Twelve Nights

By i_heart_vans

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Twelve nights. Twelve schools. Twelve jerseys. Twelve rules. Twelve angry quarterbacks. One girl. Olive... More

Chapter One: The Bowl Bandit
Chapter Two: Kristen Lake High School, Home of the Sharks
Chapter Three: McKinley High School, Home of the Bulls
Chapter Four: Crosswell High School, Home of the Yellow Jackets
Chapter Five: Northvale High School, Home of the Eagles
Chapter Six: Rosenberg High School, Home of the Warriors
Chapter Seven: Pineview High School, Home of the Pirates
Chapter Nine: Bluewater High School, Home of the Seahawks
Chapter Ten: Golden Gate High School, Home of the Bears
Chapter Eleven: Grey Oak High School, Home of the Knights
Chapter Twelve: Penrith High School, Home of the Lions

Chapter Eight: Manchester High School, Home of the Tigers

587 95 41
By i_heart_vans

Currently dying because I have a mountain of my own on my forehead. Also, fun fact: I was putting my sweatshirt on a hanger today and it broke and I cut my hand on a plastic hanger. Who would have thought lol?

enjoy (:

Chapter Eight: Manchester High School, Home of the Tigers

"Hey Olive." I glanced up at the person that was rudely interrupting my peaceful lunch. Today was Taco Tuesday and it was the only day that was worth buying lunch because unlike the other food here, I'm pretty sure this meat was actually 100% real meat. I put down my beautiful taco and glanced up into the judging eyes of none other than Tammy Wonderlon and the rest of the scooby doo gang all holding their perfect Caesar salads.

"Um, hey?" I was of course alone today because Elvie and Jason decided to skip without telling me, so I couldn't pretend I didn't hear her call me and continue talking about random stuff.

"I just had a quick question for you and then you can continue doing whatever people of your nature do." She gave me a tight smile and shooed her minions away, while plopping herself right across from me.

"People of my nature?" I questioned and she nodded, opening her salad.

"You know, the people who aren't popular, but people still know who they are." I just nodded and watched her open her dressing and pour water into it. What the hell? She closed the dressing and shook it up and then proceeded to pour the strange liquid over her salad.

"I read on my mother's fashion blog that watering down your dressing helps you loose weight." I stared at her like she was crazy and tried not to laugh.

"What else does it say?" I questioned sarcastically, but Tammy apparently does not know the language of sarcasm and answered me truthfully.

"I only eat cake once a year on my birthday and my friends and I eat it while floating in my pool because you don't gain weight while floating." She happily munched on her salad and I just wanted her to take her leaf already, ha get it because she's eating salad? Instead of take her leave take her leaf? God, I'm so funny.

"Um, what was it you wanted again?" I asked and her eyes widened as if she remembered.

"Oh! Right." She wiped her mouth with a pink napkin and pulled out her phone. "My friend D from cheerleading camp told me about how this quarterback's sister mentioned an Olive around the time his jersey was stolen and sent me this picture she snapped of the thief." She handed me her phone and continued munching away on her salad.

My eyes widened and I glanced at the picture on her phone.

Holy Macaroni!

It was a picture of something my virgin eyes should have never seen next to the most horrid picture of me like ever. I shot a quick look at Tammy and hit the delete button so quick. I then went into her recently deleted and deleted the picture from there and I even went into her contacts and deleted D. I then brought up the totally rated R picture and handed it back to her.

"Um, I don't think that's the right picture." She glanced at me confused before looking at the picture I was showing her.

"Holy shit, D's nudes!" She quickly clicked off the picture and I saw her scrolling for the other picture, but with no luck of course. "Ugh, my stupid phone must have deleted it!" She threw her phone onto the table and glanced at me with anger present in her eyes.

"It was so you Olive! I'd recognize that fat body of yours anywhere! You're the Bowl Bandit and I'm going to prove it!" A smirk tugged at her bright, pink lips and she picked up her things and left me kind of scared of what she was planning on doing and with my insecurities through the roof. I decided I was no longer hungry and ended up spending the rest of lunch in the library.

The rest of the day was hell. I couldn't concentrate in any one of my classes and my ninth period teacher decided that it was ok to hold me after class. I stayed in my seat while the rest of the class went to their lockers and got out of prison for the day. I played with my fingers and suddenly the floor became the most interesting thing in the world.

"You're not in trouble Olive, so don't stress." Mr. Harris sat in the desk to my right. "I, uh heard what Tammy said to you and I also saw you throw away your lunch."

"I wasn't hungry." I lied. I was actually starving. Part of the reason I couldn't concentrate was because my stomach rumbled every five seconds, only reminding me that I practically threw away my happiness and I'd have to wait until next Tuesday to get it back.

"You know my nephew actually has an eating disorder-"

"I don't have an eating disorder! I just lost my appetite because of what she said." He says I have an eating disorder over the fact I didn't eat a taco?

"I'm not saying you have one. Eating disorders start because of the way we see ourselves and society doesn't help at all by setting its own body standards. You're either too fat, too skinny, too fake, too prudish, too slutty, too short, or too tall. Society makes you think they need to have the biggest butts and chests, or the best abs, but in reality no one really needs to look like that. You should be happy with yourself. Every girl in this whole school looks exactly the same. I mean, even their eyebrows are the same shape. You're different Olive. Don't take this the wrong way, but you're smart, pretty, and individual. That will get you far in life."

"I appreciate this, but why exactly are you telling me this? Shouldn't you be telling your nephew?"

"My nephew is in The Thunder Bowl. He's this big shot athlete and works out three times a day and has about four hour practices." My eyes widened. Was he a quarterback? Have I met him before, or will I meet him?

"Victor Downey, my nephew, is the quarterback for Manchester High. He thankfully hasn't passed out yet, but he will." How can this guy say this stuff about his nephew?

"How could you say that? You don't know what will happen to him. You're not a fortune teller."

"I know because the same thing happened to me in high school and I never played football again." Mr. Harris glanced at his hand and traced a faint, white line that resembled a scar. "I collapsed in the middle of chemistry class and I landed on a glass beaker. Back then people didn't understand about mental disorders and I was told I could never play again. I've tried to get through to Victor, but he won't listen to me."

"How do you get them to eat?"

He glanced at me. "Who?"

"The people with an eating disorder? How do you get them to eat?"

"Well, I started out with liquid foods through a tube to gain back some weight and then once I got to a good weight, my doctor put me back on a regular diet."

"What happens if they were to collapse? What do you do?"

"You sure ask a lot of questions." Mr. Harris cracked his knuckles. "You have to keep them calm and make sure their head is ok. I hit my head and had a panic attack. I couldn't breath and it was pretty frightening. Just like if anyone collapses, you talk them through it. You make sure they don't pass out by having them follow your voice and you keep the head elevated."

"Do you give them food?"

"Personally, if I had a granola bar or a quick snack on me, I'd give them that. However, I'm no doctor so I honestly don't know. I'm telling you how my instincts would tell me to act."

"Do you happen to have a quick snack on you? I'm starving." I blushed, embarrassed to be asking him this. "Sorry."

"It's quite alright Olive." He laughed. "I always keep granola bars in the cabinet just in case I get hungry during the day, but I suppose you could have one."

"Thanks." I said, making my way to the cabinet. I grabbed a random one and bit into it, savoring the yumminess. I grabbed my stuff and waved to him since I had food in my mouth. I was about to exit the classroom, when he spoke again.

"Let's keep this whole conversation between us. All I ask for in return of you keep it a secret is if you are the Bowl Bandit, make sure my nephew doesn't collapse." I turned and faced him, saying nothing. Note to self: make Curson pick up granola bars.


"We came to Rhode Island to steal Victor Downey's jersey, not to pick up snacks." Yes, how cliché this was. Stealing Mr. Harris's nephew's jersey the day you find out about his existence.

"I still can't believe you made me buy every kind of granola bar in the store." Curson shook his head, pulling into the bar of the night.

"I didn't know what kind to get, so I got them all." I smiled and patted my stuffed pockets. "Don't worry, I'll try them all." With Victor Downey of course.

"Whatever." Curson grumbled and got out of the car. I followed and picked up one of the granola bars that fell on the ground. "Victor Downey, number 21, three blocks that way." Curson pointed to the right and I nodded.

"I hate waking, I hate walking, I hate walking." I waddled down the sidewalk with my stuffed pockets and almost let out a scream when I saw the school. I made my way to the back of the school and saw the usual setup. The cheerleaders were on the sidelines and I saw number 21, or should I say Victor talking with one of them. I decided to stay by the far bleachers and that was when I noticed a very familiar car in the parking lot.

Jonathan's car.

"Hello, Olive." He touched my shoulder and I froze. He roughly turned me around and I stared up at him from underneath my hood. "I missed you so much and I was so happy when Tammy called me and told me about your daily adventures." The bruises on his face were obviously still clear and I was glad. He deserved it.

"I'm going to take you home now." He leaned in and shoved his lips on mine and I pushed him and the overwhelming stench of alcohol off of me. "You're drunk." I stated and wiped my lips off. Ew.

"I slept with Tammy in the backseat of my car today and it was the second time. The first time was when I skipped your pathetic birthday and had the best time of my life." He laughed and pushed me, causing me to fall against the trash can. I tried to get up, but he picked me up by my hair and I was on my knees in front of him.

"Olive you're so pathetic, you crawl back to me all the time. Just look at you. You're on your knees ready for me to take you back." He smirked. "I'll take you back, baby." I squirmed and pushed him back, but he just pulled me into his chest. "I love you Olive."

"Hey, asshole get off of her." In two seconds flat, Jonathan was on the ground and Victor was on top of him panting. I rubbed the area of my head where I'm sure I'd be missing hair. Victor started to loosen his grip and hold his head, which gave Jonathan the upper hand. Jonathan was on him and started throwing punches and Victor wasn't really fighting back. My eyes widened. What do I do? We were by the far bleachers and the rest of the team was practicing. I need to think fast because Victor is in the process of passing out.

"Get off of him!" I screamed and kicked Jonathan in the face. Jonathan fell back holding his nose, a few drops of blood seeping through the cracks of his large fingers. Victor was on the ground with his eyes closed, but I could tell he wasn't passed out by the way he was holding his head. Well of course he isn't passed out if he's holding his hand to his head.

I kneeled by Victor and placed his head on my legs. He opened his eyes and I glanced at the brown-haired, blue-eyed boy that most likely hadn't eaten. He looked quite pale and I could see those designer under eye bags that everyone rocked. I held up the first granola bar in my pocket and his eyes seemed to widen.

"Is that Gabby Granola's Chocolate Chip Crunch Bar?" He asked, sitting up rather quickly. "Hey, be careful. Slow movements." He nodded and I glanced at the packaging.

"Yes it is." I held it out to him and he opened it quickly and devoured it in about two seconds flat. I watched as he seemed to gain some color back in his face and he just stared at me. I glanced at Jonathan, who seemed to be glaring at me from behind Victor.

"How did you know I needed to eat?" He asked and I shrugged. "Lucky guess."

"Yeah," He gave a little laugh. "Some guess."

"Olive, sweetheart." Jonathan drawled. "Will you tell this anorexic to get the fuck out of my way and off of my girlfriend?"

"First of all, dipshit." Victor turned around. "I'm not anorexic and second of all she is not your fucking girlfriend. You're a drunken lunatic and I'd run far away from my fucking school if I were you, before I kick your sorry ass."

Jonathan grumbled something incoherent and made his way towards me. Victor stepped in front of me and Jonathan gave him a look that could kill.

"This isn't over."

"I think it really fucking is." Victor said and Jonathan stalked off to his car.

"Here." I said and placed all of the granola bars in his hands. Victor looked down at me confused. "Thanks for coming to my rescue."

"You're name is Olive?" Victor asked and I nodded. "Yup, that's me. Plain, old Olive."

"Funny, a lot of quarterbacks have been mentioning an Olive." He smirked. "You're the Bowl Bandit aren't you plain, old Olive?"

I gave a curtsy and nodded. "Indeed. I'm going to need your jersey now."

"Well, sorry to disappoint you princess, but my jersey is in my bag in the locker room-Ow!" I kicked him in the shin and ran towards the locker room. "Olive!" He called after me, but I was already inside the locker room. I ran down the aisles and glanced for number 21 written on a locker. The locker room door slammed open a few seconds after I reached the correct locker and I quietly pulled out the jersey and put it in the usual spot.

I ducked behind the next row of lockers and I saw a door leading out to the school. Hmm. I glanced behind me and listened. The coast was clear. I quickly bolted for the door and I flew through it and down the hallway. "Olive!" I heard Victor's loud footsteps following me. I took a left, then another left, and then a right, and I realized I didn't think this through. I didn't know my way around the school and I'd be running in circles if I kept doing this. I stopped and just leaned against the lockers. There was limited light and I could barely see as it is, I was regretting not buying a drink because I was exhausted.

"Gotcha!" I screamed as two hands appeared next to my head. Victor smirked down at me and I smiled innocently. "We have got to stop meeting like this." I commented.

"Where's my jersey Olive?"

"I couldn't get it in time." I lied.

"Mhm, that so?" Victor placed his one hand on my waist. "You sure you don't have it?"

"Positive." His hand rose, until it reached the end of my sweatshirt.

"You sure you don't have it?" He repeated.

"Yup!" I said, popping the 'p.' His hand reached underneath my sweatshirt and I let out a squeak of surprise. I felt him grip the jersey and he almost pulled it out when I thought of a plan. I leaned up against him and he stopped moving his hand.

"Olive what are you-"

"Shh." I cut him off. "I want to try something." I tilted my head upwards to meet his and I felt his hand slowly slipping away. I placed my hands on his chest to add to the act.

"Victor?" I whispered after a few seconds.

"Hmm?" He hummed, moving his hand just enough, that I could easily slip away now. Ah, guys and their raging hormones.

"I hope you enjoy my granola bars." I pushed him backwards and ran back down the hallway where I came from. I made my way back to the locker room and I locked the door behind me. I dashed through the aisles again and out through the other door. Curson surprised me again by being there and I was super grateful for that.

"Tell me you didn't eat all those granola bars." Curson said as soon as I plopped myself in the passenger seat.

"I didn't eat all those granola bars." I said, buckling my seatbelt.

"Why don't I believe you?"

"You should. I gave one to Victor after Jonathan attacked him." Curson slammed on the brakes and I put my hands on the dashboard to stop me from going forward.

"That fucking piece of scum was here?"

"And he was drunk." I added.

"I'm going to fucking kill him." Curson said, starting to drive again.

"Not if I kill him first." I said and rubbed the area where he grabbed me.

"I swear if he shows up at that hotel-"

"He wouldn't be stupid enough to. There's 12 football teams, you, and a whole bunch of security. Just take his name off the guest list and BOOM! Problem solved." I opened a granola bar that was in one of the cup holders.

"Mom and Dad are going to get an earful from me when we get home. He's such a fu-" I shoved a piece of the granola bar into his mouth.

"No more swearing." I said and he ate the piece I shoved in his mouth.

"Why was he there? How did he know where you would be?"

I finished my half of the granola bar and shrugged. "I don't know how he knew where I was, but he knows about me being the Bowl Bandit thanks to this girl from my school."

"What's her name?"

"Tammy Wonderlon."

"Well, her older brothers were asses, but I know them. They're deathly afraid of lawsuits, so I'm just going to have to threaten one and she should get off your tail."

"Jonathan said he ditched my birthday to sleep with her." I watched the blur of greens go by as we continued our way home.

"Can you sue someone for being a bitch?" Curson growled.

"No, but you can sue someone while being a bitch."

"I shouldn't have brought you into this Olive." Curson sighed. "I mean, you're getting close with the players, your psycho ex is fucking things up, and your making many enemies among the fans."

"What do you mean?" I asked. Fans? What fans?

"Let's just say, there are many fangirls that are not happy with you going near their idols."

"Why didn't you punish me a different way then?"

"I actually wasn't going to punish you at all because I was happy to see you doing something reckless and not staying inside all day." Wow, tell me how you really feel Curson.

"Gee, thanks. You make me sound like some loser." I scrunched up my nose.

"You are a loser." He laughed.

"Yeah, well I'm kind of glad you made me do this." I admitted. This had actually been the most fun I'd had in weeks.

"Really?" Curson asked, surprise evident in his voice. "Why?"

"Because it's actually quite fun."

"You're not supposed to have fun with a punishment."

"You're not supposed to have fun period. You're old." I laughed.

"Hey! I'm not that old."

"Is that...oh my God..." I pretended to look at his hair.

"What? What is it?!" Curson glanced in the mirror, but didn't see anything of course.

"A grey hair." I gasped.

"I hate you." Curson mumbled, while pulling on the highway.

"The feeling's mutual."


Ok, so I've decided to move my update days to Sunday. I always uploaded a chapter on Sunday anyway, so I don't know why it took me this long to realize that Sunday's would be better for me. Technically this chapter did go up on Sunday because I physically hit the publish button, but I quickly unpublished it because I thought it was too short.

Thanks for reading!

Don't forget to Vote & Comment!

[Originally Published on Sunday, January 15, 2017 at 11:30 pm]

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