Sugar Cakes (A George Shelley...

By theRgirl

45.8K 1.3K 340

Only in the movies does your best friend evolve into your lover. However, my life took a weird twist and that... More

Sugar Cakes (A George Shelley Fanfiction)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 - Epilogue

Chapter 2

2K 53 6
By theRgirl

"Which one is your car?" George asked as we stopped in the middle of the parking lot.

"I walked." I simply said as I zipped up my navy hoodie. We had just finished work and were going to his house.

"You can ride with me then." He said as he turned to me smiling brightly.

"Really? Thanks George." I said smiling, then looked at my feet shyly. He chuckled then walked to a black car in the end of the small parking lot. I walked behind him as I put my hands in my pockets.

He got into the car and I copied his actions. I pulled the seat belt and buckled in as George started the car.

"I don't live very far actually." He said as he drove in the opposite direction of my house.

"Me neither." I said as I tried to pull my eyes away from George who was concentrating on the road. I finally did and stared out of the window at the gloomy sky.

"Let me warn you though, my mum and sister are quite embarrassing." He said as he bit his bottom lip nervously.

"It's fine, I bet my family are even more embarrassing." I said while laughing.

"I doubt that." George replied, chuckling. I nodded and we fell silent, but it was very calming.

"We're here!" He said a few minutes later as he parked the car. I unbuckled my seat belt and we both exited the car.

I followed him into the big house, "I have tons of siblings, my sister Harriet is the only one who lives here now though." George explained as he unlocked the door with his key. I simply nodded in response.

"Ladies first, Rose." He said when he opened the door. I chuckled and thanked him before entering the nice house. He walked in after me and locked the door after himself.

"Where are we going to be sitting?" I asked as I played with my hoodie's zip.

"Up in my room." George stated before pulling me by my arm up the stairs and into a door that I inferred was his room.

I looked around once inside, his room was very simple but comfortable. A queen sized bed with blue comforters in the middle with a desk and shelves in the corner of the room. The shelves filled with CDs and picture frames while the desk was filled with books, notebooks and stationery. Band and video game posters as well as pictures hung on the grey walls. In the other corner, there was a neat wardrobe with a personal bathroom. Overall, his room was very tidy.

"Your room is lovely." I said as I turned to meet his eyes. He was leaning against the door frame watching me.

"Thanks, it's very simple." He said as he walked to his bed and sat on it.

"George, can I please hear you sing?" I asked, still standing up.

"Of course!" George replied, smiling widely. "Don't stand there all day, sit down Rose!"

I blushed slightly and sat down on his bed as he got up and got his guitar from next to his desk. He sat down next to me once again and strummed a few random chords.

He took a deep breath and started singing Toxic by Britney Spears while playing the guitar. He shut his eyes as the words poured out of him and his fingers skillfully strummed the correct strings. His voice filled the whole room and floated out the open window. George owned a magical voice that I did not expect to hear. He was amazing and he was very talented.

I was flabbergasted by his abilities and my mouth dropped open by the first note. He opened his eyes when he had finished and had found me astonished.

"Close your mouth, you'll catch flies." He said as he put his hand under my chin and pushed it upwards to shut my mouth.

"George you are amazing!" I said as I stared at him then at the guitar. "That was- it was brilliant!"

"Thank you, I'm going to audition with that song. Haven't told anyone I picked that song though, it's our little secret." He said while putting a finger over his mouth in a secretive manner which caused me to giggle.

Before I could say one more thing, the door burst open and a woman, who I presumed was, his mother, stood there. I looked over from the woman to George who now had his face in his hands.

"George Paul Shelley, why didn't you tell me you were auditioning with Poison!" His mother said as she walked in and stood in front of us.

"Mum, I have someone over. Can we discuss this later?" George whined as I bit my lip trying to holding in a laugh. His mum's eyes darted towards me and suddenly they turned wide.

"You brought a girl....home?!" She asked in surprise as I started blushing. I was the first girl he had ever brought home? We barely even knew each other, we had just met.

"Yes mum, could you please leave now?" He said as he put his face in his hands once again.

"Hello dear, I'm Toni Harris, George's mum." She said as she extended her hand.

"Hey, I'm Rose Harford. It's very nice meeting you." I say, shaking her hand.

"I'm sorry for disturbing. See you soon." She said before exiting the room and closing the door behind her.

After she was out, George turned to me and said, "I am really sorry about that, my mum is extremely embarrassing!"

But before I could reply, we heard a shout from outside, sounding like his mother's voice. "Harriet, you will not believe this, George has a girl over! She's pretty as well!"

George face palmed himself as I burst out in laughter and clutched my stomach. "Now you know why I never bring people over." He mumbled through his hand, which caused me to laugh even more.

We heard a door nearby shut and running in the hallway. Out of nowhere, the door was opened and a girl, 16 years of age, stood there. Her mouth wide open as she froze there.

When she had unfroze, she said, "I thought mum was joking! She wasn't lying about her being pretty though." She flashed me a smile.

"I'm Harriet, and you are?" She asked walking in and sitting next to me.

"I'm Rose." I said returning the smile as I looked from the frustrated George to the cheerful Harriet.

"Harriet, what makes you think you can just barge into my room?" George said as he looked at her angrily.

"I wanted to witness this milestone! You have never brought a girl home!" She exclaimed, emphasizing the never.

"Thank you for sharing that information in front of Rose." He muttered as I giggled.

Harriet ignored him and turned towards me, "If you ever get bored of George, which won't be long till that happens, I'm here. You seem really nice!" She said before getting up and walking out of the room, shutting the door loudly behind her before screaming "MUM!"

"I hope your not willing to leave just yet after that scene." He said unsurely while biting his lip.

"Of course not! That was very funny though!" I said while chuckling. "Can you please play another song? Your voice is great!"

He chuckled but agreed nonetheless and moments later his talented voice filled the room. Leaving me amazed once again.

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