The Footsteps that Follow After

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When I awoke the next morning, I could hear bird chirping outside. A groggy morning with a sore body. Restlessly attempting to go back to sleep. I reached my hand towards the ceiling above me. Staring aimlessly, I tightened my fist and pulled it back. 

Sitting up slowly, I looked around my room. That name echoed in my head as if it wasn't going to go away. If she came here to tell me that, then.... I yawned and headed downstairs. Everything was bright as usual, but there was no sign of Mizuki. Probably sleeping. I walked downstairs and opened up the blinds. The first floor was entirely being covered up in sunlight. A faint warmth. 

Something about today made me feel like I needed to remember something that I had somehow forgotten. Then it hit me. I put my mug down on the table and leaned into the couch. 

I needed to take Mizuki out and about to buy things for when he starts school. Ever since I took him in, all he's been doing is staying home. And as a result, I've decided to send him to school like any other kid (ignoring the fact that he's *cough cough* not a human). He will be registered at Tachibana Elementary, 5th grade. It's nearby Meiou so it'll be alright. Once he wakes up and we're both ready, we'll go out and about for school supplies and whatnot. We'll head to the main market area and look around.


 Around 8:30, he finally went downstairs. I was still laying around in the living room when I heard him come down. I couldn't tell what he was doing, but from what I was hearing, he went into the kitchen. After, he went to the living room where I was. Now his first reaction to finding me laying there was blank. A few seconds later, he just takes a seat by my feet. In his hands, a piece of bread. 

"How long have you been laying here ?", He asked me, putting his water bottle on the table. I slightly turned on my side and looked at the clock. "Since 7", I replied, rolling back into a comfortable position. He bit into the bread and leaned back into the couch. I yawned and hugged a pillow. "Mizuki", I sluggishly mumbled, "Let's go somewhere ?" I heard him open his water bottle. "Sure", he replied back seconds later, "It's boring to be in this huge house by myself you know." I grinned and lazily got up. "I got it, I got it", I muttered, walking into the kitchen to fix something up, "We'll go once we're done eating." I noticed a grin on Mizuki's face. I sighed and smiled.

'At least I'm not alone anymore.' 


 Later that day, we went out to the Main Square. We both ended up in a couple of stores, in search for the things that Mizuki needed. At one point, he asked me something while we were buying his clothes. With his face a little pink, he asked me, "Are you sure it's okay ? Won't you get in trouble for spending so much money ?" Looking through the racks, I smiled. "No", I replied to him, "They didn't earn this money. I did." From the corner of my eyes, I noticed him get uneasy. I stopped looking through the racks and patted his head, trying to lighten up the mood. "H- hey !", He muttered, trying to move my hand away. I laughed. "Don't worry about such little things", I told him as we walked to the cash register, "That doesn't suit you at all." "Who said I was worried ?", I heard him mumble. I grinned. At a total, we bought: A couple shirts, pants, shorts, a backpack, school supplies, and some other trivial things. In the end, it's true that it cost me a lot, but it was worth it. I didn't mind. 

 Around 1 in the afternoon, Mizuki pointed something out that even I had noticed. Somewhere among the crowd, there was the scent of a few demons. There was quite a few. But why here ? I felt a tug on my sleeve. I noticed Mizuki slightly getting closer to me as he only looked up at me. "Something to the left is looking this way", he said faintly, "It's been watching for a while." From the corner of my eye, I noticed 3 people standing in the crowd. And like what Mizuki had said, they were looking our way. I looked back to Mizuki, who was now looking ahead. I linked our arms together to make things easier. He looked up at me. 

"What're you doing ?", He asked bluntly. I grinned. "It would be a shame if you got lost right ?", I replied. He became somewhat embarrassed. "Don't you know how old I am !?", He hissed. I laughed as we continued to walk. We were now heading home. "Yes, yes", I mumbled out in a sigh, "But still, it's vital that you don't get lost. Otherwise..." "Otherwise ?" Clearly, it was a lie, but I needed to ensure that he'd stick close. "I'll let them have you", I replied, with a mischievous smile. Mizuki stared at me blankly. I felt his arm slowly tighten around mine. "It's not like I'll just run off", I heard him mumble. 

Before entering the house, I looked around us. From somewhere close, a faint aura. I handed the bags to Mizuki as I told him to go inside. He did so, and I remained outside. I rummaged through my bag. Looking around one last time, I followed Mizuki in and shut the door behind me. 

 "What're you doing Yon ?", He asked me. "Yon ?", I repeated, "Why Yon ? Shouldn't it be Shi ?" (Yon is 4 in Japanese and Shichi is 7.... Shi is implied because there is a 'Shi' in Shiori.) Mizuki shook his head. "Oh well", he replied, "Yon is better." I grinned anyways and walked over to the back where the screen and glass sliding door was. I checked if it was locked. "What are you doing ?", I heard him say as he followed me around the house. "You felt it too right ?", I asked him as we headed upstairs and checked the windows, "There's something that's been following us." "Is it bad to the point where we even have to lock the windows and doors ?", He asked. "Unless you want something to come in here and eat you", I suggested, "Then no." He looked at me blankly as I went into my room and came back out with a bottle of rosé shaped beads. He stared at the bottle. 

"What's that for ?", He asked. "This ?", I said with a smile, "Well you see, lately I've thought that maybe we should decorate.." Mizuki gave me a look of disbelief. "Okay, first you're all serious and now you're suddenly relaxed ?", He said. I tilted my head. "What're you talking about ?", I asked as the both of us headed downstairs. We stopped in the living room and Mizuki watched as I began making bracelets. I could tell that he was so lost. 

 "You going to help me or something ?", I asked him, slightly looking up. I watched him turn on the T.V. and then take a seat beside me. "Might as well", he said hesitantly, "I mean, what else am I supposed to be doing ?" And from there, we made the bracelets. A total of ten beads in each and there was at least a couple of them. All done under a couple minutes.

 "So now what", Mizuki asked afterwords, lifting one up in his hand. I stood up with the bracelets and grinned. "Now we pin them near the windows !" He gave me that empty look of disbelief. AGAIN. "Are you for real", he muttered. I nodded and slowly began pinning them near the windows, as well as the doors. "You call this decoration ?", I heard him say with a sigh. "Not really", I replied, "I just thought it'd be nice to add some sparkle." "Then why not just throw glitter around ?" Urk. "That was a form of expression", I muttered. I heard him take a seat by the counter. "Yeah, yeah", he replied, "Whatever you say."

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