robsten love story

By msclrobsten

29.2K 462 92

It's just a random thought about what happened between Rob and Kristen in the past time and in the future. Ho... More

1. the audition
2. I knew it's you
3. It's Over
4. Drama
5. Fix You
6. New Journey
7. It's Her
8. Awkward Moment
9. I need you
10. Back to Reality
11. Accidentally
12. Early Gift
13. Hesitation
14. New Chance
15. Another Accident
16. Steamy Car
17. Reconcile
Met Gala 2016 (Imagining Story)
Imagining Story
19. PDA
20. Little Treats
21. Into you
22. Feeling
23. Him
24. News
25. the L words
26. No Control
27. Bet
28. Ours
29. 9 months
30. New Members

18. Promise

716 10 3
By msclrobsten

Kristen P.O.V

After shared a kiss or two, we laid in the couch with his arms around me and he stroking my back softly. "Is everything alright for you now? I mean.. your girlfriend?" I asked him "She's not my girlfriend anymore. Like i told you, we're broke up" he said. "I know.. I mean.. was it hard for you? and.. for her?" I asked again and he took a deep sigh before answering me. "Well.. it's hard for me, and probably harder for her. But.. it's just better than i have to lie to her every single day, you know what I'm saying right?" "Yeah.. i know, i just curious, because.." "ssshh..." he soothed me as he sat up and made me sat up too. He sifted his self facing me and grab my shoulders "Kris.. you don't have to over thinking about that. It's my problem and let me solve it. All i want now is just to make you happy. To pay back all the past time when i let you suffered. and i promise i'll never fail you again this time. Unless you asked me to leave you" he said and lean down to kiss my lips.

"Rob, Remember when i said, it will be not easy for us?" I said when our lips parted and he just nodded. "i mean, we'll never know if we will fail again or not. and I think i can not bear another heart break, and i'm sure you do too" "well if we fail again, i will fight for us Kris, I'm not gonna leave you like the past time. I promise. Would you promise me that too?" he said as he stroked my hands. "I will, but.. let say that we can not handle it again. How??" i asked again. "You're worry to much kris.." he chuckled. "I'm sure we can. But, if we really cant handle it again, i want us to make it as a bittersweet memories" he added. "so at last, we dont have to hate each other back" he said again. I gulped and try to arrange my mind. Bittersweet? Is it really possible for us? i asked my self.

"What do you think? can we?" he asked me again. "Bittersweet, sounds good" i chuckled. "but at least, we can try now. We will fix it again. okay?" he said and i nodded at him. He then lift up my face and kiss my lips once again. But this time is deeper, like he's starved for my kisses. I can't hold my self anymore. I kiss him back as deeper as him. I wrapped my arms on his neck and run my fingers on his hair. He lifted me up and sat me on his laps, my legs wrapped perfectly on his waist. He run his tongue on my lips and i open my mouth for him to entrance. I grasped his hair on my fist as i slipped out a little moans. I can hear he chuckled and i can feel his smile. I know he loves it when i start to ON. He runs her hands up and down in the side of my torso.

We have to parted our lips to catch a breath and he rested his forehead on mine. He close his eyes and took a deep breath. I do the same as i run my fingers to the side of his cheek. "I love you" i said. He chuckeld and open his eyes.


Robert P.O.V

"I love you" she said to me. I chuckled and open my eyes, staring at her beautiful green eyes. "Look.." i said to her as i pull my self a little and make a space between us. "I dont know if its really necessary or important for you. and I know that i''ve said this a million time Kristen" I stop for a moment. "What is it?" she asked curiously trying to find my eyes. I looked at her and took a deep breath. "The last time i did this, it so inappropriate. And i want to do that once more" I said and smile sheepishly to her. She's raising on of her eyebrows as a unspoken question for me.

I dive in my hand to my pocket and shifted my body. I get down on my knees in front of her and open the little box. A little golden ring showed up and i can see that her face expression is priceless. She dropped her mouth open without any words. I handed the box to her and smile. "The last time i asked you, i didn't even prepare my self with any ring, but i remember that you said yes. And tonight, i hope you haven't change your mind" I said. "Rob..." it's the only word I could hear from her as she close her mouth with her hands and i could see those green eyes start to watery.

"Kristen Jaymes Stewart.. I promise you, no one will work harder to make you happy or cherish you more than me, and would you make me the happiest man alive by doing me the honor to becoming Mrs. Pattinson?" I looked at her eyes and the tears started running down her blushing cheek. "Yes.. of course yes!" she crashed her body onto mine and hug me tightly. I buried my face on her neck and smiling widely. "thank you so much honey" i said to her. She loosen up her body and take a look into my eyes. Still watery. I raised on of my hand and wipe out those tears from her cheek. "Don't cry love" i smile to her. "I dont want to, but these guys keep running out of my eyes" she said and i giggled. I raised one of her hand, put on the ring to her ring finger and kiss the back of her hand.

I lean down and kiss her lips one more time and then kiss her forehead. "Kris, can you slap me on my face now?" "What?? why?" she asked with her eyebrows furrowed. "So i know that this is not a dream" i smile to her. "Well.. i can slap because you're being so cheesy" she giggled and so do I. "How about we make some plans?" I asked her. "plans?? like?" she asked me with a worry face. I know that she might be worried when it came about marriage. "Don't worry love. it's just a simple plan. Like.. ten years from tonight, we'll tell our children the story of how i was proposed to you?" she burst out laughed as soon as she heard it. "Pattinson! you're so cheesy man! oh god! are you sure you really want me to tell our children how many times their dad was asking their mom to married him?? that's probably gonna be a long story tough" She smile jokingly at me.

"Dad and mom.. I kinda like that" I said to her and she smile shyly to me. I pull her body closer to mine. "okay, before we started those plans, i think i have another plan that i want to do tonight" I whispered on her ear. "Well show me pattinson" she said teasingly to me. "My pleasure" and with that I stood up and i lift her up on my embrace. She wrapped her body perfectly on mine as we run the kiss. And tonight gonna be a long night.


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