The Never Beginnings

By Serindiel

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"Do you want to go home?" He asked bracing himself for the answer that was sure to come. The girl looked at t... More

Prologue; An Awfully Big Adventure
Chapter 1: The First Story
Chapter 2: Nightmares
Chapter 3: The Most Wonderful Boy Who Ever Lived
Chapter 4: The Lost Boys
Chapter 6: Shadows and Stitches
Chapter 7: Not a Dream
Chapter 8: Telling Stories
Chapter 9: Flying
Chapter 10: Kisses and Happy Thoughts
Chapter 11: A Dangerous Pirate
Chapter 12: Stories From a Girl
Chapter 13: Trouble
Chapter 14: Neverland
Who Shot the Lady?
The Clever Kiss
Little Sparrow
Plans and Promises
Introductions and Interrogations
Skull Rock
Fights and Feelings
Training Lost Boys and Mothers
Triumphs, Thimbles, and Tears
The Fairy Returns
The Accord
Beach Break
Mermaid Lagoon
Offers by Candlelight
The Chief of Wisdom
In Need of Help
The Pirate's Trade
Done For
Don't Leave
A Story and a Thimble
Just the Beginning

Chapter 5: Curiosity

587 20 9
By Serindiel

After dinner Peter bid the lost boys goodnight. Then he and Tink left for the mainland.

So... Peter, making the weird girl's stories for your own now? Tink yawned. This flying back and forth was making her exhausted. It didn't help her mood when she had been rudely awakened from her beauty rest.

"Well.." He started and then turned around to look at Tink. "They aren't exactly her stories. I mean I changed it didn't I? So that makes it mine right?" Peter grinned trying to sound as innocent as possible.

Whatever you say "Oh great Pan" Tink replied with a sarcastic bow. Now do we really have to go see that girl again? I mean isn't there someone else you could get a story from?

Peter just turned back around and laughed, as if that was the craziest thing he'd ever heard.


Every night for the next three months Peter Pan returned to the Darling's nursery window. He would sit in his tree listening to the girl's stories with absolute delight. The stories were different, but each was told with the same enthralling detail and incredible energy. They transported the listener to exotic far off places and right into the midst of the action. Peter would often linger long after the Darling children had been sent to bed. He would stare at the stars still caught up in the wonderful adventures the girl took him to with her words.

Peter would return to Never Land to tell his own version of the story to the Lost Boys. It only took a few nights of this for Peter to become the greatest story teller on the island. His fame even extended to the native Indians. They would even request a story from the great Pan to entertain them when they had powwows with the lost boys.

Peter loved it. He loved the power that came being able to make people hang on his every word. And he loved the praise "Oh the cleverness of Pan" when he finished a particularly good story. But, Peter had to admit, that as fantastic as he was, he would never be able to tell the stories as well as the girl did.

Peter grinned as he and Tink raced through the endless sea of stars. For some reason, Peter seemed happier and almost lighter tonight as he flew. Tonight there was a promise of a new story. She had called it Cinderella. The lost boys were also eager for a new story. So much so, that they practically shoved him out of the hide out and off to "find" his next story. But as Peter flew, his thoughts were focused solely on a pair of sapphire blue eyes. Little did he know that the events that would occur tonight, would send him on the most wonderful adventure. He effortlessly navigated the way to the nursery window, as had become habit now. Gliding down on to his branch, Peter and Tinkerbell settled in to listen and watch for tonight's new story.


"Wendy! Wendy! Wendy! Is it time for our story yet?" little Michael questioned with his big blue eyes. He ran up to the window seat, where the girl was relaxing.

Wendy sat down the journal she was writing in, and smiled at her younger brother's enthusiasm.

"Yes Michael, I do believe it is. Which one was going to be tonight?"

Michael opened his mouth, but before he could answer a voice cut in from across the room, trying hard to sound annoyed. "Cinderella, as I recall that was to be tonight. Although I certainly hope it isn't a girly story, it sounds as much."

John polished his glasses and went to go sit next to the window seat. Although he protested against such "girly stories", he really didn't mind them all that much. Especially when his sister told them, she tried very hard to make it full of action and adventure.

With a confused pout Michael asked," is it a girly story Wendy?"

Wendy gave John a reprimanding look and gathered Michael into her lap. "Nonsense! Cinderella is a tale of bravery, and chasing after dreams, and the cleverness of friends! It has a girl in it, but it is so much more than just a "girly" story Michael."

Now content with that explanation, Michael snuggled into Wendy's arms. But before she could start, she was interrupted. Nana, the nursery maid, who was in fact a dog, padded into the nursery carrying a tray with the children's tonic.

"Oh Nana, must we always take that nasty tonic?" Wendy implored giving the dog a martyred look. Nana would have none of it, and made the children take the medicine before any story telling was to be going on.

Once the dastardly deed was done, Wendy was given the go ahead to proceed with her story. Wendy sat on the window seat, while Nana and Michael and John were curled up on the rug in front of the window.

"Well then," Wendy began. "Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom a very long time ago...

As Wendy began her story, acting it out as she went along, she didn't notice her constant, silent, observer sitting in the branches.


For a while Peter listed with interest. But somewhere along he stopped listening to the words and focused on the girl herself. She was so energetic, so full of life! Her eyes sparkled with imagination and she twirled about the room as if she was flying. But what had really captured Peter's thoughts was the girl's mouth.

When she said his name, it made his stomach do flip-flops. When she spoke, he was hanging on her every word. When she sang, he floated off the branch with happy thoughts. When she laughed, he wished he could put it in a box and keep forever. And when she smiled... Peter would give almost anything to see her smile.

Peter scratched his head. He was more than bewildered. It was just a mouth! A silly mouth on a silly girl! How could it do all of those things? Peter stared off into the night pondering this new puzzlement.

Before he knew it Tink was pulling on his ear telling him it was time to go. Peter shook the cobwebs away, stood up, and stretched. Tink tapped her foot waiting expectantly for Peter to get moving. But instead of flying off to Neverland, Peter hovered near the window and peered in.

The nightlights were turned down low so Peter could just make out three beds with three sleeping bodies in them, but he missed the sleeping dog.

As stealthily as he could, he began to push open the window. Tink bristled in alarm.

WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? She chimed flying into his face. What was going on in that thick head of his???

"Shhhh Tink! I just want to check something out before we go."

Oh you complete idiot! Tink pounded on his head trying to pull him away from the window. What if they wake up? What if the Mother comes in? What about the dog? Hmmm? Did you think about that! And besides what is so important that you need to go into the nursery to see that you can't see from out here?

"I said quiet Tink! It will only take a few moments." Peter quipped in annoyance. Tink crossed her arms and huffed in furious exasperation, turning red. She flew up into the trees, determined to sit out and wait, and if Peter got himself in a pickle, he'd have to find someone else to help him get out.

Peter rolled his eyes at Tink's antics and eased the window open soundlessly. Pausing to make sure that they were all asleep, he crept in. He silently flew over the first bed he saw, only to be disappointed, that was not the girl. Nor was the second bed he tried. But the third bed was the one.

In the third bed slept the wonderful girl. Her curls splayed across her pillow, long eyelashes framed closed sapphire eyes, and her lips slightly parted in a dreaming pout. This, Peter thought to himself, is what he needed to see up close. He hovered above the sleeping girl and just looked at her mouth. There wasn't anything special about it. It wasn't covered in gold dust; it wasn't incredibly big, or seemed to possess magical qualities. So why did it do all those things it did to him? But as he looked harder, Peter noticed something in the corner of her mouth. He couldn't tell exactly what it was. And as if in a trance he slowly extended his hand. He just wanted to touch it.

As he was about to trace along the edge of the girls lip, two very shocked, very blue, and very awake eyes snapped open.

Peter froze.

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