Flowers for a killer.

By Ghastler

109K 4.7K 1.9K

AU Naruto x Gaara Gaara realizes he's developed feelings for the ramen crazed wannabe hokage of konoha and n... More

On the mind...
A pleasant surprise...
Softer then silk...
Sweet as sugar...
It's a long walk...
An ocean of silk...
A Helping Hand...
Better Days...
I Care Ok?...
His Touch...
Moving Day...
You Can't Deny It...
Honey Tea And Something Sweeter...
No time for regrets...
In the arms of another...
Healing Touch...
Promise - Ch.29
Figure it out - CH.30
Comfort - CH.31
Trust and Dumplings - CH.32
Rain - CH.33
Comfort zone - Ch.34
Love In Understanding - Ch.35

A new home...

3.7K 180 109
By Ghastler

Shooting up from the table suddenly, Naruto couldn't help himself but to jump and yell with joy. His excitement catching the vessel before him completely off guard to the point some sand had risen to defend him.

However, watching as the Uzumaki danced around his apartment and rambled off on what to pack and where to get boxes and what he needed, the redhead couldn't help but crack a small smile from behind his risen tea mug.
He enjoyed seeing his friend this happy, it was a rare sight to see that shining smile when it wasn't being forced. He truly was a ray of pure sunshine in the vessel's otherwise dark and chaotic world.

"Naruto ..."

Gaara finally spoke up to break the blond's enthusiasm and parade. Jade eyes focused on pure cerulean. Setting the tea mug down he would relax in his chair, one hand reaching out to pat on the table; ushering the blond to sit and join him once more.

"What's up?"

The Uzumaki asked in wonder as he sat down slowly, intent to listen to every and any word or demand the vessel had for him.

"We need to make a list. As well, i do have a request."

The redhead spoke softly as he dragged from the table a pen and paper, making notes of the things they will need and want for the apartment.

"Yeah sure! Anything! well.... anything as long as it's not gonna stop me from eating ramen."

Naruto chuckled as he tried to view over the table at what the redhead was writing. it was in a language he didn't quite understand and for a moment came across as messy scribbles and strange drawings before his memory kicked in.
He had seen this writing before, on signs and boards in the sand village. It was their language, the land of wind's tongue. Moving up from his chair in interest, the blond made his way over to the vessel, dragging the seat behind him so he could sit closer for a better view. He couldn't help his intrigue in the other's native writing.

"I'm not going to make you stop eating ramen... My request is that you add more to your diet then noodles."

Gaara spoke up, snapping the Uzumaki's attention from his writing.

"Oh.... yeah sure. Just uh... No eggplants. I hate eggplants!"

"I'm sure i can work with that."

Gaara scratched out a few parts to his list before taring off the page and re-writing a cleaner version on a new pad. Looking to the list then to the Uzumaki, the vessel would pull his wallet out and check to make sure he had the cards and cash he would need.

"Alright. If you're ready, then so am i."

Getting up from the table, he would place the list in his wallet and set it back into his pocket. Taking last glances around the Uzumaki's apartment he would let go of any and all feeling he had when in the slowly crumbling jail of the other's so called 'living conditions'.

"Hey....uh. Gaara."

Wonder and innocence snapped the vessel back into reality as he cocked his head and opened jade eyes to look to the blond, peering at the curious face that greeted his own. He could see the blond was nervous, yet excited. Perhaps holding it in until his questions where answered.

"What is it?"

"What kind of a place do you live in? or uhh... what kind of place are you gonna buy?"

"We're buying an apartment. Mine is only one bedroom..."

Short and simple answers where always the vessels speciality and downfall to a conversation. However, for some reason the blond always had a nack for bringing out the more talkative side of him. Even if some days he didn't wish for it.

"I think... Someplace with lots of windows..."

"Oh! cool!"

And there it was, the easy excitement of the hyperactive blond. He had barely given any information to the other and already the orange crazed boy was jumping around the apartment like it was a trampoline.

"Naruto-kun.... Calm yourself."

The redhead was suppressing every and all muscle that dared to betray him and make him smile. He almost couldn't stand how the Uzumaki made his heart beat, how he made him feel a range of emotions he had been denied in his childhood.
It confused him, scared him and excited him. But he had to keep the mask he wore. It wasn't yet time for him to break it, nor to take it off.

"It's getting late. You should go pack some things."

"Eh? Where are we going?"

"My place."

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