|| A Bouquet of Red and White...

By mayonaka_dragonfly

57.1K 2.2K 238

♡Fan-Fiction of Mainly Kurama of Yu Yu Hakusho♡ ... More

A Bouquet of Red and White Roses: Prolouge
The Beginning of a Storm
Dancing on the Line of Illusions
Short Sighted Complications
Observations from the Scale of 10
Revelation at 50%
Candy Shaped Medicine
Appearance 1
Only a 'Demo'
The Footsteps that Follow After
On a Red Stained Night
The Monkshood
Beads of a Broken Rosary
Continuation of a Misunderstanding
The Girl Named Keiko
Nonchalant Like Ice
A Little Skipping Won't Hurt
I'd Like to See That
A Step Closer
The Missing Shoe
If It Fits
Appearance of a Rival
Laughter from the Strike of 1
The Invalid Excuses
Once Upon a Time
Memories of a Little Girl
Long Story Short
Unforgettable Wishes
Fleeting Flower
Subsided Emotions
Weakened Barriers
Behind Our Glass Wall
Fishing for Trouble
Upcoming War for Love ?
Unexplainable Matters
"Meaningless" Moments
As the Moonlight Fades..
Trailing Trouble
Blackmail 101
Izumi's Request
Invisible Key
Beyond the Facade
A Lingering Silence
The Hidden Gatekeepers
Fading Existence
Reluctant Footsteps
Unrecovered Time
Dancing Shadows
This Fated Bridge
Broken Shards
Existing Chains
To My Amusement
Moving Hourglass
Within This Locked Cage
Black Monochrome
Rushing Outline
Feigned Smiles
Mirror Image
Dying Paradise
The Place Known As "Makai"
To Another Time
Drawing Strings
A Feigned Sympathy
Scarlet Flower
Cloud Covered Skies
Even With Promises...
And With This Intent, I'll Continue...
A Reason to Continue
To a Time of Betrayal
Silhouettes of Another Shadow
5K Special - Extra
These Doubts
Beneath those Words
Reappearing Crossroads
Invalid History
Worthless Trials
Past Frustrations
Dreamless Nights
Retracing Old Steps
A Familiar Face
Once Again, Like Before
Deja Vu
With Missed Time
Reoccurring Factors
Eerie Silence
Ghosts Or Demons ?
Solving a Hidden Mystery
Soundless Echo
Swaying Illusions
Discarded Hints
Incomplete Tasks
A Rope that Led to Mistrust
Faded Memories
Cage Surrounded in Thorns
The Name that Disappeared that Day
Soon, It Begins
Those Who Were Not Involved
Inescapable "Fate"
Blank Reasoning
Her Origins
Following Her Choices
Things Worth Considering
Crossing Fields
Intended Warnings
Fading Iridescence
10K Special - Extra
Ceasing Existence
Shattering Memories
Recognition of the Past
"Until Death Do Us Apart"
Makai's Shadow
Tales of the Past
The Demon From 5,000 Years Ago
Intertwined Shadows
15k Special - Extra
Double-Sided Gambles
His and Her Circumstances
Broken Bonds
Shooting Stars
To Be Determined By..
Time's Standstill
A Plan for Retrieval
Red Dahlias
Nostalgia's Presence

On The Other Side

298 19 3
By mayonaka_dragonfly

So in the end, it was just a facade to conceal what would be coming.

Not all demons had bad hearts.

"You've already given into this fate of yours ?", Ciel asked as she slowly circled around them. Kaori didn't look up from her hands and Seiji aimlessly stared at the ceiling. "Well ?", she asked again when there was no response. I was standing by the door of the room, listening. Sara was standing nearby me, but the expression on her face made it seem like she was elsewhere. At the moment, the only people who were in this place was Ciel, Seiji, Kaori, Sara, Izumi, and I. The rest were with Azalin. Since there were eight of us, not including Seiji or Kaori, we decided to split into groups of two. One group would be left to the questioning and the other group would be left to find any other leads. Even if we didn't get that much information, we planned to return to the Human World, whether we liked it or not. It wasn't a choice. That also included Seiji and Kaori.

The only leads that we had was that (1) someone was coming after me, and (2) that someone wanted me dead. I didn't really understand it myself but I wanted to know what the original plan was. Ever since the incident, those two have been really quiet. Kaori especially. Every once and a while, I'll catch her staring my way, but whenever I try to get close, Seiji gets in the way. I raised my arm and stared at the fresh bandages. Maybe it's because there's something she knows that Seiji wants to hide. I sighed and put my arm down to my side. If she's smart, she'll come to tell me eventually..

There was a loud 'thud' that instantly pulled me away from my thoughts. When I peered into the room, I noticed that Ciel and Seiji were both standing up against each other. Although Ciel wasn't glaring at him like Seiji was at her, her stare was just as equally intimidating. Kaori was looking up at them with an uneasy expression on her face. From what I saw, it looked as if she wanted to stop them. It's just that she was hesitating. Why was that ?

"Just how long do you plan to act like this !?", Ciel had said hostilely, "Honestly ! If you're ready to die then just tell me so that we can get it over with !!" Seiji smirked. "Then do it", he taunted, "Get rid of me already." I took a step into the room, causing them to turn my way. "What good will that do ?", I asked as I stared at him. No reply. I slowly made my way over to Kaori who seemed to be watching me very carefully. "Wh..what ?", she asked me when I stood in front of her. "You seem to be hesitating", I said sternly, "Why is that ?" Her eyes narrowed as she scowled at me. "What're you talking about ?", she snapped. "You know something, don't you ?" At my accusation, I could see that she was trying to keep her composure. "I don't know what you're talking about", she replied as she turned away.

"Could it be because of Xeila ?", I asked softly. Kaori stiffened at the mention of that name. I slight looked over my shoulder to see that Seiji had done the same. Ciel was staring at him with a faint look of concern. Kaori kept herself turned away from me. "How do you know that name ?", she asked softly. I smiled and took a step back. I glanced over at Ciel, who was already looking my way. The both of us nodded our heads as we slowly began to leave the room. Seiji's gaze followed us, but it wasn't until later that Kaori's did too. I turned around and stared at the both of them. Beside me, Ciel, who was ready to place a barrier around the room that they were in. "Think about it", I said as an invisible barrier began to form, "And when you're ready to talk, I'll tell you about what I know. Seem fair enough ?" I noticed a faint smile on Seiji's face as he huffed. "You planned this all along, didn't you", he mumbled. I smiled, slightly tilting my head to the side. "What ever could you mean ?", I asked with a feigned innocence.

It was merely on impulse. All of it.

"Shiori", I heard Ciel callout when I was making my way out of the room. "Hmm ?", I asked as I looked over my shoulder. She stared at me sternly. "Don't push yourself", she said. I turned away and reached for the door. "Right", I replied, as I closed it behind me.



So originally, my aim was to run up to him and jump on his back. That was all that I had in mind. But no, he ruined that plan by taking me by surprise. Instead of being turned away from me like he was supposed to be, he turned around to face me so instead of jumping on his back, I ran right into his arms. I almost knocked him over too (laughs). Such a sturdy guy he was though. 

"What're you trying to do ?", he asked as he stared down at me, his arms already wrapped around my back and waist to prevent me from falling over. I blankly stared at his chest, trying to recover from the failed attempt. "Oi", he said again, sounding somewhat impairment, "Klutz." I slowly looked up at him and frowned. "Jeez", I mumbled, feeling slightly discouraged, "Leave it to you to ruin a really good plan.." Shuichi smirked, clearly amused. "What were you supposed to do ?", he asked. I sighed and leaned against him in dismay. "I was supposed to jump you", I replied bluntly, "I'm sad that you ruined that moment." Shuichi chuckled and patted my head with his hand. "What a brat", he said. "At least you didn't move", I mumbled, thinking about the worst that could happen. The thought of falling didn't sound fun. I swear if he had, I would've tackled him down. "Oh I was going to", he reassured in such a nonchalant tone, "But I just wanted to see what you were doing. It looked like you were running from something." "How did you even know if it was me ?", I asked, slightly interested. "Trade secret", he bluntly replied. At first in my mind, I was like, "oh okay", but after processing it I tried not to laugh. 

"That makes you sound like a pervert !", I eventually said, bursting out into a fit of laughter. I could feel Shuichi's arms tighten around me. From the corner of my eye, I could see him scowling at me. "What was that ?", he asked as he loomed over me with mischievous looking eyes. I kept laughing. The best he could do was stare at me and watch. 

"You're weird, you know that ?", he asked me after a while. I nodded my head and took a deep breath to relax myself. "I blame you", I replied with a smile. He shook his head in dismay. I could feel his arms loosen around my waist as we both pulled away from each other. "Anyhow", he sighed, placing a hand on the side of his head, "What're you doing here ? Aren't you supposed to be with Ciel ?" "Ouch", I replied, feigning a hurt expression, "And here I thought that you'd be happy to see your "wife's" adorable face..." Shuichi chuckled and ruffled my hair. 

"Yes, yes", he replied. "I'm very happy."

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