Heart & Soul Forever (Book 3...

By NickNemiDemi

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PART 3 OF FOREVER SERIES: Demi Lovato & Nick Jonas have had a relationship like no other, as friends & as lov... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 5

7.4K 148 31
By NickNemiDemi


The months before the wedding were very interesting to say the least. First there was the bridal shower that I helped Carol throw & Olivia, of course, was invited. Luckily, I was too busy to really talk to her. The shower was the first weekend of March & it was before Olivia made the comment about my book being trash, thankfully. It was still weird being there with her & all of Nick's family & friends. I think people were weirded out by it, too, like they would offend me if they talked to her & vice verse. I tried to just keep busy & not mingle too much. Olivia was cordial to me when she was near me. I got a feeling that she was only nice to me when someone was around. Maybe I was just reading into it wrong. It also seem that whenever I was in earshot, Olivia seemed to be talking about what she wanted at her wedding to Nick. Or my personal favorite was when I overheard her talking to Kaja, about something sexy Nick did. Girl, I could write a book for you on Nick's sexiness.  

The bachelorette party was worse than that because Olivia had made the comment, about my book, at that point & I was pissed. The party, thank God, consisted of a lot of girls, so I tried to avoid Olivia. I hung out with Dani, mostly, who wasn't drinking. I suspected she was either pregnant or trying to get pregnant again, but I didn't ask. We all took Blanda to a male revue in Hollywood. Then afterwards we had a hotel booked, so the next day we could have a day of relaxation. We planned a spa day with massages & hot tubbing. We pampered ourselves for sure & it was heavenly. Blanda had a great time, even if it was uncomfortable for me. I used my handy acting skills once again. Olivia & I tried to avoid each other during our hours of pampering. If we couldn't avoid each other, then I was so nice it was painful. I was trying to make her feel bad about the comment.  

At the rehearsal dinner, a week after the bachelorette party, Olivia came up to me before her & Nick left. At first I thought it was only because she wanted to please Nick, but after what she said, I thought maybe it was genuine sentiment. 

"Demi?" Olivia touched my arm & I turned to face her, not smiling. "I wanted to first apologize for the comment I made to the paparazzi about your book. I was having a bad day & feeling insecure & it just kind of came out. I didn't mean what I said & I am really sorry." 

My expression softened, as I caught sight of Nick over Olivia's shoulder. He was standing with his brothers, but watching us. I smiled at Olivia. "I forgive you. Thank you for apologizing & I'm sure it all hasn't been easy on you. The papperz can be ruthless." 

Olivia smiled & let out a sigh of relief. "They can be. I feel bad for you having to deal with it all the time. Anyway, Nick & I are about to leave, but I had to tell you that I loved your book." 

My eyes widened with surprise. "You read it?" 

Olivia nodded. "Yes & I am so glad I did. It is great to get to know you on a personal & intimate level. I respect all that you have accomplished with all you have been through. You are incredibly strong & I can see why Nick loved you. I had to tell you that I enjoyed reading it." Maybe I was wrong but it seemed as if she emphasized the word loved. It was like she was reiterating the fact that nick was with her & not with me. 

"Thank you. That means a lot, Olivia." I smiled. 

Olivia looked at the floor & fidgeted on her feet. "I know you said you don't have feelings for Nick anymore, but I read the book & I'm pretty sure you still love him." 

Olivia looked up at me again as I just stared at her with my mouth open. What the hell do I say? How do I respond? Thank God I didn't have to. 

Olivia added, "You don't have to say anything. I love him so I can completely understand. I understand the reasons you & him were together while he was with me. I understand because I read your book & can read between the lines. It's different now, though, because he does love me & I do trust him. I hope you can find love like that again one day, with someone else." She smiled again at me before she turned & walked to Nick. I watched as he took her hand, kissed her temple, then gave me a smile before they left the room. I felt sick the rest of the night. I was starting to like Olivia, even if I did think she was trying to tell me in her own way to move on & get my own man, because Nick was hers. I was starting to think maybe her & Nick could be happy together. Maybe she was his forever.  

Blanda & Joe's wedding was amazing & beautiful. I was in awe the entire time. They were so cute before the ceremony, texting each other sweet nothings. During the ceremony, they were both in tears & I couldn't help but to cry myself. While we were taking pictures, they were sweet & loving, you couldn't help but to smile. It was enough to make the coldest heart feel warm & fuzzy. They really were a match made in heaven & I was so incredibly happy for both of them.  

I tried to not look at Nick, during the ceremony, especially. I was afraid I would burst into tears if I did. I caught his eye a few times & once I just stared at him, with a soft smile on my face. I was imagining what it would be like to stand in front of a priest & promise to love each other forever. Nick looked so handsome in his silver & lavender striped, designer suit. I felt a tiny bit of drool form in my mouth the first time I saw him in it, as I plowed into him in the lobby of the church. I rushed off so I wouldn't grab him or try to kiss him. I was such a mess, but I was a great actress. I acted like I was fine & no one seemed to know otherwise. Well, except for Wilmer. He knew me as well as Nick. 

After we took pictures, the whole wedding party got into the limo & headed to where the reception would be. We stayed outside the party room until they were ready to introduce us. Blanda & Joe had told us we were all dancing our way in & going straight to the dance floor until the song was over, then we would go to the wedding table to sit & eat. We weren't told what song was going to play, so none of us had a dance planned. 

"We could always do our routine." Nick chuckled in my ear, while we were waiting to go in. 

I laughed out loud & pushed him, gently. "That is top secret." 

He smiled. "And I probably wouldn't remember the moves anyway." 

We heard the parents being announced to regular soft music, then the Jonas Brothers' 'Pom Poms' started to play & we all busted out laughing. One by one the couples strutted their stuff to the dance floor. When I heard the DJ announce Nick & I, my heart skipped a beat. To make it worse, Nick took my hand to pull me & turn me as we made our way through the crowd. Halfway there, Nick stopped & swiveled his hips into mine a little, grabbing my waist & pulling us together for a moment before we headed to the center of the crowd on the floor. The whole wedding party danced together until the end of the song, then we headed to the table to eat.  

I was nervous sitting at this long table, next to Nick, in front of everyone. Especially since Olivia was probably watching us. She was sitting with Dani, Denise & Kevin Sr. I was sitting beside Blanda so I could talk to her once in a while. She was the bride so her attention was everywhere else. 

"That was fun." Nick breathed as he took his seat, after holding my chair for me. Always the gentleman.  "And great song choice for our entrance."

"Yea, it was. I see you still have some moves." I laughed before taking a drink of water. 

"Oh yea. I got moves. You were shaking your thang pretty good, too." He winked at me & I blushed. "Are you excited to be back in the studio Monday?" He asked. 

"I'm so excited. Have you finished picking your favorite songs yet?" 

"Yea, for the most part. I may have a few extras that I just can't pick between." He laughed. "I may be too close to the songs though. I think they are all good. We are amazing together."  

I sucked in my breath as Nick stared into my eyes. "Yea we are amazing writers." I finally said.  

We talked about things we wanted to do for the album until our food came. We didn't talk much while we ate, then shortly after eating, Nick got up to join Olivia at her table. She seemed distant toward him as I watched them. Nick either didn't notice or was ignoring that fact, because he held her hand, kissed her, rubbed her leg or brushed her hair off her shoulder so he could kiss it. I almost threw up in my mouth when he did that. I sighed & got up to mingle. 

Joe & Blanda cut their cake when everyone was finished eating & of course they both shoved the cake into the other's face. It was funny when Blanda chased Joe around the room with a handful of cake. I hoped someone got that on video. After they cleaned themselves up, they had their first slow dance as a married couple, then Blanda danced with her dad, while Joe danced with his mom. Denise looked so happy, looking up at her son. I could imagine it warms a mother's heart to see your kids achieve their dreams or be so happy in life.  

The bridal party dance was up after that & I suddenly got sweaty palms thinking of slow dancing with Nick. We hadn't done that in years & the last time was when we were together. The song that was playing for our dance was Lonestar's "Amazed," one of my favorites. It had so many memories for me. Nick would sing it to me sometimes when I would play it while we toured. Or more accurately he would sing along with the song. He would tell me "One day you'll dance with the guy you love to this song." I would laugh & shove him off the bed or wherever he happened to be perched when he teased me. I remember him singing it to me while we skyped once when we were dating. Now as the song started to play my eyes met Nick's & I inhaled sharply as he gave me a smile. The smile said "I have good memories of this song & it's your favorite, so that makes it my favorite." I smiled at him as I took his hand, then placed my other hand on his arm. His arm went around my waist to rest on on my lower back & his face was inches from mine.  

"It's your song." He mumbled into my ear. And I am dancing with the man I love, just as he told me many years before. 

"I always thought it was our song." I laughed, slightly. 

Nick chuckled in my ear, making my knees weak from the vibration that I felt throughout my spine. "I guess it was our song. You listened to it for most of the Burnin Up tour. And I don't think you listened to it around anyone other than me." His laugh went through me again. 

"I knew it was torturing you." I laughed, looking up at him. "You were a champ though & never complained." He smiled at me. "You just teased me about it."  

"I did always enjoy teasing you." He murmured. 

I bit my lip & looked deep in his eyes. I let out a soft sigh & I swear he blushed. I rested my head on his shoulder, while we danced. I closed my eyes at some point & when I opened them I caught Olivia's glare. We probably looked a little too close, so I put my head up & put some distance between us.  

The DJ announced the bouquet toss & garter toss when the dance finished. All the ladies stood behind Blanda & somehow I ended up in front. I caught a glimpse of Olivia talking to Wilmer in the corner of the front hall near the main entrance. I wondered why she wasn't in here waiting to catch the bouquet. Blanda tossed the flowers & they came right at me. I barely had to move because they pretty much landed in my arms. I laughed as Blanda hugged me. 

The guys all gathered behind Joe & it seemed like most of the guys put distance between themselves & Nick. Weird. When Joe tossed the garter, it hit Nick in the face & not one guy went to grab it. Nick held it up as Joe went to him & hugged him, lifting him off the floor. The DJ brought a chair out & sat it in the middle of the room. I saw Olivia had come back in the room, looking as if she was angered she missed the tossing. 

"Come sit, dear." The DJ motioned for me to sit in the chair & I did. "Come here, guy." He motioned to Nick, who stood by his side, smiling at his brothers, who were watching nearby. The DJ asked our names & we told him. "Now, Nick. Here's the thing. You need to put this garter on her leg above the knee." Nick looked at me & I laughed, nervously. Nick was biting his lips as he listened to the DJ. "Now for every inch above the knee the happy couple will have one year of wedded bliss." Nick squeezed his eyes shut, smiling widely. He started to laugh as the crowd made lots of noises. The DJ smiled at me then at Nick, then turned to the crowd. "Is there some history between these two?" The crowd roared with excitement. I was blushing, then covering up my face. The DJ cleared his throat. "Nick, this should come easy to you since it's familiar territory." I was mortified at that point. I couldn't stop laughing. My face had to have been incredibly red. "If you put the garter on with your teeth, it will add 20 years automatically to their marriage." 

Nick & I both stared at each other. Nick licked his lips as the music started to play. It was TLC's "Red Light Special." My sister listened to them when I was a kid. It was a sexy song. I was so embarassed right now as all eyes were on us, especially Olivia's. What was she thinking? Nick went down on his knees & the crowd went wild. He slid the garter up my leg & there was even more yelling. He bent down & grabbed the garter with his teeth & I thought the walls were going to come down from the roars. Slowly, he moved his head up toward my crotch, pulling the garter up with it. I felt his nose nudge my slit. I wasn't sure if that was intentional or not, but I got excited. My head leaned back & my mouth opened in excitement as the crowd went crazy. Nick looked right at me as he let go of the garter & pulled his face away from my crotch. He had a sly smile on his face. He stood up, then held his hand out for me to take it. He helped me stand, then pulled up my dress to see where the garter ended up. It was just under my pantyline. Everyone clapped & yelled. 

The DJ interrupted, "Now if you two dance to the remainder of the song, the happy couple will be blessed with health & wealth as well." 

I had never heard this tradition. I took Nick's hand when he offered it & we danced again to the remainder of the song. We didn't speak. I think neither of us knew what to say. Nick was breathing pretty hard as we danced, as was I. As the song ended, I saw Olivia standing with her arms crossed, shooting daggers at me with her icy glare. If looks could kill.... I'd be dead. I let go of Nick & ran from the room to the front lobby. There was a bathroom in there. The bathroom was huge & had two parts. I was in the front room of the bathroom, crying silently, as I checked myself in the mirror. 

The door opened & in the reflection, I saw Olivia come in. She was standing there facing the mirror & for a moment I thought she might punch me. I turned to face her. Her face softened. 

"So I told you I read your book & I think you're still in love with Nick. I think you proved my point today. I can see how you look at him." Olivia sighed as she looked at the floor & took a step toward me. "Wilmer said something to me at the wedding. He said he felt bad for me because I was where he was at one point. He told me to watch you & Nick together today to see what he saw a long time ago. I didn't know what he was talking about until I watched you both & saw what he was talking about. Nick looked at you walking down the aisle like you were the only one in that church. I watched you stare at each other during the reading of the vows & saw the love between you." She took a deep breath & closed her eyes. I didn't want to speak. I wanted to hear what she had to say.  

Olivia looked down at her engagement ring as she played with it. "Nick has never looked at me like that. I deserve someone to look at me the way he looks at you. It's been a year and a half & he doesn't look at me that way & I don't think he ever will. And when he was putting the garter on your leg with his teeth, he didn't even remember I was in the room or that I even existed. So that's why I'm bowing out." 

I stared at her. Tears stung my eyes & I had no idea why. "What? What does that mean?" 

"I'm breaking up with Nick. I don't know if he'll go back to you, but either way, I need to move on & find someone worthy of my love." Her chin started to quiver & tears filled her eyes. "I love him so much & want him to be happy. I don't think he'll ever be completely happy with me." Her words were slurring now as she started to sob. "Promise me one thing." 

I was crying, freely, now. I nodded.  

"If he does go back to you. Don't let him go again. Because the next girl in his life may not be as understanding as me." 

"I would never let him go again, if he took me back." 

Olivia nodded as she grabbed a tissue from the table & wiped at her eyes. "Good. Because he is an incredible guy. I've never met someone like him & may never meet another. I hope I can get over him." She let out a little laugh. 

"Olivia, are you sure about this?" 

"Yes. I am taking Wilmer's advice. Like I said, he may not go back to you. You hurt him so bad & he doesn't want to risk his heart again. But it doesn't change the fact that he still looks at you the way he does. Maybe one day someone will come along to take his mind off of you. Who knows." She shrugged her shoulders. 

"I'm so sorry..." I stammered. 

"Don't apologize. It's not like you are making Nick feel this way. And I knew exactly what I was getting into. I knew how he felt about you when we first started talking & I knew how bad you hurt him. I knew he was devestated." She was crying hard again. "It's my fault. I should have taken it slower or stayed friends until he was ready, but I didn't. I let my heart control me & it fell hard & fast." Olivia turned around & walked to the door.  

"Olivia?" I called after her. 

She turned around, wiping at her tear stained face. "Yea?"  

"Thank you. It may not mean forever for me & him, but thank you anyway, for letting him go, even if it's the hardest thing you've had to do." 

She forced a smile, with her head tilted. "Good luck, Demi. Be good to him." 

She disappeared & I collapsed in an armchair. I couldn't believe what just happened. Now I may have a chance with Nick again. Maybe.  

I left the bathroom & peaked into the main room. I scanned the room, seeing Nick standing next to Olivia, looking concerned. I went to the other side of the room, trying to keep my eyes on them. I headed to Blanda & pulled her to the side, away from other ears. I told her to watch Nick & Olivia & we saw them head to the front entrance. We lost them after that & didn't want to follow. I told Blanda what Olivia said. 

Blanda shocked me when she clapped & screeched with glee after I finished speaking. "My plan worked." She was grinning at me. 


"It was all intentional. Putting you two together in the wedding, getting you two close for pictures, the song that played for the bridal party dance, the bouquet toss & garter toss & the dancing after...Oh my God, it worked. It was so hard making sure we told everyone to let you guys get the bouquet & garter." Blanda laughed. "Now you two can have your forever." 

I stood there with my mouth open. I was speechless. It was all Blanda. I felt so bad for Olivia. I shook my head in disbelief. "You told everyone to let me & Nick catch the bouquet & garter..." I was dumbfounded. 

Blanda nodded, excitedly & hugged me. "You can get your man back now!" 

"Blanda, he doesn't want me back. I can't believe you did all that. Olivia didn't deserve that." 

Blanda rolled her eyes. "I love her & she deserves a man who really loves her. Nick doesn't really love her the way she deserves. I did her a favor." She lowered her voice a little. "And Nick may not want you back now but give it time. I'm always right about this kind of stuff." She took off toward Joe as I stood there, trying to take in everything that happened that day. It was insane. I was shocked but excited. I was sad, but happy. It was weird. I needed to sit down. I wished I still drank because I could use a drink right now.

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