Bittersweet Revenge (A Rock N...

By BellaDemont

101K 3.1K 375

Blank, everything was blank. White, just plain white. Not a single thing from the past two years was in my me... More

15. 4 REAL
17. PROM


5.5K 167 22
By BellaDemont

It felt nice just for once to pass by the hallway of the school without being pushed against the lockers, to be insulted or bullied like always. I think I was starting to like all of this, but everywhere I glance I only met pitiful looks and I knew what everyone was thinking.

'Poor Alex, she had a car accident and doesn't remember what happen the last two years of her life.'

It was more attention than I could actually bare, it was just too much. I never thought I would want this but I wish I was invisible like I was before. But we all knew that was not going to happen at least not looking like this, Blake carefully took me to my locker and help me open it, as I did I saw some pictures that were glued in the inside part of my locker's door. One of them was Maggie and I, I was wearing some kind of rocker/punk clothes, my arm was around Maggie and we were both smiling, we were happy.

The other one that I saw, I wasn't ready to see something like that. As I saw the picture I felt a knot in my throat and I felt my eyes water not letting me see the picture, it was of the beach and I recognized it as the beach my cousins and I would go to in France, but what had overwhelmed me was the people in the picture, Andres was there wearing a white cotton blouse and some Bermuda shorts, my dad was wearing the same thing expect that he had some pants instead of shorts, I was there with a cotton white dress but what grabbed my attention was who I was holding tightly with my arms, in a long blue skirt and a white blouse was a woman and she was no other but my very own mother, but the was she looked was breathtaking her skin looked pale almost translucent and her long blonde hair was gone instead she had a blue fabric covering her head. But it was her face that made me cry, she was obviously in pain but still she forced a lovely smile in her face after she was happy, she was with her family.

"That picture was taken a week before she passed away." Blake said breaking my thoughts.

I looked at him; he had a sad look on his face I knew how I must look to him helpless and full of pain.

"She looks happy." I said in a soft voice. "She really looks happy despite the fact that she was sick."

"She was, your mother knew she had few days left so she tried to enjoy every second of it and so did you. You almost never left your mother, you were by her side all the time, taking care of her and keeping her company. I know she is grateful for that." Blake said.

I gave a sight.

"I just wish I could remember all of that, remember the last moments of happiness I spend with her." I said in a low voice as I tried my best to not cry.

"You will one day." Blake said as he rubbed my shoulder.

Oh Blake, if you even knew...

With Blake's help we got to my first class which was a free hour meaning that I had a free hour to start to learn two years of school work, somehow I knew that this was going to be a pain in the butt.

"Okay, so what do you want me to start with?" Nina asked me.

"What are the subjects I have to take?" I asked her.

"Let me see, you have: English, Literature, Spanish, French, Math, Algebra, Geometry, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Business, World History, American History, French History, Human Geography, and many others." Nina said nearly out of breath as she read everything off.

I stared at her with my mouth open.

"All of those?" I said shocked.

"What do you expect Alex? You are in your senior year and you only remember half of your freshman year." Nina said.

"Okay but why do I have to take French and French history, I didn't know that the school had those subjects." I said.

"They don't you did those when you did your sophomore and junior year in France with us in the private school we attended." Nina said as she smiled at me and pulled all the book out.

"I went to a private school?" I said shocked. "I really did?"

Nina gave a sigh.

"This is going to be a long frustrating hour." Nina said.

After an hour of trying to get some information in me Nina gave up and just decided to give me a test with all of the information and the oddest this was that I got everything right.

"How did you get everything right if you don't remember anything?" Nina asked me.

"I don't know." I said as I shrugged.

"Maybe your subconscious remembers everything but not studying it, so in a way you know but you don't." Blake suggested and I nodded faintly.

"I'm not in the mood for Psychology things. Let's go to the next class." Nina said as she rubbed her temples tiredly.

We went to my other class that was AP Music Theory, Ian was there but as I entered I just tried to avoid his gaze which was had since we sat next to each other.

"Hi." I said as Nina took me to my seat.

"How are you feeling?" Ian asked me but I could tell that he was forcing himself to talk to me.

"Not very well, Ian I don't know in what position we stand on but I am sure of something I owe you an apology." I said in a soft voice.

"You don't." He said shaking his head.

"Yes, I do. I apologize for acting that way in the hospital towards you; it was rude and horrible of me to treat you like that." I said as I closed my eyes. "You must think that I am the worst person ever."

"It's not your fault; you had all the right to act like that. You were confused and I rushed things." Ian said trying to make me feel better yet it didn't work.

I shook my head.

"You just reacted for the moment, my family explained to me that you were there all night long taking care of me and I think it was sweet of you to act like that, it was me who ruined the moment." I said as I looked at him sadly.

"What are you saying?" Ian asked me confused.

"Ian, this is hard for me since the last thing I remember is you and I fighting, so trying to see you in another way is hard but all I'm asking for is time, I need time to solve everything and please know that as I try to solve everything I might do stupid things but I need you to tolerate them and tolerate me." I said, if everything they had told me about Ian was true I did not want to risk anything to lose him.

"By that do you refer to what happen yesterday?" Ian said.

"Ian, he kissed me. I had no idea he was going to do that but I know it was wrong to just stay there at let you leave when I had to explain everything so I am also sorry for that." I said as I looked down to my lap.

"Alex, just tell me something but please promise to be honest." Ian said making me look up.

"I will." I said as I nodded.

"Do you have feelings for Brad?" He asked me and I stayed silent.

I stared at his blue eyes, how could a pair of eyes whose color resembled ice could hold some much warmth? I stared at his face and saw how his brown hair covered part of his eye; all I wanted to do was to run my fingers through his hair like I used to do when he slept in the car when we went to the lake house with my family.

"Do you Alex?" He asked me.

I closed my eyes and tried to not look at him.

My silence was enough answer for him.

"I'm sorry." I said as I looked away. "I wish it wasn't true but you at least deserve to know the truth."

"No, I'm the one who is sorry." Ian said before he decided to ignore me.

The class continued and before the class finished the teacher decided to have a volunteer to play the piano, when she asked for one my hand was the first one to rise.

"You are going?" Blake asked me.

"I think I know how to play it, yesterday I played a little bit." I said.

"You will do it." He said.

And I was willing to do it just as long as I could get away from Ian; it just broke my heart to see him like that.

With Blake's help I got on the stage next to the piano and started to play, not even thinking about the notes or a song in specific.

Little by little the notes added up into you could listen to the song, the notes went into a melody and the melody finally to a song, at the half of the bridge was when a recognized what song it was it was from Howard Shore it was named Jacob Black since it had appeared in the third movie of Eclipse.

As soon as I was done playing the bell rang and we were dismissed to go to our next class which was in my case theater.

We got to the theater and I saw that the whole class was around someone who apparently as in a wheelchair.

As Nina and I got closer to them I saw that it was a girl, she had blonde hair, golden skin and blue eyes.

It was Heather Sanders.

"Hello Alex." She said with a smile.

"What is she doing here?" I asked Nina as we went to the back of the theater away from Heather and the rest.

"I have no idea; I thought your father said that she was out of town." Nina said as she looked at me.

"If Heather was, why is she back now?" I asked as I looked at Heather.

Heather had a broken leg and not only that, Heather also had a broken arm but unlike me she had no bruises or cuts in her face.

What pretty people's luck is, I mean how this is fair?

"Heather what happen to you?" The teacher said as soon as she saw Heather.

"Miss, I had a horrible car accident that left me in this wheelchair with my bones broken." Heather said.

"Karma sure is great." Nina said in a low voice, loud enough for me to hear.

"Nina, that is not nice to say." I told her.

"Come on Alex, you are in this wheelchair because of her and whoever did that to Heather has my total approval." Nina said.

"That doesn't make it less mean." I said.

"Still, you won't convince me with good morals when she doesn't have any." Nina said.

We started a new play for the class, as I was given the script I saw that it was the new musical the school as offering, (this school offered at least ten musicals all year round), the play was 'Beauty and the Beast' and I was expected to play Belle.

"It was such a shame you got your leg broken last time Alex but I think you will be brand new and ready to perform for this play." The teacher said.

I had no idea to what she was talking about but I just limited myself to smile at her.

"Wait, you want Alex to play Belle?" Heather said.

"Yes, do you have something against that Ms. Sanders?" The teacher asked her.

"She has neither the voice nor the image to be Belle, come she is not even Brunette." Heather said and I rolled my eyes, she wasn't either.

"She doesn't need that." The teacher said.

"I don't?" I asked surprised.

"No, I'm planning to do a new version of it. It will be a story based in beauty of course but not superficial beauty. Belle is this teenager rocker girl and the beast will be a very popular boy who will learn the true value of beauty, inner beauty. So are you in Alexis?" The teacher asked me.

I smiled, the play seemed something nice and the message it gave was amazing.

"I'm in." I said winning a dirty glance from Heather.

I went with the teacher and started to practice the songs which were going to be made up songs that we would write, and that was when she asked me.

"Alex, the last month you had these amazing songs and I wanted them in the play but of course it is up to you but if you say yes it would be you who performs them." The teacher said.

"Miss, I am really flatter that you have considered that but the thing is that I don't remember singing those songs. I don't know if you have heard but I have amnesia and I can't remember what happen the last four years including me singing those songs." I said as I smile at her apologetically.

"Alex, music is the strongest medicine ever and it will be a matter of time before you remember. Maybe if you hear the songs again you will remember." The teacher said.

"That would be great but I don't have the songs." I said as I looked at her.

"Don't worry about that, when you preformed here two of the songs it was recorded since you know I love to record the concerts and every performance that is given here in the theater since each one of them is unique and I want to keep a memory of it forever. So I will dig in my office's mess and get them for you. As for the other song, you sang it in your friend's birthday, it was the Valentine's boy." She said trying to remember his name.

"Ian?" I said as I frowned

"Yes, you sang it for Ian Valentine when you hosted a birthday party for him." The teacher said.

"I did?" I said confused.

That didn't sound like me at all.

"Yes, so why don't you see who recorded that day, I'll get you the other two songs and then we will see." She said before she took off.

After the teacher left I saw that Heather had been listening to us all the time.

"You know, it's considered rude to overhear other people's conversations, especially when it's none of your business." Nina told Heather as she helped me get out of the theater.

Heather rolled her eyes and with one of her cheerleaders she left the place too.

"So what did the teacher tell you?" Nina asked me.

"She wants me to be Belle for Beauty and the Beast the musical. But she wants it to be a more modern version where Belle is a teenager rocker and the Beast is a popular guy who has everything but true love." I said.

"Its sounds nice, did you accept?" She asked me.

"Not yet, she wants me to perform original songs and apparently Heather wants the roll too." I said.

"Oh Alex, please say yes. It will kill Heather to not be the star like always." Nina said.

"I don't know what if she gets mad and tries to hurt me?" I asked her.

"Then what are we here for?" Maggie asked as she got next to me.

"Maggie is right Alex; we are here to take care of you. No one will hurt you meanwhile I'm with you." Nina said.

We got to the cafeteria and joined Andres and Blake in the table.

"So how far is your day sis?" Andres asked me.

"It's okay, though I'm getting sick that people look at me with pitiful looks." I said with a groan.

"They are not full of pity but of fear." Maggie said to my surprise.

"Why fear?" I asked her.

"When you were here you made all the bullies stop, you were like this kind of hero for a lot of people so seeing you know like this gives them fear since they are scared that Brad, Collin and Heather will start to bully them again." Maggie said.

"Heather won't be able to do such thing." Nina said as she lifted her chin.

"Why?" Andres asked.

"She got into a car accident and came out with a broken leg and arm; she is also in a wheelchair like Alex." Nina said.

"She is?" Blake said not believing it.

"Yes, we say her in theater class." I said as I nodded.

"It's call acting class." Nina said correcting me.

"Same thing, we are in a theater and not only do we learn how to act but we also work with technical stuff." I said remembering when I had joined the first week of my freshman year and dropped the class a few days later.

We all started to eat and as we talked I notice that Ian was sitting by himself in a table.

"Why don't we invite him over?" I asked them.

"I already did but he said he needed some space." Andres said.

"Look, if I'm the person who he needs space from I'll leave I'm already done." I said as I grabbed my things. "You should not leave him alone, sure I have physical wounds, but I believe that out of the two of us Ian is having the worst time now."

I left the cafeteria and as I was in the courtyard I heard someone follow me, I turned around and saw that it was Nina and Maggie.

"I'm fine." I said before they could ask.

"You don't seem like it." Maggie said.

"I just hate myself for making Ian hate me." I said as I looked away. "I hate it."

"Alex, Ian doesn't hate you, he is just disappointed." Nina said explaining.

"Great as if that is going to make me feel better." I said. "I want things to be like before."

"Just give it some time Alex." Nina said and I gave a sigh.

"I'll try." I said.

"Are you Alexis Stoneheart?" A girl said as she got near me.

"Yes, why do you ask?" I asked.

"The Principal want to see you in this room right now, but you have to go alone since its private." The girl said as she handed me a paper.

After the girl left Nina and Maggie took me to the room, as I was about to enter I looked at them.

"Don't worry I'll be fine, maybe we'll just talk about my grades or something like that." I said.

They both nodded and I entered, as I entered I saw someone waiting for me but it wasn't the principal but Heather.

"Did the principal also called for you?" I asked her.

She gave a laugh.

"The principal doesn't even know you are here." Heather said.

"Then why did that girl-?" I started to say before she interrupted me.

"I send her to call you; I need to talk to you." Heather said.

I just sat there quiet.

"So how did the car accident happen?" I asked her.

"Oh, this silly thing, is that what you mean? It didn't." Heather said as she stood up from the chair and took of her cast from the leg and arm.

She walked towards me and smiled.

It was fake everything was just an act; she was not hurt!

"Do you really think karma applies to me dear?" She said.

"But, then why?" I said confused, why fake her accident?

"You see Alex, my daddy doesn't like when people try to make his family look bad so he told me to solve this. I was out of town and I came back claiming to have been in a 'car accident'." Heather said.

"And what do I have to do with all of this?" I asked her.

"You, how does this have to do with you? Nothing, but your brother oh dear he sure will be in problems. I have enough prove to go to a court and sue your brother for crashing against me in a drunk state. You see he caused the accident and he wasn't sober." Heather said.

"Andres, wasn't in a car crash. He has been taking care of me!" I said.

"We both know that, but I have enough 'evidence' to incriminate your brother and send him to juvie." Heather said.

"What do you want?" I asked her.

"I want you to do what I want. Or you better do what I say or next time you see Andres it will be behind a bullet proof glass and you'll have to use a phone to talk." Heather said with a smile.

"But how can I do that-."

"You better do what I tell you to do or it will be like freshman year all over again Fat Alex."

I started at her.

"Are we clear?" She said.

"Yes." I said in a soft voice.

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