Immortal Soul (Book 1 Of The...

By M_Basu

1.7K 111 34

#45 in fantasy (17.06.16) #43 in fantasy (15.06.16) #47 in fantasy(14.06.16) (Completed) [Needs Editing] (Boo... More

Author's Note
1. | How it all began
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six

Chapter seven

30 3 0
By M_Basu

Yeah...I know I take forever to update and I'm extremely sorry guys. Anyway, enjoy this chapter! :)

Picture at top - Obviously Clare!!! :D

"Why don't you take another cup of tea?" Annelia said, teasing her friend who was sitting in front.
"Yeah, yeah don't have to make fun of me now", Jane said with a smile.

"You are a real caffeine addict. No wonder Todd admires you so much",Annelia said with a wink.

"I know. Forget it Ann",Jane said, suddenly becoming serious.

Annelia didn't want to spoil her friend's mood so she changed the topic instead.

"So why exactly you wanna go to Paris?"

Jane thought for a while if it was wise of her to disclose her hidden agenda. She decided to tell her.

Quickly she took out her cellphone and switched it on. Scrolling down she finally got the strange text she received that day. V
"For this".

Annelia carefully read the message three or four times hoping to get hold of some kind of clue but in vain.

"Is that all?" Annelia asked looking confused. Jane nodded.

"Okay but there's still one more thing which I'm not getting". Annelia stood up and started walking towards the counter with Jane following suite.

"And what is that?"

Having payed the bill, they left the café. Once outside they moved towards a silver car which was standing in the parking lot among other vehicles.

"Why do you need my help? You have your own 'SECRET BRACELET'". They stepped inside the car.

"That's my weakness, Ann", Jane said with a sad smile.
"I can only use it till I'm in Alaska. Once I leave this city, it just doesn't work".

"Relax J. Don't worry. I'm here now so we'l make this work together okay" , Ann reassured her placing her hand on hers.

"Thanks", Jane said with a smile.

"Now that's like my girl" , Annelia said as she took out her bracelet.

It was similar to Jane's except for the color of the stone that was sitting at the centre. Unlike Jane's which was blue Ann's stone was bright red.

"So are we ready?"

"Yes!" Jane shouted which made Ann laugh.

"Paris, here we come!" Annelia pressed the stone.

Both of the girls closed their eyes and vanished into thin air leaving the car empty in no time.


Before Crystal's school bus came I had managed to do quite a few number of things. After searching her entire closet I had finally gotten hold of a decent shirt.

Clearly her taste in dressing was totally different from mine. Judging by the strappy,stone-studded and flimsy designer tops that rested in her closet I guessed she was probably the queen-bee of high-school.

Oh no...
So I wasn't surprised when I found another closet filled only with six-inch designer shoes.

Luckily I got a pair of sneakers so I put it on.

I quickly did my hair, leaving it open with only a black hairband on.

Once I was done I grabbed Crystal's phone and school bag and made my way downstairs.

"Crystal", I heard Miss Wainscoat call me from behind.


"Yes", I turned back and gave her one of my sweetest smiles.

"Uh..nothing. It's just you look different that's all", she said as I saw her eyes scanned me right from top to bottom.

"I just needed a change that's all, Wenny", I replied.

"Well I must say it's a good change then my dear", she said and winked at me.

Of course I didn't get the domestic joke but I smiled anyways.

Suddenly I heard a horn blaring outside. I saw a yellow bus standing outside the house.

"Well good-bye my dear. Have a nice day at school", she said and gave me a tight hug.

"Bye",I said and hugged her back, a bit abruptly I must admit and went outside.

As soon as I stepped outside, I was immediately greeted by a group of barbies.

'Hey Crystal'...'What's up girl?'...'Wow! I love your sneakers'...'Omg! I just love your top!!'....and the blabbering went on forever.

Wow! So this girl must be really popular if soo many students are her die-hard fans. Great...just great!

"Hey what's the matter with you Crys?" a girl suddenly jumped on my left.

She was very tall and slim. Her hair was black with short curls falling on her forehead.A red jacket was draped over her shoulder. She had an oversized top on over a pair of blue faded jeans and black stilletoes.

I gave her a small smile nervously.

"Nothing. Just thought of changing my fashion trend", I said and quickly got inside the bus.

However, that girl was acting like a total leech. She followed me all the way inside and sat down next to me.

Maybe she is Crystal's best friend...

Soon the bus started moving and I started checking out everyone from the corner of my eyes.

The bus was filled with students who are like any normal high-school students busy chatting, having fun, making-out ending with few nerds.

I had completely forgotten about the girl sitting next to me until she pinched me.

"Ouch! What the hell!" I rubbed my forearm quickly.

"What is wrong with you!" she hissed under her voice.

God! Why is she overreacting so much?

I didn't know what to say. The girl huffed and gave me an I-am-totally-dissapointed-and-disguisted-with-you look and started typing in her cellphone. Her name flashed on the screen.

She was called Sapphire.

"Hey Sappy do you want some pepperment?" a boy suddenly said. He was sitting in front of us and had obviously been an audience to our small fight.

"Thanks", she said and just took the chewing gum from his hand without looking up.

The guy got up and planted a kiss on her left cheek. Well that got her going because she turned beetroot red and gave him a small smile.

The school was not that far. It took us just half-an-hour to reach.

Once the bus came to a halt I quickly climbed out hoping the girl would leave me alone but that didn't happen unfortunately.

Although the girl Sapphire was clearly pissed-off at me, not looking at me even once she followed me nevertheless.

I decided to leave her alone and have a look at the school building. It was huge just like my old school back in London.
St. Paul's High School. That's what it's called.

Many students greeted me with usual 'hellos' to which I responded with just a meek smile.

"Hey babe", a boy suddenly jumped on my right side out of nowhere.

"Now behave Jack", Sapphire said getting more pissed-off.

The boy smirked. "Why are you jealous my sweet little Sappy?" he said tauntingly.

Whoever this guy is I'm pretty sure he most definately wasn't in Crystal's good book.

"Just shut up asshole and back off!" Sapphire almost growled.

"Okay alright alright. Jeez..calm down woman", Jack said and took a few steps back "I was just checking on her that's all".

"Well she is none of your concern. She is a big girl and take care of het ownself you dickhead so just leave her alone!" saying this she pushed him and walked away.

What just happened...

Okay so I was right. Sapphire is Crystal's bestfriend. But now what?

I didn't know Crytal's schedule so I kept standing there like an idiot.
What kind of bestfriend ditches you and walks away?

I was planning to give a small visit to the principal's room when I saw a girl coming my way, running.

"Hey Crys are you planning to get another detention today?"

Wow! Someone please come and kill me right now. How many detentions does this girl have?

"", I said.

"Well then let's get going if you don't wanna be late", the girl said and I followed suit.

On the way she stopped in front of a locker. Quickly she removed her jacket and put it inside. Then she took out few books. The label read 'Milky'.

On our way she suddenly asked me, "so how is everything going with Nick?"

I wanted to smash her head right then but controlled my temper.I felt mad and frustrated at the same time.

When I didn't say anything she laughed a little.

"That silly dolt! Must be sleeping eh.Don't tell me he'll skip tommorrow again. If he misses another football practise session Mr. Dough will have him out of the team for real this time".

Not that it was any of my concern but I didn't want anything bad happen to anyone so I decided to play along.

"I don't know where he is", I said.

"What?" she looked very serious.

"Yeah. He would show up tonight I guess", I told her recollecting what Crystal's mom had told earlier.

"That's strange. His house was locked when I reached home last night you know. It was almost 1 in the morning. Are you sure he is not dating someone else?" she asked me suspiciously to check if I was hiding something or not.

We entered a classroom and she made her way towards the last bench. I followed her and took a seat next to her since she was the only person I knew from class.

"Seriously I don't know", I said with a bored look as a teacher entered the classroom.

"Good morning students", she was a quite friendly old lady. I just hoped she wasn't strict like my english teacher back in middle school.

I came to know that she was our art teacher. She opened her textbook and started reading some story. Within five minutes there was a knock at the door.

"Ugh!" she said under her breath with a disguisting look marring her face which didn't go unnoticed.

All of us were curious to see who it was that interrupted our so called interesting lesson which was going on.

A very fat middle aged man entered the classroom and almost instantly all the students stood up and wished him in unison.

"Good morning sir".

"Good morning boys and girls", he said with a brief smile. Then he whispered something in our art teacher's ears and she nodded.

He looked outside and motioned someone to come inside.

Whoever was standing there pushed the door and stepped inside.

"Students. This is your new classmate Raymond Lavendar. He is a transfer student from Canberra and we are pleased to welcome him at St. Paul's. So please welcome him boys and girls", the man who I guessed is the principal said and started clapping his hands as the students followed suite.

The boy looked at us without any tiny bit of nervousness and I stopped clapping at once.

My face turned from pale white to pink then purple and finally ending to red. I was shocked. No I was beyond shocked.

Because standing right in front of us was 'The-freaking-hot-guy-from-the-plane-which-crashed-yesterday!'

Picture at the top - Raymond Lavendar ;)

"Hello", he said with a small smile.

"Hi", the class said back in unison.

The girls were already drooling on him. I was still in a trance.

The man disappeared closing the door behind him.

An empty desk was lying on the front row. Plane-guy walked there and sat down.

"Okay so back to our lesson". She continued reading none of which made sense so I zoned out as usual.

"You alright there?"

I looked at my side to see a tensed Milky.

"Yeah", I said still in a trance.

"Are you sure? You look like you have seen a ghost".

You have no idea how shocked I'm right now...

"No everything is alright. I'm just a little bit tired that's all", I lied and thankfully she bought that and decided to leave me alone and focus on the lesson.

How could it be possible! He was the same guy from the plane for god's sake! That same arrogant jerk who tore my ticket then laughed at me with his other companions and pushed me out.
Then the plane how is he still alive?

"Hello..Crystal..I asked you a question".

I jerked and came back to reality.

Holy shit! I had been daydreaming again.

I stared at her,totally blank.
"Sorry what?" I asked her.

"I asked you the name of the person who built the sand hill in the story 'Hillock'", she said.

What the hell is this story all about?

"Were you day dreaming again Miss Darton?" she said and the whole class started laughing.
The plane-guy smirked at me.

Of  course he was enjoying the whole thing! I don't know what I did wrong but he seems to have some sort of enmity with me. Otherwise why would someone just tear off your ticket and throw you out of the plane?

I scowled at him which didn't affect him even 0.01%. And the strangest part - he didn't seem to recognise me. Or maybe he recognised me but pretended as if he didn't. Who knows...
It was so embarassing. I tried to hide my face with my hair.

"Sorry mam. I didn't go through my text yesterday", I said miserably.

The teacher was clearly enjoying the entire scene judging by the huge smirk on her face.

"Sit down Miss Darton. Although its useless yet once again I'm repeating. Please pay attention in class if you don't want another detention", she said sternly and continued teaching.

I scowled. Not a single word made sense. How the hell was I supposed to pay attention then!

The class ended finally with our art teacher's boring long speech on some sort of play named 'The Dutchess'.

I found everyone talking excitedly about whatever the teacher taught us earlier except for two people.

Me and the plane-guy.

We studied Maths,History and the day ended in the library. It isn't really my thing so I decided to stay out of there.

In the meantime Milky left me saying she had badminton practise and I was once again left in the company of 'The leech girl'.

Sapphire was busy talking to the same guy from the school bus.

"Ughh! Just the same old crappy ones! Why don't they keep any good books out here?" she said irritatingly as she scanned through some of the books.

"Relax babe. You can always buy online or maybe lend from one of your friends you see", the guy said.
Seriously, he was too fussy about his girlfriend.

"Oh by the way Ed are you free tonight?" she asked him.

"I'm always free for you", he said and winked at her.
A real cassanova.

"Mind if I come?"

"Of course not!" he said with a huge grin on his face.

Sapphire gave me a winning smile. I knew what was coming next.

"Yeah go have fun with Ed", I said with a smile.

"Are you sure?" she asked me.


"Will you be okay?"

"Yeah. Don't worry. I'll be fine", I assured her.

"Okay then see you tommorrow girl", she said and gave me a hug.
Then she left holding hands with Ed.

I decided to head towards my school bus at once.

Whew! So many things happened in my life in such a short time. Starting from the plane incident to me stumbling on this strange place...and on top of everything I have to deal this spoilt girl's reputation everywhere.

I was thinking when suddenly I crashed against someone. Before I would fall a strong pair of arms came around my waist and held me firmly.

I looked up and saw who he was. The plane-guy!

"You alright there?" he asked as he checked me up and down making sure I was okay.

I didn't say anything at first so he continued with his explaination.

"I am really very sorry. I was just going to the library to return a book and I was late so I was almost running and then...."

He trailed off once he saw I was staring at him. Who would'nt? I mean he was hot and all afterall.

But he is an arrogant jerk Claire...he tore off your ticket remember?  my brain said and I immediately got myself together.

"Finished checking me out", he said, smirking.

"I have seen better", I said gritting my teeth.
He chuckled. "Oh really", he asked me raising his left eyebrow.

Yes you asshole!

"You are Crystal right? The daydreaming girl from class", he asked me arrogantly.

Stupid asshole!

"Oh really. You think so?" he said.

Huh!Did I just say that out aloud?
"Yes you did Miss daydreamer", he said and grinned at me.

"Don't call me that you idiot!" I scowled at him.

"Why? I think its a pretty cute nickname. Don't you think?" he said innocently batting his eyelids.

Enough is enough, I thought and decided to confront him.

"So you are Raymond Lavendar. Son of some millionaire I presume", I said in a sarcastic tone.
Almost immediately the grin dissapeared and his face became stoic and serious.

"Why? You have any problem with that", he said arrogantly.

Well not only is he arrogant. Today I derived something about this guy. He is a total spoilt brat!

"Not exactly unless you mind explaining what exactly happened yesterday Mr. Plane guy", I said angrily.

He raised his eyebrows once again.

"No need to look so shocked Mr. I know who you are", I said loosing my patience now.

"And who exactly am I?" he said once again smirking.

I wanted to wipe out that smirk from this jerk's face!

"Just stop pretending okay! Why the hell did you do that?" I asked him.

His chocolate brown eyes suddenly turned cold.

"Listen girl...I don't know who you are or what the hell you are talking about so stop blaming me for something which I clearly didn't do. Okay?" he said.

God he was such a stubborn and adamant kid!

"Just stop playing the good boy and tell me why did you tear off my ticket in the plane yesterday!"

He looked at me as if I was some mad woman shouting at him.

"Look crazy girl I don't know what you're talking about. First of all I'm not the kind of crazy mad man who goes around tearing off plane tickets. Secondly I never boarded any plane yesterday since I stay in Canberra which takes only two hours to travel if you go by a car. So whatever crap you are going on with, seriously I have nothing to do with that", and saying this he started walking away.

Why the hell is he lying! And if he isn't then who the hell was that on the plane? I'm pretty sure it was him..atleast my eyesight is not that bad.

"Wait!" I shouted and ran after him. He gave me an irritated look.


"You seriously didn't board any plane yesterday?" I asked him expecting him to maybe change his mind this time and tell me that he was lying all this while.

"Yes. How many times do I have to say that?" he almost growled this time.
Scared I didn't pester on it anymore.

"You know what, you are a psycho!" he shouted unexpectedly and then walked away in a hurry.

I looked at his retreating figure in utter astonishment unable to say anything.

Spoilt brat!

Yeah maybe I am loosing my mind. I hoped all of this was some kind of bad dream like the ones I used to have when I was a kid.

But no this isn't any dream. It's a reality that has turned into a bad nightmare. Now the real question is :
Can I trust this guy?

So did you guys like Raymond? How is the surprise? ;)

I know this chapter is a bit long but then its a very important one and you'll soon find out why :)

Okay next update will be on 25th hopefully and I have a surprise waiting for you guys. Yeah..another new character will be introduced. Don't know if you'll will like/hate her :3

As usual continue reading,voting,commenting and of course sharing my story if you are liking it.
With lots of ♡
Meow :D

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