Lost Boys Mother, Peter Pans...

By Unbreakable_Vow

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Bailee Darling lived off her Grandmas stories. She dreamed of going to Neverland with Peter Pan and hanging... More

Lost Boys Mother, Peter Pans Lover.
Chapter 1- What To Do...
Chapter 2- Jordan!
Chapter 3-On Our Way.
Chapter 4- Mermaid Lagoon.
Chapter 5-The Feelings That We Share.
Chapter 6-Take One For The Plan.
Chapter 7- TENSION!
Chapter 8-The 'Talk.'
Chapter 9-That Moment Were You And Your Boyfriend Are Locked In The Bathroom.
Chapter 10-Mermaid Problems.
Chapter 11-Purple Haired Mermaid.
Chapter 13-The Break Up.
Chapter 14-Meeting James.
Chapter 15-The Perv, The Traitor and the Victim.
Chapter 16-The Beginning Of The End... Unless She Can Save Him.
Chapter 17-The Fairies.
Chapter 18- The Forgetful.
Chapter 18- Banished.
Chapter 19- The Stupid Decision.
Chapter 20- The Beginning of the End.
Chapter 21- Finding Someone... Or Something.
Chapter 22- Zachariah
Chapter 23- The Big, Fat, Ugly Mistake.
Chapter 24- Cheater Cheater, Keep or Ditch Her.

Chapter 19-Yet His Mind Leaves Out the Main Part.

1.7K 34 3
By Unbreakable_Vow

Me and the Lost Boys sat around the fire we made in the main room while Peter what in ours sleeping.

"Do you think he'll remember us?" The Fox asked.

I shook my head, thinking, "Hopefully." 

"Mrs! Mrs!" Two fairies yelled, flying from behind the bear hide blocking Peters room.

I looked around, wandering if they were talking to me or someone else. But they answered my question by stopping right in front of me.

"Oh-Yes?" I asked.

They looked at each other and smiled before turning back to me, "He's asking for you Mrs!"

I smiled and follwed after them into Peters room.

"Peter?" I asked, sitting at the end of his bed.

He smiled at me, "Hello!"

I chuckled, "Do you remember me, Peter?" Wow, stupid question. He didn't just ask for you or anything.

His smile flattened a little as he stared at me, taking in my features. Maybe he doesn't...

I could tell he was concentrating by the look on his face, and to be honest it about to all my strength not to laugh at his constipated look

"I remember..." He began, still looking at me.

My heart pounded faster and I nodded, egging him on.

"James." He said, looking relieved.

I frowned. Ok, so he remembers the one who almost kills him.

Why can't he remember me? "No Peter! You need to remember me, Bailee. The one you love!"

Peter suddenly sat up, looking at me with wide eyes, "Tinkerbell."

I swallowed, "Tinkerbell?"

Jealousy. It burnt threw me. I wanted to strangle him to be honest. I know its horrible, but it's true. I had just got done telling him that I'm the one he loved, and he brings up another girl?

And don't say I'm over exaggerating because she's a fairy!

"Ya! She came in here, and said love! No, she said that I loved her. NO! She said that we loved each other!" He said, getting louder from excitement.

I stared at the floor in shock, "Peter, you don't love Tinkerbell. You love, me."

He nodded slowly, processing this, "So, she lied to me?"

I nodded, "Yes. In fact, you banned her from Neverland not to long ago."

Peter looked thoughtful again, "Wait, so that explains that feeling I get when your around me."

I could practically hear my heart pounding with excitement, "Wh-what feeling!?"

He put a hand threw his hair like this was the hardest thing he has ever done in his life, "I don't know.."

I chuckled and got up, walking over to him, "Really?"

He stared at me with wide eyes and his mouth was sightly opened, "I-What?"

I leaned down, pressing my for head against his while he kept his shocked expression, "Tell me. How do you feel?"

He barely shook his head, "I-I... I. I" He said.

He started to sound like a broken record that kept saying 'I'.

I chuckled and pulled away, but not before kissing his cheek.

He blushed a bright red that I couldn't help but laugh.

"Your so cute when you blush!" I choked out, making him blush a little brighter.

He swatted the air, "Not as cute as you look when your blushing. I remember when we went to stay at Wendy's, and she had, 'the talk', with me. And then when you found out. I didn't see what the big deal was, but your face was funny!" He laughed.

I blushed remembering that night. 

"And then that night when we first meet, you hit me in the head with a plate." Peter said, chuckling at the memory.

I laughed at that. "I can't believe you remember that!" I laughed, "I thought you wer-WAIT WHAT!" I yelled, standing up.

Peter jumped from my outburst, "Wh-what!!!!"

I pointed a finger at him, "You remember! You remembered thous memories!"

He smiled, "I-I did! I did!"

I jumped up and down, "Ya! What else do you remember?!"

He looked into space for a second.

"I remember Captain...Captain...-" "Hook!" I blurted.

He nodded, "Ya! Ya Captain Hook, he kid napped me, and I remember you.. YOU WERE FLYING!" He yelled, looking at me with amazement and pure shock mixed. It was a funny sight.

I laughed, "You can fly too Peter. It'll just take time! But continue your memory!"

"Oh ya. Ok.. Uh.. I was tied down, and then you, flew in. Just, flew right in, and... and.." He said, suddenly looking like he was in pain.

"Peter? Peter is your stomach hurting?" I asked, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder, "Maybe you can try to remember when you wonds have healed a little more?"

He glared at my hand.

I carefully took it off and took a few steps back, "Peter are you ok?"

He glared at me, and I honestly thought I was going to catch on fire.

He shook his head, "You don't love me. You lied to me. Just like that fairy! Why does everyone keep lying to me!" He yelled.

"Wh-what are you talking about?" I said, tears starting to form in my eyes.

He scoffed, "Don't pretend like you don't know! You told me you didn't love me in front of Captain Hook and all his crew mates! Your no better than that fairy! I thought you were different."

A few tears ran down my face as I took in what he was saying, "Peter, if you would just listen-" "No!" he yelled, interrupting me, "I don't want to listen! Get out!" He screamed.

I slowly backed up till the bear hide was touching my back. 

Peter had his arms crossed and the most horrifying face I've ever seen on him glaring at the covers in front of him.

I opened my mouth, but closed it. Choosing that I better not talk to him, scared that instead of words sobs of hurt would come out.

I ran out of his room and into the main room, where all the Lost Boys stared at me in confusion.

I laid down on the spare bed, trying to convince myself that he'll remember the full story. Remember what happened after I saved him. But it wasn't working... He hated me for something that he should love me for.


Images kept racing in my mind, and they wouldn't stop! I was starting to get a head ache.

Bailee sat by that James guy on the rock after ditching me....... Bailee told Captain Hook she didn't love me.... She yelled at me, telling me that I was untrustworthy.... She ran away, leaving me alone.

I gritted my teeth, it was like all the bad memories of her wouldn't stop overlapping in my mind. And with the bad memories, were the emotions I felt at the time.

Jealousy, anger, depression..

And then it hit me, this memory.. And the things I had just said to Bailee made me feel like a complete moron. 

James. He had just stabbed me in the stomach, but Bailee found me. She took care of me.. She stayed beside me and she wanted nothing to do with James.. She even told me to take him back to London... Another memory.. She had just apologized, telling me that she did love me after she took out Captain Hook... Another... I had lied to her, she found me talking to the Mermaids, after I promised her that I wouldn't.. I deserved it... After she yelled at me, she ran away into the forest... And I let her go, it was in the middle of the night and if something would of happened to her I wouldn't be able to live with myself... Another memory... I told Bailee I didn't want to marry her... 

One more memory... I was laying on my back... Bailee was beside me.. She turned to face me.. And asked if I ever kissed anyone before... I answered truthfully, and she did too when I asked her if she had ever kissed anyone... She then leaned in, after telling me how to do it... And kissed me.. Never have I felt such a wonderful feeling before... And I knew then that I loved her... Then, she agreed to stay here with me, and be the Lost Boys mother....

I. Felt. Terrible. It was like curtain parts of my memory was regained, but they were all with Bailee, the ups and downs... And some of them I couldn't forget, ever. They were unforgetable, and I felt guilty for losing my memories.

"Oh god.." I groaned when I remembered how I brought up Tinkerbell not to long ago.

"Tinkerbell." I said, memories of her came flooding in too.

I shook my head. She was unbelievable.

"Pe-peter?" A boy dressed in a fox hide asked, peeking in with his ears down.

I stared at him, "Your a Lost Boy." 

His ears shot up and his expression went from sad, almost scared looking, to exited and happy, "You remember! But do you know why Bailee's crying?"

Hearing that Bailee was crying made me want to cry, "She's.. Crying?"

The fox nodded, "Ya.. I-uh, I'll come back. later, when your.. Feeling better. Ok?"

I nodded and he left.

I made her cry? I always make her cry. Maybe... Maybe we weren't ment to be.

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