My Future With You(sequel to...

By taylor_lauren20

62.6K 1.4K 116

Blake and Chris are madly in love and got pregnant with another set of twins. But when she delivered them som... More

Recap and New Babies
First Day Home
The Flight To Boston
Two Days With Three Boys
Birthday Time and Sorry
A Day With Everyone
A Day On Set
Night Out With Everyone
Mommy And Daughter Day
Daddy And Son Day
The Fligt To Paris
Vacation For Two
Back To Work
Last Day?
Accident Part 2
Back To Work
Big One
Mother's Day
No Pictures
The First Day
Surprises Part 2
The Premier
Chris's Birthday
Date Night

Jimmy Fallon

1.9K 32 5
By taylor_lauren20

Okay catch up time. So while Chris was working on a new movie there was a scene where they were in a animal shelter and he saw a pup that just didn't belong so he adopted it. They gave West to Scott because Scott really liked West. So they have Bailey and Dodger, the new pups name, in the house.

"Are you packing your suit or wearing it?" I ask Chris as I look in the closet.

"Yeah just pack it for me if you would," he says from the bathroom.

I hear one of the dogs run in the room and jump on the bed.

"Dodger down," I say and he looks at me.

He jumps off of the bed and runs down the hall. I fold my dress nicely and place a pair of matching pumps in the suitcase along with Chris's suit. Chris walks out of the bathroom and walks behind me to get in the closet. He smacks my butt and I smack him in the stomach.

"Rude," he says.

"You wanna go there?" I ask with a smirk.

"Yeah let's go," he says.

Walk over to my husband and wrap my arms around him.

"I looove you," I say dragging the o out.

"I love you too," he laughs holding onto me.

I press my lips to his and he picks me up by my butt. He presses his lips my my neck and sits me down.

"But babe," I whine.

"The doors open and the kids are up B," he says.

"Why ya gotta be so rude. Don't you know I'm human too," I sing.

He rolls his eyes and grabs his clothes. I grab mine and close our door. We change, I put my hair up and we grab the suitcase.

"Uncle Mackie's here!" Iris yells with excitement.

"Who let him in?" I ask.

Iris points at Robert and Robert looks at me.

"I'm sorry mommy. He said "this is Uncle Mackster," Robert says running to me.

"It's okay just come get one of us to open the door okay," I say.


We leave and Chris P drives us. We walk in and sit in our flight section. We aboard the plane and take our seats. Chris let's me have window seat.

I feel the plane hit turbulence as we land. I stretch to the best of my ability in the seat and tap Chris on shoulder and he turns his head.

"We're landing," I say after I pull one of his earphones out.

"Okay," he say pulling his other one out.

We walk off of the plane and head to baggage claim. Chris grabs the bag and we find the exit. We hail a cab and I get dropped off a block away from my dads house and we walk the rest of the way. I knock on the door and my dad answers. He hugs me then Chris. We watch TV and catch up on everything since the last time we saw each other. About five thirty we get ready. We hail a cab and catch a ride to the studio. Once we arrive Jimmy and Chris talk while I stand by.

"And now to bring out one of our two guests. Mrs. Evans!" Jimmy exclaims.

I walk out and smile while I wave. Jimmy and I give each other a hug and I take my seat.

"Okay so, now if you could clear this up, it's said that you and Chris are starting a new movie soon. Is that correct?" Jimmy asks.

"Yes it is. I auditioned and I got called back. We've been married almost six years and this is the first movie and my first time being an actress. The cast we have is amazing. And I'm ninety-nine point nine percent sure it will be a great movie," I say.

"Can you announce who the cast will be?" Jimmy questions.

"Matthew McConaughey, David Lyons, Jennifer Aniston, Chris, AnnaSophia Robb, and me," I state.

"It sounds like it's going to be a great movie. So have you seen this video posted up by your brother?"

"If I don't like it I'm going to kill him," I say.

He laughs and starts the video. It's of me singing in the kitchen.

"Who knew I could sing?" I ask laughing.

"I also heard that you and Chloe Bennet, Daisy on Agents Of SHIELD, and you guys always have a singing competition. Who normally wins?"

"It depends really. Uh normally me but normally Chloe too. We all screw around a lot. Singing kind of runs in my family. Robert can sing, I sing. Chris sings. If we're all in the car the kids don't sing they scream at the top of their lungs. Mackie and I have rap battles to see who can rap better," I say smiling.

Chris comes out and takes a seat next to me. Jimmy asks him questions and then we play a game.

"Okay so Captain America was frozen for seventy years. So this game is called frozen blackjack," Jimmy says.

Chris told me the whole part of this game is the loser gets a tube down their pants and gets a jug of ice water down their pants. As the game goes on Chris looses twice and Jimmy looses once.

Chris and I just got off of the plane and are walking to my Jeep.

"I'm ready for bed," I say while holding on to Chris's arm.

"Well let's get home then," Chris says.

Before I know it my feet are off the ground and Chris's arms are under me. I laugh and kiss his cheek.

I finally updated!!! Be happy and proud of me. I'm sorry it took me so long to update. My birthday is Monday and I have a dance tomorrow so there's that. I'll update soon hope you enjoy this chapter.

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