Her Life Story.

By eve_j_agirl

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"The one who promises Must keep it The one who gives pain Must feel it The one who loves Must abuse it ... More

Prologue Eve
Chapter 1 - school day
Chapter 2 - Lee's Back Story
Chapter 3- Base 1127
Chapter 4- Being A Team Player
Chapter 5 - My Partner
Chapter 6 - Mountain Climbing
Chapter 7- Lunch Time
Chapter 8- All Girls
Chapter 9- Mr. Adam
Chapter 10- Just A Theory
Chapter 11- Bubble Bath
Chapter 12- Pranks
Chapter 13- Invitations
Chapter 14- Forgiveness
Chapter 15- The First Meet Up
Chapter 16- Four Figures
Chapter 18- Dress Up
Chapter 19- In A Pickle
Chapter 20- Angry Eve
Chapter 21- Choices
Chapter 22- Carnival
Chapter 23- A Ferris Wheel Ride
Chapter 24- Part one/The last meeting
Chapter 25- Part two/ Let's Get This Party Started
Chapter 26- Part three/ Perfect Timing
Chapter 27- Part four/ Suprise!
Author's Note Left On Fridge
Chapter 28- Purple?
Chapter 29- What Did I Miss
Chapter 30- Lil Pup
Chapter 31- First Encounter
Chapter 32- On The Run
Chapter 33- Friends, Flirting, and A Figure
Chapter 34- Suicidal
Chapter 35- Awkward
Chapter 36- Magic Lesson
Chapter 37- Another One Lost
Chapter 38- Where Are We?
Chapter 39- Tiny Angry People
Chapter 40- Daisy Isn't Cute
Chapter 41- Flamin' Independent Woman Who Doesn't Need A Man.
Chapter 42- Lost n' Found
Chapter 43- The Opened Case
Chapter 44- Dad's home
Chapter 45- Shot Dead
Chapter 46- No Fighting
Chapter 47- Prisoners
Chapter 48- Pressured Dreaming
Chapter 49- The Raven Leaves the Nest and Finds a Waterfall
Chapter 50- Amber Alert
Chapter 51- 2, 1, 9, 6, 44, 00
Chapter 52- Elevator Spy
Chapter 53- Your Life Is A Lie
Chapter 54- Back In Time
Chapter 55- The End Is Just The Beginning
Chapter 56- Back To Running

Chapter 17- Kidnapped

24 2 7
By eve_j_agirl

When Eve felt better, she went to her all girls class. Raven gave her that death glare as usual. She took her seat behind Amber. Amber smiled up at her thoughtfully. Eve smiled back, then opened her textbook to the right page.
I have this strange feeling. Like somethings going on. And I'm not there to stop it.

David, Eve's older brother, stepped outside. The air was cold. It had been a few days since Eve left the family, and they had no idea where she went. Her mom presumed she had ran away. Her dad always had thought she was a troubled child.
Sara ran up to him. David sat in his dad's trunk of his car. Sara sat next to him. She fumbled with her shoe laces before speaking to him.
"David, d-do you think Eve's dead" she sputtered
He looked at her then turned back into the sky.
"Well I like having my own room anyways, so she can stay where ever she is" Sara hopped off and left David to think
"Where are you, Eve" he whispered to himself. He was about to go back inside when he heard Sara's high pitched scream. He climbed up into the tree on their front yard. He held his breath as it got seriously quiet.
A women with dyed red haired stepped out their house door. She threw Sara on the front lawn. His mom and dad following.
"My, my. What do we have here" a guy in a strange black cloak laughed. He lifted up David's mom's chin.
David was about to jump to help, but then his mother saw him. Her eyes told him to stay back. She held Sara's trembling hand in her's.
"Master if I may ask, what do you want with these common folk" the lady stroked Sara's hair and pinched his father's cheek
"These 'common folk' are the little brat's family. Surely she'll come looking for them" he responded "load them up"
  "Yes Master" the lady threw them in a van. David watched terrified from the tree. Four figures walked out the house.
  "There's nothing in there" one of them said
  "You can do what you please. Don't have too much fun" The guy rode off with his family
  David quietly climbed down to not get noticed. He ran to Eve's hiding place. He knew about it for a long time. He didn't bother to mess with it. He knew a moment like this would come.

  "Good afternoon Eve" Mr. Adam opened his door "feeling ok"
  She put her bag in its usual spot "I'm ok. I still have that feeling you know"
  "I hope I'm not late. I wouldn't want to keep you waiting doll" Sir Trent sweet talked
  "Where's Bailee" Eve asked annoyed
"I'm here" Bailee ran up to Eve "hope I'm not late"
"You're fine" Eve chuckled. "So what you got for us Mr. Adam"
"Nothing new. I can't seem to track the other necklaces down. It's like they disappeared"
"You know what else is funny. I didn't have a dream last night" Eve noticed
"Do you think someone beat us too it" Bailee suggested
"Most likely, but I'm not certainly sure"
"Well maybe they're being used" Sir Trent commented
Mr. Adam raised a brow "Why would you think that if they can't be used without Eve's piece"
  Sir Trent walked over to the one of the walls. He started writing and talking. "Well let's see. Eve can use her healing powers still right. Also some of the fighting parts" we nodded in agreement
  "So it's only smart that we conclude the other necklaces can also be used, but with its main power. And we know it's happening because Eve said she felt like something was missing" he finished
  "Wow, I thought you where seriously stupid" Bailee said with a shocked expression
"Well it doesn't take much brains to figure that one out" Sir Trent clenched his fist
Mr. Adam calmed him down "You do make a good point"
  "I got this other feeling today. Like something was happening" Eve told them
  "They were most likely being used at that time. The thing is for what" Sir Trent thought
"We can't sit here and do nothing. We need to unlock Eve's strength" Mr. Adam put in with a smile
"You're right. There is no use in waiting around. Come on Eve" Bailee went over to the center

"It's not coming back" Eve sighed
Bailee patted her shoulder to comfort her. "It's ok we'll try tomorrow"
"We have so little time. Tuesday is right around the corner, and we are no closer to finding anything" Eve cried
"Hey don't beat yourself up over this. We can do what we can do. If we can't do much, at least we'll be prepared" Mr. Adam tried to comfort
"Ok, you are right. I'll see you all tomorrow then" Eve picked up her bag
"Ok bye" Bailee waved. She was staying a while to talk to the guys.

Something has happened. I just know it. I kind of do feel like the necklaces are being used. Hopefully nobody is hurt. I would hate for that to happen. Eve walked out the elevator. She walked up to her door and unlocked it. Matt looked up from the tv.
"Hey how was it" His voice came
"Um good, but I didn't improve" Eve jumped on her bed. She was tired.
He looked over "tell me about it"
Eve smiled. "You don't want to hear me talk"
He chuckled. "No, no. Please go on"
"Well we tried to get b-, I mean, get my defense skills a try. I ended up not remembering a thing on how to do move, and Mr. Adam totally beat me"
Matt took a while to think. "You should try putting all your emotion into it. All your thoughts focused on one thing. Try to calm down too. Then maybe you might remember everything"
"Thanks Matt" Eve rolled over. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

"So why am I still here" Bailee walked over to Mr. Adam
"I want you to follow Eve tomorrow when she goes to buy a dress for the Ball, and you can take Sir Trent with you"
"What why?!" Bailee looked over to Sir Trent, but he seemed too overly excited for this
"So you can lock her in the changing room"
"Mr. Adam, if I may, you are literally asking me to stalk my friend in the dressing room with a guy like him" Bailee pointed to Sir Trent
"Hey" Sir Trent said offended
Mr. Adam smiled. "Yes that is exactly what I want you to do. Plus locking her in the dressing room"
"Why would I do that"
"Miss Woods if you want to help your friend, this is our chance. She'll panic and her power will ignite....hopefully"
"Hopefully" Bailee shrieked
Mr. Adam nodded with a smile. "Ok fine" Bailee walked out "Can't believe I'm doing that. The last thing I need is an upset Eve"

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