How to: colliscool trash

By hurri-cane

20.3K 1.3K 541

Are you obsessed with the fantastic youtuber colliscool? Do you want to become the bin in the fangirl office... More

I. Get to know her.
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4.
Step 5.
Step 6.
Step 7.
to Colleen.
Step 8.
Step 9.
Step 10.
Step 11.
Step 12.
Step 13.
Step 14.
Step 15.
Step 16.
Step 17.
Step 18.
Step 19.
Step 20.
Step 21.
Step 22.
Step 23.
Step 24.
Step 25.
Step 26.
Step 27.
Step 28.
Step 29.
Step 30.
Step 31.
Step 32.
Step 33.
Step 34.
Step 35.
Step 36.
Step 37.
Step 38.
Step 39.
Step 40.
Step 41.
Step 42.
Step 43.
Step 44.
Step 45.
Step 46.
Step 47.
Step 48.
Step 49.
Step 50.
Step 51.
Step 52.
Step 53.
Step 54
Step 55.
Step 56.
Step 57.
Step 58.
Step 59.
Step 60.
Step 61.
Step 62.
Step 63.
Step 64.
Step 65.
Step 66.
Step 67.
Step 68.
Step 69.
Step 70.
Step 71.
step 72.
Step 73.
step 74.
Step 75.
step 77.

Step 76.

78 6 8
By hurri-cane


Colleen made her return yesterday with a brand new video. #Dontforcethegayacceptthegaywhenandifitcomes.

She has finally revealed the hair because we've been waiting since a century, well not really but still you know what I mean.

She tried her best to hide it, the black and white filter, putting it in a pony and wearing a hoodie but finally the moment we've all been waiting for.


But is it blue or kinda like a green because I see it green and I saw her previous hair red, do I see colours differently or there are any other people who see the same out there because I couldn't see the pink and neither can I see the blue.

But Coll looks perfect however she is and we're all emo because she looks fantastic.

So, we're gonna have a poll now, alright?

Leave an inline comment here for the pink hair. (or in my case, red)

Leave an inline comment here for the blue hair. (or in my case, green)

The hair which gets the most votes will be announced in the next chapter. (it'll also be the last chapter oops)


can you do me a favour senpai?

Tweet this to coll: How to: colliscool trash - You should read "How to: colliscool trash" on Wattpad.

greetings my sparks!! and there it is, the next chapter will be the last chapter *hides* pls don't attack me, its devastating i know, i'm literally crying, i never imagined to have the support and i'm really really thankful, i love you all so much!!

i planned to end this in june but i didn't because i couldn't bring myself to it, i wanted to post 100 or more than that chapters but after talking with my brother who knows how dedicated i am suggested something and i agreed because it was a good idea.

he asked whats my favourite number and its 7 so he told me to end it on 77 and then i could post extra chapters if i feel like it, maybe every two weeks or something so its not all over yet.

our conversation was very embarrassing, i cried a lot, don't mind me i was full on sobbing because i didn't want to end it, my brother got weirded out and told me to suck it up, i slapped him anyway we're getting offtopic, but really thank you so so much for giving this girl a chance, i freaking love you all soooooo much, like i wish i could hug each one of you!

please comment on this chapter and i will reply to every one of you, thank you loves so much, i love you all from the bottom of my heart.

-hurri-cane. [04.07.16|15:12]

P.S: you're cute, don't ever let anyone else put you down.

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