A Rope that Led to Mistrust

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Whether it meant anything or not, I just wanted to get things over with. All we've been doing is chasing down those ghosts and then eventually losing them again. We're not going anywhere. Especially when it's like this. Those people will start to get in the way.

Jah, then what do you plan to do ?, Kana asked.

I stared at the Library door and grinned as I reached for the doorknob.

"What I always do", I replied as I slowly turned the knob. "Get myself in trouble."


When I opened the door, I was greeted by a smiling little girl and boy at the top of the staircase that led to the second floor of the library. "Whaaaaa, she really came~", the girl sang as she turned to the boy. "Did I keep you waiting ?", I asked and closed the door behind me. I watched as the boy smirked and slowly began to stride down the staircase. "No, not necessarily", he replied slowly, "Although you're just in time. Mother will be here in a bit." "Mother ?", I asked suspiciously. "Yeah ! Yeah !", the girl laughed enthusiastically, "You'll be so surprised ! She's so pretty !" I glanced around the Library. I didn't realize it when I walked in, but it must've been after I closed the door. We were surrounded by a heavy barrier that kept us enclosed. Could it be that they're referring to that other person ? The one that I was chasing before I fell down the stairs ?, I asked. Perhaps, Kana answered. But why call her Mother ? Was she also a ghost ? "Mother is going to be so excited to see you", a voice said from behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see the girl suddenly standing behind me. "She's been waiting for a long time.." "But why me ?", I asked. "Because she misses you", she chuckled and skipped off into a row of book shelves. I followed after her to see that she was no longer around again. "First of all", I mumbled, "Do I even know who she is ?" "Silly Nee-san", the boy said as he stepped out from the shadows, "Of course you do." "How can you be so sure ?" He chuckled and looked up at the second floor of the library. "You'll see", his voice trailed off as he disappeared. "..Nee-san."

I followed his gaze and stared at the second floor of the library. I was all by myself again. So are they expecting me to walk up those stairs or what ?, I doubtfully asked. Kana laughed lightly before sighing. You might as well if this is taking too long, she replied dryly, But something is coming.. It's faint but it's getting closer... The sound of giggling caused me to refocus on the top of the staircase. Just like when I entered, those two were leaning against the railing. However this time, in the center of them, was a forming shadow. Eventually, it turned into a person. Like before, I couldn't see a face. It was too dark. The only type of light that I had was my flashlight. Other than that, it was just the dimly lit reading lamps that surrounded me on the first floor. 

"Mother~", the little girl said as she walked over to that person and give hr a hug, "We brought her, just like you asked us too~. Are you happy ?" That person patted her on her head and said something that I couldn't catch. I took a step back. 

Do you feel it too Shiori ? This person isn't "normal". For some reason, there's a strong spirit level coming from that person.. It's faint but it's there. Be careful..

"Surprised ?", a familiar voice asks. A soft spoken and gentle tone. One that I haven't heard in so long. I narrowed my gaze at that person, feeling extremely restless. "Who are you ?", I ask sternly. That person chuckled as the two children that were beside them disappeared. "Do you not recognize me ?", the person asks in a sad tone. "..Shiori ?" I slowly began to walk up the staircase, my right hand tightened into a fist. "I don't understand", I mumbled sharply. By the time I got to the top, I found myself staring at a familiar face. One that I never expected to see ever again. It was as if it had already been decided. As the full moon rose overhead in the night sky, it's dim lighting brought in light through the window the library. It was just enough to see who this person finally was. My heart sank as I could feel anger slowly beginning to well up inside of me. "Why ?", I asked slowly as I approached that person. 

"Why was it her ?"

She delicately brought up at hand to her lips and gave me a disappointed look. "Are you not happy ?", she asked softly. Before I knew it, I was rushing towards her. "Who are you and what're you doing in her-" I was cut short when those two children suddenly appeared in front of me. They stood between us, making sure to keep us separated. "Now, now Nee-san", the girl said with a grin, "There's no need to be excited~ You'll be joining us shortly~" I didn't respond. Instead I ended up glaring. She sighed and turned towards the window. "And here I thought that you'd be happy to see me", she mumbled sadly. "Not that it matters..." Suddenly there was a gust of wind inside of the library walls. I covered my eyes with my hands as the bookshelves around me began to sway. On the first floor of the library I could hear the bookshelves falling. I made sure to avoid getting knocked over when the books began to fall around me. I grimaced. In my line of sight I could see her slowly beginning to walk away. I couldn't let that happen. I wouldn't let that happen. So during the time that the shelves were falling, I took the chance and ran towards her. In my let hand, my hairpiece. I should've paid attention to where she was leading me, but I was too restless and angry to do so. Either way, it was too late. For some reason, she was walking towards the... 

She smiled at me as she watched me move past her. And before the glass shattered, she seemed to mouth the words, "We'll be together again shortly... Shiori."


Shiori ! Be careful ! The trees ! You're going to hit the trees !

Somehow I managed to turn myself so that I was staring at the ground. Below me, the sea of trees that Kana was warning me about. Falling beside with me were shards of the broken glass from the library window. I crossed my arms in front of my face to brace myself for the impact of hitting the tree branches. At this point, the only thing I could hope for was that I didn't get stabbed by a tree branch. Other than that, I was going to be fine. It's okay.

[shhh.. crack!] [thunk.. thud]

When I finally landed, I found myself staring up at the night sky. My hair was in my face, but I could see it between the small gaps. Nearby, I could hear footsteps. Shortly after, my name. "Shiori !", someone was calling out. "Shiori !" I didn't respond. Instead, I pushed myself up and leaned against the tree that I had fallen under. I had landed somewhere in the courtyard area. The footsteps moved closer. I looked up at the roof of Meiou and glared. Standing there, on the very top of the the roof, was her. She looked down at me with a serene smile. I couldn't return that smile. Behind me, footsteps. I didn't turn. "Shiori !", someone shouted. I didn't reply. There were a few more footsteps, but then they stopped. Very faintly, I thought I heard a gasp.

"That's.. not possible..", Ciel muttered in surprise. "But how is she... why is she..."

"What's the matter Ciel ?", Asai asked in a concerned voice. "Why're you suddenly colorless ?"

Again, Ciel took a step foreword. The trees around us rustled as a breeze blew by. From the corner of my eye, I could see her frowning. "That person.. over there is...", she said quietly.

"...Hanamura... Hanae..."

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