Death's Breath | Assassin's C...

By _Terrormisu_

20.4K 634 96

{Completed} With the first time travelling machine created, Ruby Mir is sent to the past to prevent the war k... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 3

972 37 13
By _Terrormisu_

Everyone stared in awe at the empty space of the machine.

"She did it!"

"We are saved!"

Everyone in the room started clapping and cheering. Jack smiled to himself and started walking out of the room, relief washing over him. She was safe and the war would soon be over.

Back in the room, Boss and his workers around the machine asked everyone to leave them alone. Everyone obeyed and began to trail out of the room, one by one.

"What now, Boss?"

Silence filled the room before Boss answered.

"Destroy the TM1."


Frye? Where had she heard that name before? Ruby stopped in her track and began to listen in on the conversation that was happening on the rooftop. To her despair, whoever was up there was talking too quietly for her to catch any important information. She was about to leave, when an idea sprang in her mind. Rummaging through her satchel, she pulled out I.B, who seemed to be in a sleep-like state.

"Hey I.B, start up. I need your help," she whispered to the robot.

The globe-like robot's eye lit up and I.B flew out of the bag.

"What is it? If it requires me to eavesdrop, I don't want to."

Ruby sighed.

"Unfortunately for you, that is exactly what I need you to do. On the roof are three people, by the sounds of it. I need you to discretely fly up there and listen in on their conversation and report back to me. Understood?"

"What is in it for me?"

"Are you serious right now? We are wasting time here."

"I won't do anything if I don't get something from it."

"Shut it, globe, or I will reprogram you!"

I.B began tooting loudly and a few passers-by looked at the girl and the robot confused. A few even stopped to stare at the pair.

"You do as I say or I will report back to your master that you are dysfunctional and need to be sent to the lab," Ruby threatened quickly, grabbing I.B and holding the robot in-between her hands.

I.B let out a metallic gasp.

"You wouldn't!"

Ruby smiled to herself, proud to have found a way to convince I.B to do whatever she wanted him to do.

"I would and unless you want to have open wire surgery from me in this very street, I suggest you fly up and see who those people are."

I.B let out a groan and flew out of her hands and near the three people that were silently discussing on the roof. The small robot latched onto a large chimney, recording the conversation that was happening.


Evie and Jacob Frye stared at the Indian man in white assassin robes that climbed onto the roof that they were on. Furthermore, he seemed to know exactly who they were. After getting to know him as Henry Green, the runaway twins were curious about Crawford Starrick and what was happening in London. They did not see the white robot that was attached onto the red chimney, a few meters away.

"Unfortunately for us, Starrick sits at the top of the helm of the most sophisticated Templer infrastructure known to the western world. He has allies that stretch through all of London in gangs, boroughs, industries and class," Henry explained to the twins, as they were looking over the city.

Jacob's eyes lit up as an idea sprang to his mind.

"That's it, Evie! We can start our own gang to overthrow Starrick! I always thought of myself as a gang leader. Firm, but fair. We can rally his allies over to our side and gain control over London!" Jacob exclaimed to his sister, excited.

"We will call ourselves, The Rooks!"

Evie let out a disappointed sigh at her brother's choice of names, stepping in front of him and hiding his view.

"You were never good at chess, dear brother." She rolled her eyes at him.

"Well I don't suppose you have a better idea?"

Evie turned to her brother.

"Find the piece of Eden and continue father's legacy!"

Jacob let out a groan, shaking his head.

Henry noticed the tension that started forming between the siblings and stepped to their aid.

"Well, let me show you the layout of the land first. Shall we?" he suggested, pointing to the chimney.

Jacob and Evie looked at each other before climbing the chimney, still unaware that their conversation had been overheard.

I.B flew back down to Ruby, landing on her shoulder.

"And?" she asked, curious.

"I did what you asked me to do. Can I go now?"

"You know very well that you cannot. We should find somewhere to stay for the night, it is getting dark."

I.B flew back into Ruby's satchel and she set off, trying to find a place to stay the night. She almost had a heart attack as something flew into a cart full of hay next to her. She was even more surprised when a man in white robes climbed out of the hay, nodding at her in greeting. Ruby shook her head, confused at the behaviours of citizens in the 19th century. Falling into a cart full of hay and continuing life as if nothing happened, caused her confusion beyond belief.

"Things are so strange in the past," she mumbled to herself, continuing to walk down the street.

Night had fallen when she found an inn that was able to take her in for the night. She payed the owner one shilling for the night and some supper.

Sitting on her bed, she pulled a shut down I.B from her satchel.

"I.B, start up, I need your help." She gave the command that woke up the robot.

I.B's light turned green and the startup noise filled the room.

"I was dreaming."

"As if. It is impossible for you to dream when you are shut down. Now, I need you to play back the recording that you took earlier."

"What is in it for me?"

Ruby sighed, getting annoyed.

"Not this again. Just do it."

Reading her body language and tone in Ruby's voice, I.B decided to follow her instructions, despite wanting to cause mischief to the young woman.

Ruby listened to the audio recording, surprised when Evie Frye mentioned the piece of Eden.

"So they are after the shroud as well. I.B, tell me who the Frye twins and Henry Green are," she asked the robot, grabbing out a notebook and pencil from her satchel.

"Jacob and Evie Frye, born on 9th of November, 1847, children to Ethan and Cecily Frye. Both are trained assassins who killed Starrick and liberated London. It is reported that they know where the shroud of Eden is, yet I highly doubt they know of its whereabouts in this current time."

"And what about Henry Green?"

"Henry Green, also known as Jayadeep, Bharat and The Ghost, born 1843 in India, was trained by Ethan Frye but sent to London. He took part in discovering the shroud of Eden and after Starrick's death, married Evie and moved back to India," I.B informed Ruby.

"Married Evie, huh? It seems that they are the people I need to avoid the most during this mission. But then again, they will know where the shroud is. Ugh, what should I do?" Ruby asked, letting herself fall backwards onto the bed, stretching out her legs.

"If they are assassins, and find out that I am about to overthrow their plans, they would have no trouble killing me off in an instant. I need to be very careful. Any suggestions to how we find the shroud?" Ruby asked, looking at the small robot hovering above her.

I.B's light went out and he fell onto Ruby's face.

"What great help you are," Ruby scoffed, placing the robot on the windowsill.


That's it for this chapter! Tell me what you think so far. I have to thank the Assassin's Creed wiki and the book 'Underworld' by Oliver Bowden for giving me the information necessary for the backstories. Comment down below and vote for this chapter! 

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