Dont Let Go

By MarissaGoesRawr

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Dont Let Go
Chapter 2
Chaper 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
Plan to escape
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17

chapter 10

75 0 0
By MarissaGoesRawr

Thank god i'm not in that stupid hospital anymore, I was getting sick of their food.

But the bad news is, it's time to go back to school. I'm afraid to face everyone, what if they hate me? I'm sure they know what I did...what about Mr.Williams, I didn't see him again after he came to the hospital.

I looked in the mirror one last time, I look as if I haven't slept in days, well that's an understatement.

I checked my phone seeing I have 13 missed calls, 11 new messages and 1 new voicemail.

I looked at the clock and seen it was only 6:39, so I had a little while.

I decided to check my voicemail..

"You have one new voicemail, from 4532196711 at 2:13am. Hello Violet, i'm sure you remember me, right? Well if you don't, it's Chris..I heard you were in the hospital, so I decided to check on you..well more like inform you of something. Meet me at Miller's coffee shop on friday at midnight, and come alone. If you tell Eithen that I called, I will kill him. End of voicemail..etc."

I shut my phone and slid to the floor.

"He won't hurt me.." I whispered to myself.

I decided to check my texts, 5 from Isabell, 1 from my mom, 2 from Lance, and 3 from Mr.Williams.

I opened the ones from him first

'Violet please just let me know you're okay!'

'I'm so sorry..I know you hate me I just need to hear your voice, please...I love you'

'I'm dying without you, you mean everything to me! I WILL NEVER GIVE UP'

I shut my phone ignoring him. I didn't even bother to check the other ones, instead I climbed in my car and slowly drove to school.

By the time I arrived to my first class, Mrs. James, I was already five minutes late, I hope she understands. I slowly opened the door as all heads turned to me.

"I'm so sorry i'm late..I just--" I cut off when I looked up and seen Mrs. James was not there..instead there were Police Officers.

"Hello, you must be Violet Evans. Please, come in." One of them smiled warmly at me.

I nodded and headed back to my seat by Lance. When I sat down he didn't even glance at me..I wonder what's wrong with him.

"Well as I was saying, you live in a small town, one that not many people know of, but as you have all heard, the past few months there have been some criminal activity around here. We are going to pass around a picture and if you have or ever do see these men, contact the Police immediatly." The officer explained as his eyes locked with mine.

Soon the picture was passed to me..I almost fainted when I seen who the men were. One was Chirs, and the other one was Carter. I placed my hand over my mouth so I didn't scream as I passed the picture over to Lance.

One of the Police men must have seen my reaction because he asked to talk to me out in the hallway. I stood up and slowly walked out the door trying not to show any emotion.

"Hello, my name is Jack lock, I am investigating the murder of many people, this man Chris Heywood is very dangerous. He was reponsible for thousands of deaths, he's one of the top wanted men, as well as Carter Thomas."

"Okay..why am I out here then?" I asked.

"Miss. Evans, why were you in the hospital?"

"I uhm..overdosed, Attempt to hurt myself." I answered feeling ashamed.

"Alright, and why did you do that?"

"That's none of your buissness. What does this have to do with your investigation??"

Jack sighed running his hand through his hair

"Actually when I asked why you were in the hospital, I meant the first time..when you uhm, lost the baby. What happened that your teacher had to rush you there?"

I'll admit, he got me there...I didn't know how to answer that. After a minute of silence he spoke again.

"You may go back to class now, I have all the information I need."

I wanted to protest but I nodded walking back into the room taking my seat again.

I felt Lance looking at me so I turned my head over to him, he looked so hurt..betrayed. He didn't say anything, instead he shook his head and looked away.

Once the bell rang everyone piled out of the room, I was the last one out..I walked through the hallway like a ghost.

When I reached Mrs. Keri's room I opened the door, she looked over and said

"MIss. Evans, you are wanted in the office."

I turned around without saying a word and walked down to the office.

I opened the door and looked around to see Mr. George, and a few Police men sitting around.

"Ah, thank you for coming Violet, please sit down." Mr. George said.

I sat down, and waited for someone to speak.

"I am aware that you are a great student with straight A's and you have never been in trouble with the police, i'm just going to get to the point. Violet Evans, are you having a relationship with your teacher, Eithen Williams?"

My breath caught in my throat and I felt as if I couldn't breathe..

"No.." I whispered. Well, at least it wasn't a total lie.

They whispered a few things to eachother for a few moments before turning back to me.

"Well I have no reason not to believe you, you have never lied and we have not seen you with him so you are free to go back to class."

As of right now I was so confused.. I need time to think, I decided just to head home..I couldn't deal with all this pressure. As I got in my car my phone began ringing, I didn't even bother checking who it was, I just answered.


"Hey baby." The man said.

"Excuse me? Who is this?"

"It's me, Chris. I hope you didn't forget me already. I was thinking we could meet tonight at 9pm instead of friday?"

"What if I say no?"

"I'll kill him."

"NO!! Okay..I'll come."

He laughed and said okay before hanging up.

I looked at the clock and seen it was only 8am so I decided to go take a nap. As soon as I got home I flopped onto my bed and fell asleep.

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