Discarded Hints

189 11 2

 ...Lure them into the library. Engulf them in the darkness of their own hearts... 


"The Sakane Branch ?"

Izumi casually scooped up a small portion of ice cream and ate it in front of me. "Yeah them", she mumbled as she stared at the delicate looking sundae on the table, "They've come to visit." "And I should be concerned because ?", I asked as I watched her take another bite. "Because", she replied a few seconds later, "They're worth considering. Don't you agree ? I have a feeling that they're going to be involved pretty soon..." I turned to the window and watched as people walked by and continued on with their day. Unlike us, who were just sitting around in a cafe and were wasting time. Oh well. Sometimes there were things that just couldn't helped. 

"You look a little out of it", Izumi pointed out, "Do you not remember the Sakane Branch ?" I glanced over at her but didn't move my head. "Of course I do", I replied bluntly. "How do you expect me to forget ?" "Hmm...", she mumbled, "Could it be that you have problems with that branch of hunters ? You seem bored." I sighed. "Would you be interested in learning the history of that ?", I asked softly. She nodded her head. "Of course", she said. "Jah, then let's go through memory lane", I replied as my voice began to trail off.

"I don't really remember the last time they came but... it was probably when I was still in Jr. High or something like that. When they came I didn't think much of them. None of them bothered to associate with me, so I didn't associate with them. Time skip and I learned that one of those visitors was a possible bride candidate for Sotaru. Again, I didn't bother to care. I kept my distance. And then one day, when I was just minding my own business, this girl walks up to me and starts raising her voice..." I grinned at the thought. "I don't remember what she looks like anymore but she was lecturing me about how much of a pain I was and that I was an annoyance to Sotaru. I didn't even know this girl and she was talking to me." "Ehhh, so then what'd you do ?", Izumi asked with a grin. "Me ?", I replied as I looked up at the hanging ceiling light that was above our table. "Well first off, I didn't know her, so I didn't care about what she was telling me. All I remember hearing was "blah blah blah blah", etc and all that other fun stuff. I also remember that she ruined whatever I was working on too because I remember feeling really agitated. When I stood up, she took a step back and stood in a defensive stance. I stared at her and then smirked. 'Only an idiot would do something that', I recall saying, 'Who are you to judge when you know nothing of me ? If you continue to be the fool that you are, then you won't last long in the outside world'. After I said that, she continued to shout her nonsense. Telling me how rude I was..." "Waaaaah", Izumi mumbled as she leaned back in her seat, "And you didn't fight her ? I heard you were really something back then..." I crossed my arms over my chest and sighed. "I would've if needed", I replied, "But someone.. I think one of her companions, stepped in and saved her. He was like, 'What're you doing !? Don't you know who that is !?' Honestly... After that, I didn't care about that branch at all." 

Izumi stared at me with a blank expression. "It's the same for all the other branches too you liar", she laughed. "You don't seem to care at all." "It's because I don't." As our conversation continued, I noticed a group of girls walk into the cafe. I quickly rearranged my hair and tucked it underneath the hat that I was wearing. Afterwords, I slightly moved the hat over to cover my eyes as that group started coming closer. "What're you doing ?", a confused Izumi asked me. I didn't reply. Instead, I kept myself looking down at the table. "Sh-"

"..Ikehara-san ?"

She was cut off by someone who was standing at the end of our table. I slightly raised my head just enough to see who it was. It was that group of girls that had walked in.

"Uhhh", Izumi's voice trailed off, "..Yes ?" The girl who was talking seemed enthusiastic. "So it really is you !" I wanted to laugh at Izumi, but the best I did was turn away and stare out the window. "I'm sorry but..", Izumi said to the girl, "..Do I know you ?" From the reflection of the window, I could see her eyes widened. "You don't recognize me ?", the girl asked, "I'm Noriko ! Isobe Noriko. I'm from the Sakane Branch." Izumi didn't reply for a moment. But shortly after, she said, "Ah ! Noriko-san ! I remember now !" Noriko nodded. "But what're you doing here ? Shouldn't you be at the Nakanishi Base right now ?" "Yeah", she replied lightly, "But I'm doing a short errand with Ageha and Ao right now. They're not with me but they said they'd meet up with me later. I'm just here to check in for an order. Don't you know that they're going to have a party soon ?" From the reflection, I could see Izumi staring at me. "But why make a guest do an errand ?" "Oh it's fine", Noriko replied with a smile, "Besides, I need to wander around a bit and get used to this place." "I see", Izumi mumbled softly.

"Anyways, it was nice to meet you again after so long", Noriko began to say, "But I think we're going to go back now. I apologize for interrupting your date." I looked up to see her staring at me. "I hope I didn't bother you too much", she said apologetically, "You've been so quiet." "Ah no, it's fine", I replied in a low voice, "Besides, it's nice to run into one of Izumi's friends ?" Izumi stared at me blankly but I could tell that she wanted to strangle me. "I see", Noriko replied in relief. She turned back to Izumi. "I didn't know that you had such a cute boyfriend Izumi", she said with a suggestive grin, "We should catch up later. I'd like to know how you guys met." I was cringing. Cringing so bad. "Ah sure !", Izumi replied with a forced smile, "We should !" Noriko chuckled and nodded her head. "Jah", she said as she raised a hand and started walking away. "See you later Izumi." "Y-yeah, you too." "Oh and !" Noriko stopped walking and grinned at me. "You should come too", she said, "The party that is." I slightly nodded my head and feigned a smile. "R-right", I called out. "Maybe.." Shortly after, we watched her leave.

The both of us sighed. Izumi glared at me. "Why did you do that ?", she asked sharply. "Because", I mumbled as I adjusted my hat, "That was the girl." "I know that was !", Izumi replied, "That was Noriko !" "I know that !", I snapped, "But I meant that that was her !" 

"What ?"

"That was the girl from a long time ago !"

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