Invalid History

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I'm still here, you know ? Follow my lead and you've leave this place alive.

The next day, I took the time to familiarize myself with the room that I was in. As I had thought, there was a bathroom connecting to room. To my relief, that was the only place where there were no cameras. The windows had bars on them, but I could still slide them open for air. The door as well, seemed to be made of a material much stronger than steel. I sighed and moved over to the window and stared out from my small prison. This wasn't their base.

Right now you're being kept in one of the other smaller fragments of the main base. Perhaps Fragment 3. I didn't realize it until yesterday, when Eion and that girl decided to pay you a visit. They're probably going to try to observe you from this place. At the moment, you're just an isolated threat that's been contained. However I suspect that Luurè and possibly Eion are expecting more from you. You're going to be tested soon. Don't let your guard down.

I frowned as I watched the skies darken. A strong gust of wind made its way into the room, making the curtains and a few locks of my hair, move along with it. Not that far away, a flash of lightning. The storm is starting again.

"Human", a voice said behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see a new face. Sachi, Kana's voice echoed. "Yes ?", I asked as I reached over to close the windows, "What is it ?" "Come with me", he simply said. I glanced over the locked windows before turning to him with a slight nod. "Right", I mumbled softly. Before I was able to leave the room, Sachi placed cuffs on my wrists. The first thing I noticed was the weight. It was extremely heavy yet, he carried them as if they were nothing. Another thing I noticed while we were moving along was the formation of the building, well rather, where things were placed. I took a mental picture of where everything was, as well as how many cameras we passed. It wasn't until about 5 minutes later that we finally arrived to the designated area. Xeila was there, as well as Eion. "Luurè will join you in a few minutes", Sachi said to them sternly, "He told me to tell you to not do anything careless before he arrived. Got it ?" Eion sighed and seemed to brush off Sachi's warning. "Yeah, yeah", he replied as we motioned Sachi to leave, "We got it." Sachi huffed and turned around. When he left and closed the heavy door behind him, it was quiet. I looked up to catch Xeila staring at me with a fixed gaze. Almost like before. Ignore her, Kana said with a sigh. Worry about her later.

"Hello again Decoy", Eion said enthusiastically from where he stood, "We meet again." I slowly nodded my head. "Though I don't think that I caught your name the last time we met", I replied. He sighed and shrugged. "Oh yes", he mumbled before turning to Xeila with a grin, "I don't think any of us has had a proper introduction. My name is Eion. This scary looking person here is Xeila." I watched his eyes land on the closed door. "And that person from a few moments ago was Sachi. In a few minutes or so, you'll see Luurè." Kana was grinning. Why were there so many of them here ?, I asked her, After all, this was only an isolated fragment of the main base. "I assume that you don't need my name then", I reluctantly replied. Eion shook his head. "Nope", he replied. "Not at all." They're trying to see how you'd react with so many of them around you, she replied. Since you're a human and you're not from these parts, I believe that they think that you don't know who they are. The only question here is, what'll they do to you ?

"So why have I been brought here ?", I asked, glancing around the large, grey room. "If I may ask." It was completely empty, with nothing more than fixed lights on the ceiling and pillars. It was probably the basement of this place. Xeila smirked. "We're not obligated to tell you anything", she said bitterly. "So just be a good little human and do as you're told. Otherwise you'll die right here." Eion chuckled. "It's just as she says", he replied with a hint of disappointment, "But since we're still waiting for Luurè, I'll be kind enough to give a small preview of what's in store for you. Assuming that you'll live for this first part." I shivered at his serene tone. Eion was completely different from the others when giving an appearance, but he was just as bad as the rest of them by heart. "Our main objective is to see if you're worth the time and effort. We're well aware that you're the "decoyed" Guardian of the Human World and because of that, there are just some things that can't be overlooked. If you cooperate like a good little human, then you'll live. If not, then you'll die." 

"But you're looking for someone, no ?", I asked with a faint grin, "What good will it do to kill me if only I have the information that you seek ?" I could hear Kana laughing. Eion stared at me, looking somewhat taken back by my response. But he said nothing. Xeila on the other hand, had taken the moment to grab the collar of my shirt. She was glaring at me, probably ready to kill me. I turned towards the door and waited. About a minute later, the door finally opened to reveal Luurè, who looked at us with a surprised expression. "What's going on here ?", he asked. Eion smirked at him before averting his gaze. I slowly moved my hand under Xeila's hand. I was about to move when Luurè said, "Xeila, let go. Now.", in a stern, commanding tone. Xeila scowled before releasing me. I fixed my shirt and took a deep breath. So he caught on. How sharp of him. If Xeila hadn't let go, I would've move my hand from underneath. Once she was caught off guard, I would've grabbed her wrist and broke it. Too bad.

Luurè turned to me with that feigned smile of his. Just like the first time I met him. Get ready, I could hear Kana say sternly. Follow my lead from here and you'll be okay. I stared at Luurè and waited. Finally he said, "Xeila, Eion, have fun." I shift my position. Xeila innocently smiled at me, slowly beginning to approach me. Eion, on the other hand, seemed to wait a bit before moving. Luurè stood back, watching with a nonchalant expression. 

So this is the first test hmm ?, I thought. They're going to test your stability, Kana replied with a sigh, Honestly, if only we weren't being limited right now... They need to hurry. From the corner of my eye, I could already see that Xeila was gone. Kana, I thought slowly, If I die, I'm going to find you in hell and kill you there okay ? She laughed at my words. Just at that moment, I jumped back in time to see Xeila's arm suddenly in front of me. I grabbed it and positioned her to where I kneed her in the chest. After, I noticed Eion moving from behind me. I shifted my position and dragged Xeila, slightly swinging her towards Eion. By the time I let go of her, there were medium sized cuts that covered my left arm. The cuts themselves weren't exactly that deep, but they were deep enough to show how skilled Xeila was. I stood up and grimaced, wondering what to do next. Eion would probably be the same. 

That was when I thought about the others.

After all, this was only the beginning.

|| A Bouquet of Red and White Roses || [Yu Yu Hakusho Fan-fic] {Edits}Where stories live. Discover now