I live with vampires and were...

By Katiewolf

814K 12.1K 1.3K

Kelly may live with a group of super hot guys who just happen to be either werewolves or vampires, but other... More

I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 1
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 2
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 3
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 4
I live with vamipres and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 5
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 6
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 7
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 8
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 9
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 10
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 11
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 12
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 13
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 14
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 15
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 16
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 17
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 18
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 19
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 20
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 21
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 22
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 23
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 23
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 25
I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys? Part 26 *FINAL*
I live with vampires and werewolves; did I mention they're all guys? Song (Unofficial)
I live with vampires and werewolves; did I mention they're all guys? Christmas Day Part 1
I live with vampires and werewolves; did I mention they're all guys? Christmas Day Part 2
I live with vampires and werewolves; did I mention they're all guys? Christmas Day Part 3
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 1
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 2
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 3
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 4
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 5
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 7
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 8
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 9
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 10
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 11
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 12
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 13
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 14
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 15
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 16
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 17
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 18
Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 19 (Final)
A Second Chance, To Run - Prologue (Sequel-Emma & Johnny's Story) *In Progress*
A Second Chance, To Run - Ch.1 (Sequel-Emma & Johnny's Story) *In Progress*
A Second Chance, To Run - Ch.2 (Sequel-Emma & Johnny's Story) *In Progress*
A Second Chance, To Run - Ch.3 (Sequel-Emma & Johnny's Story) *In Progress*
A Second Chance, To Run - Ch.4 (Sequel-Emma & Johnny's Story) *In Progress*
A Second Chance, To Run - Ch.5 (Sequel-Emma & Johnny's Story) *In Progress*
A Second Chance, To Run - Ch.6 (Sequel-Emma & Johnny's Story) *In Progress*
A Second Chance, To Run - Ch.7 (Sequel-Emma & Johnny's Story) *In Progress*
A Second Chance, To Run - Ch.8 (Sequel-Emma & Johnny's Story) *In Progress*

Love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 6

11.6K 148 22
By Katiewolf

(C) Copyright

Love, obsession, loathing, love, obsession, loathing. Make up your MIND! Part 6

Sequel to 'I live with vampires and werewolves, did I mention they're all guys?'

"Are you sure you won't come to the beach with us Damon?" I asked for the tenth time this morning. 

Me, Sasha, Alistair and Damon were all standing in the hall, bags over the floor filled with everyone you could possible want to spend the day at the beach. Sandwiches, bottles of drink, sun block, towels, spare clothes, surf-boards, a body-board and a huge beach umbrella were just some of the stuff that encircle us.  

Damon smiled but shook his head.  

"Vampires and sun bathing don't mix," he chuckled.  

"But you go out at day time normally?" I insisted, narrowing my eyes.  

"There's a difference between lying on a beach and walking around the town centre," said Damon, handing Alistair the last bag.  

I opened me mouth to insist further but Sasha took hold of my hand and I melted like butter.  

"Come on Kelly," murmured Sasha, "if we don't hurry or all the good spots will be taken."  

"Ok," I sighed, giving in, I didn't know what it was but I didn't want to leave Damon behind.  

I hugged Damon hard good bye then tottered down the drive to the large black land rover and heaved my bags into the boot of the car.  

Alistair slammed the boot shut then got into the back, Sasha was driving and I quickly jumped into the front passenger seat.  

It was an hour's drive to the coast. The sun was high in the perfect cloudless blue sky and it was stiflingly hot.  

My back kept sticking to the leather seats and after ten minutes in the car both Alistair and Sasha had taken their shirts off which left only their swimming trunks.  

Giving up I stripped down to my red bikini and throw my clothes onto the backseat next to Alistair as I did I caught him looking at me with an admiring glint in his eyes.  

I smirked at him cheekily then turned back to see Sasha repositioning the rear-view mirror so he could see me.  

Finally we arrived at the beach, parking at the top of the tall sandy cliffs; the car park was already half full and below us the beach was quickly filling up with people.  

The three of us hurried down the slop to the sand and weaved our way through the patchwork of towels and deckchairs.  

We found a free space off beach and set up there, Alistair pulled out the beach umbrella and opened it, Sasha spread out the towels and I gazed around.  

This is how it should be, I thought happily.  

Sasha rapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek, he too was relaxed and pleased that everyone seemed to be back to normal.  

"I'll race ya," growled Alistair, gesturing towards the ocean.  

"Bring it on," laughed Sasha, pulling away from me. "Please act human," I said quickly, "just because Damon isn't here doesn't mean you two can get away with it."  

"Sorry mum," laughed Alistair then he started running, Sasha close on his heels.  

"Boys..." I sighed, watching as Sasha rugby tackled Alistair and the two landed in a tangled heap in the sand.  

I was about to head off after them when someone called my name. I turned to see Jo and Maggie waving at me. A smile broke across my face at the sight of my old friends, I hadn't seen ever of them for a year but as they hugged me it felt like only yesterday we were at school together.  

"You're not gonna let two boys beat you to the sea are you?" laughed Jo, pulling me towards the water.  

"Yar, come one!" shouted Maggie.  

"Oh no, girls," growled Alistair, spotting the three girls running towards them.  

"Is that Jo and Maggie," Sasha asked, shielding his eyes against the bright sun.  

"Yep, come on, we can't be beaten by a bunch of girls," chuckled Alistair.  

The two guys turned and sprinted the final few metres to the water and dived into the waves, coming up as the water levelled out again. The sea was shallow and only came up to the waists.  

I reached the sea and waded through the water tor reach the guys. I leapt at Sasha playfully, he caught me easily. We collapsed into the sea, laughing as a wave crashed over Alistair's head drenching him.  

None of us noticed the lone figure standing on the cliffs watching us with a blank expression on his face, his mouth a hard line, his eyes burning slits.

End of Part 6

So what did you think? 



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