Dont Let Go

By MarissaGoesRawr

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Dont Let Go
Chapter 2
Chaper 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Plan to escape
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17

chapter 13

74 0 0
By MarissaGoesRawr

Violet Evans POV.

The bright light was shining on my face, I pulled the silky blankets over my head. His arms tightened around my waist.

"Mm I love you." I smiled snuggling into his body.

"I love you too baby." He whispered, running his hands through my hair.

That was when reality came back to me, I jumped up panting hard, I looked around to see Chris smiling up at me.

I can't believe I just told him I loved him..Tears started forming in my eyes when I thought about last night.


"Hey baby, have you made up your mind yet?" He asked as he climbing into the bed.

"No..I won't let you do this to me."

He didn't say anything, instead he climbed on top of me pinning me to the bed. He forced his mouth onto mine and ran his free hand down my body.

I strugled but his weight was holding me down, there was nothing I could do now.

I let him touch me..the whole time I tried to imagine that he was Mr. Williams, but his touch just made me want to go to sleep and never wake up.

I let him have his way with me..all I felt was pain but I knew there was nothing I could do to stop him.


There was many things going through my mind right now, but one thing I knew I had to do is escape. I couldn't stay here, I couldn't be with him. I needed to get away.

"I need to use the" It hurt calling him baby but it was the only way to convince him.

"Down the hall, thrid door to the right." He replied kissing me.

I was about to npull away but I knew I had to make him trust me so I gave in and kissed him back. Soon he pulled away and said he was going to go make breakfast and that I should take a shower.

After he left the room I found the bathroom. I locked the door and turned on the water. As I looked around I noticed a small window. I climbed up on the sink and looked out. You could just barly see the road from here but I think I can climb out and run out to the road, then follow it until I find another house or something.

As I unlocked the window and opened it, I felt as if a weight had been lifted off of me. I was going to escape and be free I told myself, but my thoughts were cut off when I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"You wouldn't be trying to escape would you?" He said lifting me up off the sink and onto the ground.

I looked at the ground..I didn't know what I was thinking. I should have known that I wouldn't beable to get away that easy.

As I looked into his eyes he didn't look mad, all I seen was hurt..maybe guilt.

"You know what? I think I have a way to keep you from running away. I'm not going to lock the windows or keep you in a room, i'm not going to stop you from leaving, but if you do, you won't get anywhere. We are at least thirty miles away from town. You would be lucky to get anywhere without being attacked by an animal." He said quietly.

I took in his words and thought about it, but I would rather die trying then stay here and continue to get raped by him..

"I wan't to leave." I replied.


"What? You just said I could leave!" I yelled.

"I know what I said, and I will let you leave, just not yet. Not until I get what I want."

"What do you want from me?" I asked, aware that I would not like the answer.

He stepped closer and wrapped his arm around my waist while breathing into my ear.

"I'm not sure I can risk letting you leave, I can't have you telling everyone where I am now can I?"

My breathing sped up as the words came out of his mouth, I need to get out of here..maybe i can convince him to let me leave, I could always tell him that I won't tell.

"I..I promise not to tell anyone..please just let me go." I whispered hoping he would believe me.

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair

"Baby, you know I just want you to be happy, I don't want to keep you here if you're not happy, it really does upset me, but I can't let you go.."

I felt the tears threatening to spill, but I held them back. First he rapes me and doesn't even care, and now he's apologizing? Does he really expect me to believe him?

I want to scream, but I need to keep calm, I need to give him what he wants and then wait until he leaves so I can make a run for it.

I apologized to him, and I even..kissed him. I had to make him trust me, I know it sounds stupid because this is the guy who kidnapped me, but i'm trying.

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