Living in a Dream - a Joe Sug...

By JKRtotallypink

4.4K 220 41

Hi, my name is Cora Foster. I'm 19 years old, and live with my best friend Aspyn Clicke in the heart of Minne... More

My Name's Cora
The Three Mystery Men
Dream Come True
The News
Surprises Good and Bad
Mistakes Were Made
Familiar Faces
The Hotel
Embarrassment and Excitement
Sometimes Nervousness is Okay
Take Risks
With Love Comes Great Sadness
Ask Them
The Dance
Cute and Clumsy
Hurt, Love, Choices
The Girl
Radio Lies
Who are They Against
Lies and Sadness
I Will be There
Guess Who's Back
Where Did He Go?
Something Special
Nothing Lasts Forever
Make The Most of It
Is Everything Okay?
Don't Be Afraid
Beautiful Silence
All Is Not Well
So... That Happened
I Can't Do This

What is Happening?

109 5 10
By JKRtotallypink

Cora P.O.V.

I couldn't believe Joe was actually leaving. I knew he would have to go eventually, but it just feels like it's happening so fast. "Um, I'm going to go get something to drink, you want anything?" I asked, resting my hand on the door knob. Thoughts of him leaving still racing through my mind.

"No, I'm good," he replied softly. I nodded, and headed to the kitchen. On my way to the kitchen, I passed Britta sitting in the living room by herself. Caspar must've gotten up to use the bathroom or something, and I heard Aspyn go into her room. Britta's head was nestled tightly into the palms of her hands, and she just looked stressed about something.

"Brit? Everything okay?" I ask, taking a seat next to her on the couch. After the words left my lips, her head shot up so fast, I thought she gave herself whiplash.

"Geez, you scared me! " She exclaimed, placing a hand on her chest, "What did you say?" Britta asked, gaining eye contact with me. When I met her eyes, they looked puffy, and red, like she'd been crying.

"Is everything okay?" I repeated, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Okay? Yeah! Everything's just PEACHY!" She yelled. I examined her face closely, and she sure as heck didn't seem okay. I could just tell she was hiding something.

"Spill," I stated blatantly, my eyes intensely searching for clues.

"Spill what?" She squeaked back.

"The beans, Britta! Spill the dang beans!" I barked back.

"We're all out of beans! So therefore, I can't spill any!" Britta retorted with sass in her eyes. I glared at her slightly, to which she did the same.

"Britta," I stated calmly.

"Cora," she replied in the same tone as me.

"Something is different. You're hiding something."

"No I'm not!" She stated defensively.

"Britta! I'm not stupid! I know you, and I know you're not being you," I stated. Her lip started to quiver. She sighed, and opened her mouth as if about to speak, when Caspar emerged from the bathroom.

"Caspar! You're back! Hey, let's go do something! Like go out to eat or something?" She requested, trying her best to get out of the last conversation. She didn't even wait for him to give an answer, "Okay? Great! Let me go change!" And she was out of there. Britta practically ran out of the living room into my room. "Hey get out of here! I have to change!" I hear Britta yell, and then I see Joe pushed out into the hallway.

"Okay then. You two going somewhere?" He asked Caspar, as he ventured into the living room.

"Yeah, apparently. I don't know where though," Caspar admitted. After what seemed like just a few minutes, Britta came parading out of my room in a white, lace top with three quarter length sleeves, and a black collar. She paired it with a short, black circle skirt.

"Okay, come one, let's go," she ordered.

"Um, Britta, that's my top," I observed.

"Can I just borrow it please?" She pleaded with big eyes.

"Ugh, I guess, only because it looks so good on you," I rolled my eyes, and a half smile crawled onto my face. Her face lit up with excitement.

"Thanks!" She finished, grabbing Caspar's wrist, and running out the door. Joe and I stood there in silence for a moment.

"What was her deal?" He asked, breaking the brief moment of silence we shared.

"I have no idea," I inform him, "I'm glad you noticed it too though. She is definitely hiding something," I said.

"No, she's definitely hiding something," Joe piped in. Suddenly, a squeal came from Aspyn's room.

"Asp?" I yelled, waiting for an answer.

"Oh my gosh! I've got to get ready!" I heard Aspyn exclaim eagerly.

"Why? Where are you going?" I questioned her. Not long after, Aspyn came bursting out of her room in a pair of black, ripped skinny jeans, a loose, dark grey, racer-back tank top, and some cute accessories. She stumbled out, having trouble trying to put on her earring and her shoe at the same time. "You need any help?" I asked her sweetly.

"No! I've got this!" She replied stubbornly. Determination filling her whole face. Her entire face began to scrunch up with persistence.

"Where are you going that's got you so excited?" I inquire.

"Dan texted me, and wanted to know if I would go out with him! So, here I am! And... Here I go, because I'm late!" She informed me quickly, hugging me goodbye, and exiting the apartment.

"Well, that was fast," I said, staring at the door. Joe and I just stood there, unsure of what to do next.

"So, would you like to do anything?" Joe asked me with a smile.

"Yes, stay here and be with you," I replied sweetly, a soft smile inching on my face.

"Okay, we can do that! You want to watch a movie, or something? We could order pizza? Make some popcorn?" He suggested.

"Yes! All of the above!" I smiled wide. I nestled myself into the couch as Joe called for pizza.

Britta P.O.V.

I let out a sigh of relief when my hand left the brass door knob. My hand shifted from Caspar's wrist to his hand. We walked out of the building, and a gust of warm air filled my lungs. I stared at the ground as we walked along the path, not saying a word.

"Britta? Something's wrong with you. I can tell," Caspar addressed. I looked up from the ground, to see Caspar's cute little face filled with concern.

"Nothing's wrong with me, Caspy," I said to him sweetly, "I'm just fine," I barked. Whoa. Where did that come from? I thought to myself. "S-sorry, I really am fine, though. Don't worry," I stated apologetically. Caspar removed his hand from mine, and rested it gently in the middle of my back.

"So where are we going exactly?" He wondered, glancing at me.

"Um, I honestly don't know. I just had to leave. I love Cora, but she was just pushing my buttons!" I admitted. I thought for a second that Caspar was going to make some witty comment about me having my buttons pushed, but he held his tongue. Smart boy. I could feel my stomach rumble from hunger, and my brain instantly went, "Waffles."

"Huh?" Caspar asked me.

"Can we get waffles? Please!" I begged, Caspar laughed and decided to get waffles for dinner. We walked to Baker's Square. When we got to the restaurant, I didn't have hardly any patience. The waitress brought us our food, after what seemed like an eternity. I shoveled those waffles into my mouth so fast. Caspar was just staring at me in amazement. "What?" I asked, bringing another heaping fork full of waffles up to my mouth.

"Nothing. Are you sure you're okay?" He asked once more. I rolled my eyes, and sighed heavily.

"Yes. Yes. Caspar, I am perfectly perfect," I replied calmly, licking the maple syrup off my fork.

"Okay, if you say so," he reluctantly agreed with me.

Aspyn P.O.V.

Ah! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! I screamed internally as I left the apartment. I was thrilled that Dan wanted to meet up with me! He told me to meet him at the pavilion at Whisper Park. I slowed my run down to a walk once I got outside. I walked the path serenely, running all the possible conversations we could have through my head. I was so blissfully unaware of my surroundings, that I had totally forgotten, that in order to get to Whisper Park, I would have to pass my work. And to make matters worse, guess who's working today. Sawyer. I pick up my pace as I'm walking past, hoping and praying that Sawyer doesn't see me. Apparently, I wasn't fast enough. Sawyer came bolting out of the salon, and placed himself right in front of me. I groaned at the sight of him, and I did my best to weave by him, but he was resilient and wouldn't let me pass.

"Hey! I've got somewhere to be! Get out of my way!" I ordered, pushing him aside, and continuing to walk. Whew, that could've been very bad. I thought to myself silently. Suddenly, I feel a constricting grip on my arm. He jerked me around to face him. Sawyer was practically towering over me. I pulled my arm hard, trying to break free from his painful grip, but it only got worse.

"You think I'm going to let you get away that easily?" He asked with a devilish grin. His grip tightened, and it took all I had not to wince at the pain. "You know, seeing you is bitter sweet," his eyes were filled with evil. My hand felt as if it was going to fall off. "And you know what else? You-" he started, but I was so done with him talking crap.

"Sawyer!" I yelled angrily, "Move on! Listen! It still hurts when your name runs through my head! Okay? I trusted you so much, Sawyer. But why would you keep asking me to trust you, when I'm still coughing up water from the last time you let me drown?" I challenged him, his grip lessened so much, that I  could finally pull away from his agonizing grasp. "That's what I thought," I sassed back, I shot an evil glare at him, and turned my back. As I walked, I rubbed my achy wrist, I was so close to Whisper Park! Everything that just happened, seemed to melt away when I thought about Dan. It's like he made everything, just, better. I spotted the pavilion, and suddenly, butterflies started dancing in my stomach. I took in a deep breath, and as I walked closer, I could see Dan sitting on a little bench. My heart started to flutter at the sight of him. I breathed deeply before I walked up to him. "Hello,"

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