Faded Memories

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Don't you remember that day Ciel ? That rainy day, when we finally said our goodbyes...? I remember that day so clearly. I wonder how many years it's been since then ? Either way, just the thought of it sends shivers down my spine. It happened so long ago yet.. it feels as if it just happened recently. Don't you agree ? In a way, it's almost kind of sad.

Time waits for no one. And as what most people would say, "You don't really notice what's important to you until it's actually not there anymore." That's why... be thankful for what you have. Otherwise, it could quickly be taken away from you without notice.


There was an unsettling atmosphere in the living room where everyone was gathered around. I was upstairs, listening to their conversations. From where I stood, they couldn't see me leaning against the wall. The only reason to why I wasn't downstairs with them was probably because of Ciel. After what happened that day, she put me on temporary bed rest until all my wounds were completely healed. Mizuki and the others were aware of Ciel's decision, but let's face it. No matter how strict Ciel may get, I'm not cautious enough to care about my own health. Now that I think about it, that carelessness was always be one of my major flaws. It's a shame that I'll have to change that carelessness for a while. Especially if I want an answer. My mind is set.

"Ciel", someone questionably said, "That person that we saw on the roof... You seemed to have recognized who it was." I slightly moved closer to see them all focused on Ciel. Ciel desolately smiled at Asai. Beside her, Izumi, who was sitting down quietly with the same exact expression. "That's because I did", she replied softly. "The person that we saw.. I didn't exactly think that I'd ever see them again. Especially now." "What do you mean by that ?", Sara asked. "You sound like you're hesitating." The forced smile on Ciel's face began to fade as she frowned. "Because", she mumbled sadly, "..That person.. really shouldn't exist anymore." There was a brief moment of silence. I noticed a few of them look surprised, but it was only momentarily. "A while ago..", Azalin said as she disrupted that heavy silence, "You mentioned the name 'Hanamura'. How is that related ?" "How ?", Ciel asked. Sara and Asai exchanged glances. "Now that I think about it", Kaori mumbled, "You did happen to mention that name." "And if that's the case", Juuji shortly added, "Is that person perhaps related to...?" "Shiori", Shuichi finished.

Again, they all looked at her for an answer. In a way, I felt guilty for leaving her like this. I regretted it so much. I took a deep breath and sighed in dismay.

"They are", Ciel finally answered. "So then why fight with Shiori ?" Ciel placed a hand on the side of her head and slightly ruffled her hair. "That's why", she said sternly, "To begin with, nothing about this entire situation seems to make any sense at all. If I had answer.. if there were an answer, then I'd give it to you but it looks like I can't at the moment. And I'm not saying this because I'm sure of it, but it's because that person shouldn't even have appeared to begin with." "How so ?", Sara asked. "Why did you say 'if' ?" Ciel hesitated at the question. I knew why. So did Izumi. "Because that person...", she slowly began to say. "She's-"

"...already dead."

They all looked up in surprise. I slowly made my way over to the railings of the stairs and looked down at them with a feign smile. Izumi and Ciel both stared at me, wide eyed. "Shiori !", Ciel shouted, "What're you doing !? You're supposed to be in-" "It's fine", I said as I cut her off. She frowned. "But still...", she mumbled. "It's fine Ciel", I said again with a light smile, "..Really.. it's fine. Besides, now seems like a good time to explain some things."

Asai slightly narrowed her gaze at me. "Oh ?", she asked suspiciously, "Could it be that there are some things you're hiding from us ?" I chuckled at her accusation. "Not necessarily", I replied. Asai was being sarcastic, but at the same time, there was a small emphasis on something in her voice. It was clear that she wanted answers. I was sure that they all did. I didn't bother to head downstairs to join them. Instead, I decided to talk from where I stood. I sighed in dismay and tried to think of a place to start. From the corner of my eye, I could see that Ciel and Izumi had averted their gazes from me. On their faces, troubled expressions. Just seeing them like that, made me remember why I was hesitating in the first place.

"As we all know, I fell from the Library window on the 3rd floor after trying to catch someone who appeared to be involved with those missing disappearances. Shortly after landing on the ground, that person appeared on the roof of Meiou and looked down at us, aware that we were looking right back at them. That person that we saw.. her name is Hanamura Hanae. And as you may have guessed, we have the same last name. Although... " My voice trailed off as I looked down at my hands and frowned. "Although ?", Tsukiya asked. I grimaced. 

"That person was nothing more than a duplicate of the real thing. The real Hanamura Hanae, my mother, died more than 8 years ago."

Silence. I forced myself to keep a light smile as I looked up at them.

"Therefore, I can't really say that I have an affiliation with the one that we saw. However for some strange reason, that duplicate already seems to know who I am. And because of that, I actually have a small favor to ask of you before more things continue to happen."

"And that is ?" My smile faded as I blankly stared at them. "I want you all to avoid getting involved any further." They all stared at me with shock. It took a few minutes before Asai ended up asking me, "What ? What was that ? I don't think I heard you correctly."

"I want you to focus on finding the others. However, anything involving that duplicate or those two children... leave them. I want to find an answer for them myself." I could see Izumi slightly tighten her hands around the her glass of water. "That doesn't make any sense Shiori !", Sara said, her voice slightly raised, "Why're you saying this now !? What happened to working together ?" "And if we don't ?", Juuji asked, "What'll you plan to do if we don't step back ?" I smiled. "Is it necessary to ask ?", I replied. No answer.

"Could there be a reason to why you suddenly want us to step back Hanamura ?", Azalin asked. "There is", I replied. "If I may ask, what is it ?", she said. "It's quite alarming to see someone that you loved so much, return to you so suddenly after they've died so long ago.. don't you think ?", I asked with a sheepish grin, "And because of that, this is where I want us to temporarily separate. I know that something like this is definitely uncalled for but believe me.. I'd rather have it be like this than to have it become more complicated."

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