the bag, and I let my head hang down to indicate that I'm unconscious. Once I'm out of the bag,  they grab both of my arms and put them above my head. They chain my arms together tightly and leave the room. It's dead silent, but I remain still. I know people are watching, I can feel their eyes locked on me and studying me. I have to make sure they think I'm human.

Suddenly, a whole bucket of ice water splashes in my face, soaking my hair and clothes. I'm assuming they just did that to wake me up so I make sure to dramatically open my eyes in surprise.

"What the hell? Where am I?!" I yell and pull at the chains holding me up. I'm in some sort of torture room, there are chains and saws and torture beds. No way a bandit camp would have all of this. A Persian lady in a lab coat is standing in front of me with the empty bucket of water she just threw on me. Her name tag says "Ruby". Two large men stand behind her in black shirts and cargo pants with a skull ski masks on.

The Persian lady smirks at me once I recognize where her lab coat comes from.

"Welcome to the Saviors," she says. How the hell did I not know about this camp? I know every inch of these woods by heart and have seen every Savior camp in every state. They must be lying.

"I thought the Saviors were supposed to help people, not torture them," I spit out.

She gives me a devious smile. "We only help the innocent. Plus, this isn't an actual savior camp. This is merely a research camp, with a few torture chambers."

Well that's why I didn't know about it, research camps are hidden. I've never been able to find one. But why have they kidnapped us? And what makes her think I'm not innocent when I've acted human?

"What makes you think I'm not innocent?"

"I never said you weren't," she says, pulling her lab coat across her chest.

Shit, she has a point.

"But... I do have my suspicions," she says taking a step towards me, " You see, word has gone around that our main camp has been destroyed by demons. But there's also a rumor that a girl had recently joined the camp, and the camp went in ruins a few days later. And another rumor that Nathan and Jonathan Gray left with that girl, who happens to be a katana master. I mean, what are the odds?"

I keep a straight face. "First of all, it wasn't my fault that your research team lost control of the demons they kept. Stupid idea, by the way. Second of all, what the hell is a katana?"

She walks up to me, calmly, and grabs my face harshly. "Don't you play dumb with me, little girl. I know who you are, I know what you are, and I know what you've done."

I yank my face out of her hands and she lets go. "My name is Grace Winters. I don't know what you're talking about!" I cry out.

She looks at the ground and shakes her head while giggling. She then pulls out a small knife from the pocket of her lab coat. She waves it in front of my face and let's out a little laugh. She acts more psychotic than me! I refrain from spitting in her face. She puts the knife up to my neck and starts to cut it. Pain shoots through my throat as she slits it and blood starts pool out. Then my wound closes up and magically heals.

"Grace Winters, huh? I'm pretty positive your name is JR," she says with emphasis on the 'JR'.

I stay silent but I give her a dirty look.

"I guess my suspicions are correct. Haha! I can't believe you'd think we would believe that you're human! Who knew the famous psycho could be... stupid?" She giggles.

She's really starting to get on my nerves now and it's getting harder for me to keep my cool. Before I can even respond, I feel a blow to the back of my head. I can feel the back of my head bruise and start to bleed before healing on it's own.

"What the fuck?!" I say, trying to turn around. As I turn my head I feel a sharp object go through my shoulder. A burning sensation goes through out my body and I scream out in pain. I look down and see a knife plunged into my shoulder and burning the skin around and inside it. When I look up, I see a man, in a ski mask, laughing in my face. I turn my head away as his breath starts to kill me more than the torture.

I look over at Ruby and see her holding my worst enemy in her hand.

"Wild rose. Such a beautiful and delicate flower. So much power in one little plant. And so easy to grow. We have dozens, so if you try to escape we will hurt you in more ways than you've ever felt," She says.

I feel another blow to the side of my head and another to my stomach. These guys are beating me up! The man behind me takes out the knife in my shoulder and stabs me again in my lower back. The wound in my shoulder starts to bleed out and I can feel each nerve and muscle tear in my back. I try to hold my screams and act tough but I can feel tears start to come out of my eyes. They continue to beat me until I'm a bloody pulp. My wounds are healing slowly because of the stupid wild rose, and I can't even fight back because I'm chained up.

They eventually unchain me and carry me into another room. Everything is disoriented as I try to stay conscious. I can feel my wounds healing but not fast enough. The room they take me in is a very bright room with large glass windows in front of it. Everything is painted white and it's so bright I can barely see anything in front of me. They throw me onto what looks like a dentist chair and chain my arms and feet. But instead of using regular rope, they use pure wild rose woven into a rope. Therefore, it burns my flesh without me having to move. They pain never gets old as the wild rose burns through my flesh, but I hold in my shrieks. 

My attention is diverted to the large glass windows. They face into another room in front of me that's almost identical. Except, Nathan and John are tied to chairs and look like they've been beat up pretty badly. I wanted more than anything to break free and get them out of here, but I just don't have the strength. This whole thing is my fault. If only I knew they weren't bandits. 

"Why do you guys dress like bandits instead of Saviors?" I ask the researcher. 

"Funny you ask. It's a new thing. It helps us kidnap people to experiment on them without getting caught. Then we can just blame it on the bandits," She smiles. 

"You guys are sick," I say.

"And you aren't? You rip people to shreds for a living. At least we have good intentions on finding a cure." 

"It doesn't matter if your intention is good when what you're doing to get there is bad."

"Wow, you should really  take your own advice," she says.

And she's right. Just because I have a good intention of stopping the saviors from experimenting on innocent people doesn't mean I should kill them all. Hell, most of the people I've killed were innocent. They didn't have a damn clue what their researchers were doing to find the cure. It should've been the council I went after. They are the real culprits. 

"How did you figure out who I am?" I ask.

"I didn't, it was more of a lucky guess. I mean you're lucky, if you ended up being human you would be dead. Now you answer my question: what does JR stand for?" 

"My name. It's Jessica Rose," I admit. I always find it weird saying my full name out loud. 

"What a pretty name for such an ugly beast."

I roll my eyes before responding. "My turn. Why the hell are you torturing Nathan and John if they are your people?" 

"They stopped being our people when they started working with you," she says sternly.

"You're crazy if you think they're working with me. They hate me." 

"Mhm sure," Ruby says with a grin as she dips an IV in wild rose water.

"What're you doing with that?" I panic as she starts to stick the needle into my arm.

"Well I just dipped this in some wild rose water so it actually stays in your arm. And well, I've been working on a theory," she says taking off her eye glasses," If you're able to heal from a demon bite, than maybe your blood can heal others." 

My eyes widen and I look down at the IV in my arm. It starts to drain the blood from my body, down a little tube, and into a bucket. And it's draining fast. I struggle to get out of the chair, causing the wild rose to scorch my arms and legs even more. 

"Let go of me now or I swear to God I'll rip you and your whole family to shreds," I say still striving to break free. 

"Well you've already accomplished half of that threat," she says looking away. 

I smile as I realize that she mean I've killed her family. 

"You know, I probably would feel bad if you weren't such a conniving bitch," I laugh. 

"Shut up," she says with her back still turn to me. 

"I enjoyed killing your family. I enjoyed sinking my fangs into their neck and drinking every last drop of blood until their heart stopped and their bodies turned grey. And if I had the chance, I would do it all over again," I smirk.

"I said shut up!" she grabs my throat and squeezes hard. 

I laugh out loud because my plan to get in her head works. She lets go of my throat and looks away in frustration. I stop laughing when I feel slight pain in my chest. I can feel my heart start to beat slower. I look down at the bucket and it's almost half way full. I have to figure out a way to escape because I can feel myself get hungrier each second. For once, I'm in big trouble, and have no idea what I'm going to do. I have no plan B whatsoever and didn't think this plan through well enough. It was a horrible plan and I might've gotten Nathan and John killed. 

"You know, if you drain me of all my blood, you'll eventually run out and never get more," I say. 

"I'm not stupid," she says turning around,"that's why, after I drain you, I'll feed you and then drain you again. And I'll do this over and over and over until the day I die," she grits her teeth. 

I keep my mouth shut as I notice a flaw in her plan. When she feeds me again, I'll definitely be strong enough to push through the wild rose and escape. She doesn't know how much power I gain from the second I feed. So there's only one thing I can do, which is let her stop my heart and wait for her to feed me. It's the only way I'll be able to get out of here and save Nathan and John. 

Ruby leaves the room and slams the door on her way out. I look down and see that the bucket is a little over half way full. I'm so hungry to the point where my vision gets fuzzy and my fangs comes out. As my heart beats slower is starts to get louder. It's almost as if I have headphones in and  I'm listening to the base of a song. The bucket it almost full and I know my heart will stop at any moment. It beats one time per minute and I can see my skin start to get pale and grey. I try one last time to struggle free but it's useless. My heart has never stopped before so I don't know what to expect. 

The bucket is finally full and I watch as the last drop of blood leaves my body and enters the bucket. I feel the last beat of my heart and then I feel a pain in my left arm. Then, the weirdest thing happens. I don't pass out or fall asleep or anything. I can see everything around me perfectly and I can hear the distance footsteps within the building. But when I try to move my body, I can't. I try to scream and I can't. 

It's almost as if my body is unconscious but my mind is awake. 


Late update sorry! Just got a new kitten so things have been hectic! 

I'll try to update early if possible, but if not next update is on Friday! 

Please leave feedback, vote, and share my story! Get me to 1k reads! xoxo


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