Phoebe Jackson

By NectaretAmbrosia

10.1K 440 51


The beginnig
The birthday party
The memory of Juliet Sapphire Grace
The birthday party 2
Mr. Lownstein
The dance comepetition
It begins...
The prophecy
Waking up
My second outburst
Saved by Alex
We talk
Sword fighting lesson
The stranger
Getting ready
The party
Are we twins again?
I see him again
The talk with Zeus
My heart breakes again
I use a curse word
The necklace
The game of love
Fight at the sword area
The beach party
We say goodbye
Water 2
Air 2
Tartarus 2
I can see again
The benders
Dad gets me an army
The people
Battle with Amber
The battle
The battle 2
Queen Phoebe
My big dream
World journey
Back home
Getting ready
Christmas party
Christmas party part 2
New year
New Year 2
Back to school
Momma knows best
Date with Adam
All the girls like James
The break-up
Love again
James and Phoebe
Adam is an asshole
Jacks return
He loves me and only me
The first time...sort of
Everything is ruined
Christmas with Madison
Christmas presents
New year with the benders
I hope on you
Sore loser
My end project
The choir preformance
Getting ready for prom
Graduation day
The last dance competition
Dance surprise
Last night
Time for college
The house
Lily and Lucas story
Lucas and Lily story 2
Lucas and Lily story part 3
Licas and Lily story 4
Lucas and Lily story 5
Lucas and Lily story 6
Lucas and Lily story 7
Lucas and Lily story 8
Memories 2
Memories 3
Memories 4
Memories 5
Memories 6
The future
The future 2
The future 3
The future 4
Future 5
Elijah 1
Elijah 2
Elijah 3
Elijah 4
Elijah 5
Elijah 6
Caleb 1
Autors note
Caleb 2
Caleb 3
Caleb 4
Clara 1
Clara 2

The photo album

87 5 0
By NectaretAmbrosia

Phoebe pov
We all sat at the big house we were looking at pictures from the old days. All the moms were there. Andrew, James, Juliet, Charlotte, Korra, Amber, Ben, Lily and Lucas. Mom let me and Andrew see old photos.

  "Aw, you guys were so cute." Calypso said. I laughed. "Oh, look I found James and Juliet. Oh and Lily to!" Piper exclaimed.

"Oh my gods, you were so cute Juliet!" Charie and I said at the same time. "No, I wasn't." Juliet said. "Yeah, you were." Andrew said. She shook her head, he went over and started tickling her. "I surround, I surround!" Juliet jelled. She couldn't handle tickling, her fatal flaw haha! Andrew laughed and Juliet sat on his lap. "I have pictures of Charlotte, it's funny your hair. I became lighter and lighter, when you grew up.

"You're hair is gigantic!" Ben said laughing. Charlotte slapped him. "Charlotte,baby, don't hit your man!" Ben said, Charlotte went over to me and sat next to me. "You were cute, Charie!" I said, she laughed. "Ben don't laugh like that I got some pictures to." Calypso, his mom, said. Everybody laughed.

"Mom!" He exclaimed. She just laughed. "Oh, Lucas, is that you? You were so cute!" Lily said, Lucas blushed. Everybody laughed. Ben elbowed him and winked at him. "You were cute to, Lily." He said nervously. Now it was Juliet's turn to blush. "Hey guys!" Will said. He had a book in his hand, looked like a photo album. He laid it on table, went over to Korra and kissed her cheek and gave Amber a short hug. "What's that, dad?" Korra asked. "That's a photo album, sweetie. Annabeth asked. Oh and Amber, sweetie, you aren't spared either. I asked your mom." He said leaving the room. James grabbed the album. "Oh, wasn't little Korra cute." He said, giving her a kiss on the cheek, she blushed.

"Hey, that's me!" Amber said. "Didn't know I would be in your family's photo album!" She said. "Of course you would, your my best friend." Korra answered and they hugged. "Well let's look at little Amber then." Ben said and he opened the photo album.

"Oh, that swim suit is just adorable!" Hazel said. Amber laughed. " Do you haveother pictures?" I asked my mom nodded. "For the girls" she said.

"Do you remember when we went to Hawaii?" Charlotte asked, everybody nodded. I was so much fun. "Ballet class!" Juliet said. Me and Charie laughed. "Sleepover! Oh and first day of school!" I said and we all laughed. "Concert!" Juliet said. "I'm glad I did all those moments with you guys. Love you!" I said and we hugged. I really loved these girls. "And here the boys!" Calypso said.                            

"Dude, remember the beach. I was seven and tried to flirt with that girl and she throw her water over me." Ben said to Andrew. They laughed there head of. "Oh, Andy, you look so cute. On the skate board!" Juliet said and kissed his cheek. "James, you're hair was long!" Korra said laughing, Amber was laughing to. "Well I got something for our love birds." Piper said to Juliet and Andrew.  

"Color run!" Andrew exclaimed. "Oh my gosh, we totally beaded them." Juliet said high fiving Andrew. "Oh, that one is cute." Charlotte said and she pointed to the one were the were sitting by  the lake in Camp. They hugged each other.  "Well, don't forget the other love birds!" Mom said.  

Korra hugged James. "I'm glad that I had those moments with you." She said and James kissed her. "Charlotte, baby, that's us together!" Ben said he came over. He bent over her, getting her caught. She looked away, he kissed her. She eventually gave in and sat on his lap.  "Look,this one is nice." Mom said it was our little family.

"I just need to say this sorry whole Jackson family, but dam Percy is hot!" Juliet said, I saw Andrews face and laughed. "She's right." Amber said. "He is hot." "Let's change the subject!" I said, mom and Andrew agreed. Next were the Graces.

"James and Juliet are super cute together!" Mom said, Piper nodded in agreement. "No, were not." Juliet said angry. James looked at her hurt. "I think we do." He says. "Well I don't." "Come on, Julie! How long are you gonna stay angry with me it been two freaking years!" James jelled, he was angry you could see that at the Lightning. "First, don't call me Julie. Only my twin brother can say that, but I have problems finding him!" She said angry, you could also see that on the lighting. "Both, cabin 1 this evening. "Piper said. James nodded but Juliet. "You are charmspeaking us mom!" Juliet said, Piper looked at her. Juliet nodded. "Oh my gods, look." Mom said. "What's wrong, mom?" I asked. "Look at this picture!" She said and I saw me and Korra.

"Are those Korra and Phoebe?" James asked. Mom nodded. It broke my heart seeing my old friend. I missed those times, everything was perfect. I looked at Korra. "Next page, please." She said. Okay, that was hard. She just turned me around, in real live happened the same how funny. "Oh,Annabeth, look." Piper said. "Oh, that's centuries ago!" Annabeth said. "What?" Juliet asked. My mom shows us the page and I dove into my chair. That was really centuries ago.

"Are those James and Phoebe?" Juliet asked laughing. My mom nodded. "Yeah, back then those two were inseparable." I blushed even harder, I'm probably looking like a tomato. "Hey, I remember that one. I asked you to marry me." James said. "You asked her what?!" Korra and Andrew asked at the same time, they looked at each other. Like why are you asking? "Oh, I remember to. I still don't get why you guys, aren't a couple." Piper asked. Mom nodded in agreement. "Next page please!" I asked. I couldn't stand it any longer. "No." James said, I looked at him. "Why do you wanna change the page?" He asked me. "I wanna see the other pictures." I said, that was a lie. "If we were really inseparable, why did we go two other roads?" He asked. I looked at him, he was so dumb. He left us for Korra and Amber. "Well, I don't know, but all I know. Is that I didn't exit the road." I said and he looked shocked. "Whoee, that's my girl!" Ben said and hugged me. "Don't get me wrong, Jamie lamie, you were my bro. But then you decide you needed more siestas." Ben said, Juliet was laughing her head off. "Juliet Sapphire Grace, stop laughing. And Ben stay quiet, let the two talk." Piper said, she watched us full of hope. "I just can't believe that your giving me the fault of everything. I wasn't the one who ended our friendship!" I said. "I didn't end the friendship, I just I just... Just leave it, I didn't end the friendship." He said. "Give me a real reason. Because I really don't believe you." I said. He just sat back down. "James Tristan Grace, stand up right now and tell the girl. She's not gonna wait forever." Piper said. I was getting confused. "Look, Phoebe, the reason why I left you guys is. That I liked Korra and I taught you guys would be angry if I told you." He said. "James, you could've told us." Charlotte said. "We  would not get angry if you liked a girl." I said. "It would be super cute!" Charlotte said. We went over to James and we hugged him tight. He looked at the guys. "It's alright, dude." Ben said. "Yeah, I mean I kinda get it." Andrew said. They all looked at each other. "Hug each other." The moms said. They hugged each other. We all looked at Juliet now. "Evening..." She said. "That were the last pictures." Mom said and we all left...

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