Revelation at 50%

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Today was the last day. I had an uneasy feeling.

"Ooooooooooh Shhhiiiiiiioooooooorrrriiiiiiii~"

I was sitting in my desk, just staring at the clock. "Nande ?", I asked when I turned my head. Airi smiled mischievously. "You seem distracted. Could it be that... you're disappointed that today's your last day with Minamino-san ?" I looked at her and laughed. "Not really", I mumbled, and put my head down. 'But that's not it.' "Oh that reminds me !", Airi was saying as she lifted my arm up, "What happen to you ? You're wearing bandages today." I looked up and stared at my arm. It was true. I sat up and leaned back in my chair. "I was cleaning around the house yesterday", I explained lazily, "When I got to some of the glass displays, it slipped from my hand and I dropped it." I demonstrated how I dropped it so that I showed how I got cut. Airi stared at me with a painful look. "Ouch...", she mumbled. "Poor you." I felt bad though. I watched Airi gently place my arm back on my desk. 'Sorry Airi... but it's best to keep things like this quiet.' The real story was of yesterdays incident was with 'him', that guy.


I watched him taking in slow deep breaths. It was only an hour in.

"Now do you see what I mean ?", I asked, "You'll really die if you don't leave."

He looked up and smirked. He was already covered in wounds. "Perhaps you're the one that they're always talking about ?", he said, standing up slowly, "I've always heard stories about you but I didn't think that I'd actually run into you." I nonchalantly watched him. "You're one of the Renegades, aren't you ?" I propelled my weapon until it vanished. "What of it ?", I asked. "Do you want to die by my hands ?" I stood there as I felt a breeze blow by me. I slowly looked down at my arm, which was now bleeding. He stood behind me, looking the other way. "You ? Kill me ?", he said arrogantly as I turned around to face him. "They say you're strong but you couldn't even dodge that ?" I sighed. "It's because a brat like you can't see", I replied, "That I let that happen on purpose. Besides..." I looked up at a tree that was nearby. "Someone has come to pick you up, I take it ?" Again, someone appeared. But this person appeared in front of him.

"Good Evening", she said as a greeting. A girl, who was slightly older than the boy and I. "I apologize for any trouble that this boy has caused." I looked at her blankly. "I suggest that you watch over him carefully", I replied, "If you had come any sooner, he would have been dead." She nodded and turned around to face him. A loud and sharp 'slap' could be heard throughout the silence of the night. He stood there in surprise as she turned back to me. "That will be considered", she said. "Hey why did you hit me !?", he shouted. "What did I do !??" "Because you're a fool", she replied in a scolding manner. "She would have killed you if you weren't looking." "What ?", he asked, "Thats not true, I would have killed her if you hadn't shown up."

"It's goes like this", I explained slowly, "To me, you're just an ant. And if I wanted to, I would have been able to kill you without even having to try. You see ? You and I have a gap. If you considered yourself strong, then I recommend that you rethink about it."


After that, the girl apologized once more before they both disappeared and everything went back to normal. I grimaced in dismay. Because they appeared so suddenly, I lost the trace of my objective. Once they left, the strong scent of metallic had already faded into the night. There was nothing that remained after, which caused me to fall back. Although, I found yesterday's incident rather strange. That was the first time in years that I've actually encountered other 'hunters' in this area.

I leaned on the arm that wasn't covered in bandages and sighed. I looked down at the desk and thought about so many things. Especially with what happen two nights ago. I questioned Shuichi and the things that were happening. There was something about him that I wasn't sure of. And from what I observed, I needed to keep a cautious eye out on him. It was also around today that I asked myself, 'How long do I plan to keep this little act going ?' I sighed at the thought of it. 'Maybe not that long.'

To be completely honest, this wasn't the first time that I've questioned 'Shuichi Minamino'. It was when we were still first years. He, who gained everyones attention because of how he looked and acted. I was one of those people who acknowledged him as a 'classmate', and not an 'idol'. There was a day when I was left alone with him. It was when they needed two people to watch over something. I was standing beside him, and he was standing beside me. I knew that shouldn't have asked, but I did it anyways. I asked him: "Isn't it hard, being someone else ?" I still remember that look of his. 

Surprised and taken back. 

I recall that time being the only moment that I've ever spoken to him. After that, I distanced myself from him and just watched from afar. I wonder if he still remembers. The person that everyone admired so dearly. He, who hid himself and showed another face. That smile of his gave everything away. Its a shame that those fans of his don't realize.


While walking home with him today, there lingered a heavy atmosphere. Not one of us said a word.

"Hey Minamino-san..."

He stopped short and I bumped into his back. Just like then. "Minamino-san ? You've stopped again." He looked behind his shoulder and smiled apologetically. 

"Sorry about that", he said. Past that look of his, was a 'person'. I quickly realized that it was another demon. That ominous feeling slowly grew. I looked back at Shuichi. That gentle look in his eyes disappeared as his glance suddenly became sharper. Those gentle looking eyes of his were now gone. He slightly moved in front of me and we watched as something happened. Suddenly, two other figures came up from right behind it. The person in the center sneered evilly. Shuichi stood in front of me, a serious aura surrounding him, and him alone. Those 'people' were now slowly coming closer, and closer to us. And we were just there, standing. 

 "So they must be the ones", I heard him mutter softly. 'Must be the ones'....? 

Just then something appeared in front of us. I didn't move, but I watched. My gaze slowly fixed onto the color of red. Wide eyed, the first thing I saw was Shuichi's back. His back towards me, yet I could tell that a bit of blood had splashed onto his face. Mine as well. .....! 

 "Shuichi...", I called out as I placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked over his shoulder and smiled cruelly. "Everything's going to be alright", he said. The immediate response was what automatically gave me shivers. I looked forward to see nothing. Shuichi. So this is what my answer was. 

I stared at the blood that was in front of us. Now what was I supposed to do.I rummaged through my bag. At the moment, his eyes were being covered up by his bangs. I wasn't able to see his expression. After finally finding my handkerchief, I went in front of Shuichi and wiped the blood off of his face. He appeared surprised, especially when I touched him. He had flinched for a moment before regaining that calm and composed aura of his. 

 "You're not scared", he asked dryly, one of his hands grabbing onto my wrist. I averted my gaze and focused more on the blood that had been splashed on our clothing. "No", I mumbled, "Not at all." His hand was still on my wrist. He chuckled as he lifted my hand up to his cheek. Cold. His eyes were no longer covered up by his bangs. However that look still lingered. 

 "You", he said, sighing. "Who are you ?" "Hanamura Shiori", I replied, the seriousness in my tone. He smirked. Shuichi let go of my wrist and put his hands in his pockets. 

"Lets go", he said, as he continued to walk ahead without me. "..........." He didn't even turn around to look at me. I watched him continue on. So this was the "Shuichi" from my uneasiness. I narrowed my gaze. 

 The clock has began to move.

|| A Bouquet of Red and White Roses || [Yu Yu Hakusho Fan-fic] {Edits}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang