By xoxo_annie_exo

1.6M 37.3K 12.9K

What if there was a school for the magicals, in Korea? Park Sarang is suddenly transferring to Park Cha... More

introductions and characters
New Powers
D.O~ Park Chan Jae High
Kai~ developing feelings
Chen~ The Past Inside Him
Chen ~ the past inside him [ part 2 ]
Chen ~ the past inside him [ part 3 ]
$uho ~ shopping
$uho ~ shopping [part 2]
Sehun ~ trouble ahead
Tao ~ halloween
Tao ~ Costumes
Lay ~ Halloween
Baekhyun ~ Lights out
Kris ~ Fighting the enemy
Kris ~ The Monster
Hyun Woo ~ The Past
Hyo Ra ~ My so-called Brother
Luhan ~ Hurt
Luhan ~ Story Time
Xiumin ~ Frost
Xiumin ~ Caught
Chanyeol to the Rescue
Chanyeol ~ Dessert & Idols
D.O - @maecah10
Chanyeol & Luhan
Lee Hyunwoo ~ Revenge ?
Hyo Ra ~ All Messed Up
Minhyuk ~ Red Light
Sarang ~ Captain Hook & Hanboks
Sarang Special: Wake Up Call
Sarang ~ Dangerous Charmspeak
Sarang ~ Missing Person
The Change
You Reap What You Sow
The Unknown Truth Revealed
Hopeless ; He's Back
Scarlet Diamondé
Beginning of Chaos
Tree of Life
His Façade
The Blonde Wolf Awakes
The Wolves Bark - Her Comeback
The Black Pearl
Kris ~ The Dragons
Sehun ~ Who?
Sehun & Baekhyun ~ Fire
The Start of a New Journey
Planet of Peace
Q & A
Hyde & Jekyll
Fanfiction Revamp
Lost & Found
The Seal
KaiSoo ~ Suffocate
Lay ~ Hide & Seek
Right Back
Pre-War Chant
# tagged
Breaking News ; Announcement
and so it begins. . .
battle cry × xiumin
recap + not a chapter
run × luhan
blood shed × kris
defense × suho
wounded × lay

Sehun ~ bubble tea café

36.7K 776 81
By xoxo_annie_exo



Speaking of next time, there were a lot of onlookers that were watching EXO walk away cooly I suppose. And most of them were excited high school girls that saw 12 handsome guys like a jackpot. They were staring at EXO like hungry wolves.

There's gonna be some action later on, so I better act fast. So... I kinda... um... revealed my secret. I made time freeze for the humans, and Tao looked back to see what I did.

"Hurry! The girls might chase you, you know. Let's go." I said quickly. Using my special time control powers that I've mastered at home, I made time regular for the EXO members.

"Hey Sarang-ah. Good job on the time control." Suho said, flashing a bright smile at me.

~Suho, Kim Jun Myeon



"That was a close one. I can't believe that I didn't even notice it." Suho said, huffing.

At the mall, I had witnessed that we should get out of there quickly before all those fangirls chased us to death. And so, with my smart brain here, I quickly warned everyone- well not really. And we succeeded in our magical escape.

The girls at the mall must be wondering where all those 12 hot guys disappeared so suddenly. Oh well, they'll never know.

"Hey hyung! Can we go there now?" Sehun and Chen asked, whining.

"I could use a drink. I'm so tired from running so much." Suho said, still huffing.

With my developing magical powers here, I couldn't perform them for long periods of time. So I could only teleport and Freeze time for a few seconds. If not, then I could pass out.

But I have to say, these past few days I've been training at home and school, and I've gotten better.

As everyone huffed and puffed and inhaled the crisp air, we all started walking to 'there.'

I was dying to know where there was, but I decided to keep my mouth shut.



Sarang looked so excited going there, even though she looked tired. Her shining and happy face suddenly darkened a bit, and I lingered behind the group to check up on her.

"Hey. You ok?" I asked, looking at her expression.

"Yea I am. I'm just a bit tired, that's all." Sarang said, smiling.

I frowned a bit, while Sarang laughed and lightly punched my arm.

"Hey don't worry Sehuna! I'm still strong! Hahaha!" Sarang laughed.

"Ouch, that hurt." I said, teasing her.

"Omg I'm so sorry! Does it hurt??? Where does it hurt???" she said frantically.

"I'm just kidding! You sound like my omma." I said chuckling and ruffling her hair- I mean beanie.

"Yah! My beanies gonna fall off!" Sarang said, putting her Hello Kitty beanie in place.

I sneakily glanced at her outfit today, and she looked so adorable...

She even had Hello Kitty beanie and glasses to match her oversized sweater.

I swear if Sarang does aegyo, I'll die.

"Hey you done checking me out Sehun?" She teased me.

"I-I w-wasn't checking you out. W-What are you talking about???" I stuttered. I wasn't expecting this!

"Haha I'm joking! But still you looked creepy looking at me like that. And you were stuttering." she replied.

"B-but I-I wasn-" I started, but I had gotten interrupted.

"Suho hanapuji! Sehun was looking at me weirdly!" Sarang yelled and made her way to the front where Kris, Xiumin, and Suho hyung were leading us.

"Oh Sehun! What are you doing to our lovely little girl?!" Suho said, turning around to glare at me. I then noticed a little chuckling Sarang hiding behind the Kris hyung, who was the tallest.

The members turned to look at me weirdly, since we interrupted whatever they were talking about.

D.O hyung with his huge eyes, stared at me like an owl. He was seriously freaking me out. Same with Chanyeol hyung, who accidentally derped at the wrong time.

I mentally face palmed myself for getting myself into this mess. I need an excuse and quick.

"Nothing hyung! I was just noticing her Hello Kitty beanie! It's really cute!" I said, adding a bit of aegyo in my words.

"Yah! Sarang-ah! Why did you call me hanapuji???? I'm not old! I'm still young!! And I don't even have wrinkles and gray hair!" Suho hyung exclaimed, recalling the name Sarang had called him earlier.

My hyungs started laughing at Sarang's remark about the leader, and their attention was drawn away from me.

"Mian-ne HANAPUJI!!!!" Sarang yelled, laughing. She started running towards the back, [where I am] grabbed my hand, and ran forwards.

All I have to say for now, with all this havoc, is that running with Sarang is fun.



Haha yea! I decided to tease the members [well, Suho & Sehun] and it was so funny.

I know how Chen feels every time he plays a prank. It's awesome to feel like a troll. Not the fairy tale kinds though. The joking kinds.

I ran towards Sehun and grabbed his hand and started running. I seriously didn't know what I was doing. It's like a robot controls your mind and you're watching yourself doing absolutely stupid things.

Let's just hope that I don't do anything stupid.

We stopped seconds later, catching our breath. A strong gust of wind blew, making my clothes and hair fly in the air.

Was this Sehun's doing? I know he has wind and all, but.... I don't know.

"Sehuna?" I asked. "Yea?" he replied. "Is the wind blowing your doing?"

"Ani. Remember, we can't use our talents in public." he said. "Then.... is it you? Did you find a new power Sarang-ah?"

"I don't think so...."I said, wondering.

From the day I solved ChenChen's 'Minyoung' problem, nothing's happened. My powers were ok, it's just that since I'm a power developing magical, shouldn't I be getting a new power everyday?

Sehun looked around us, and found no one looking. He then said, "Test it."

"Ok..." I said, unsure. "Just- concentrate on your feelings and how you want the wind to blow. It'll help you." he advised.

"Ok." I said. { ok Park Sarang, you got this. } I thought.

I concentrated on the world around me, and I felt wind flying around my fingers. I waved my finger around, and a small tornado soon formed. I pointed at a small pile of leaves across the street, which flew in the wind.

I turn around to find a shocked Sehun looking at me in awe. "That was great! Do something else! No... follow me ok?" Sehun said.

"Ok so, you make that pile of leaves fly and swirl around, while I make a tiny tornado arraso?" Sehun instructed. "Yes sir!" I said, saluting.

Sehun chuckled at me, but then concentrated his eyes on the wind.

I made my hand into a fist, which stopped the leaves fly loosely. I quickly opened them to find a large gust of wind, which shot out of... my hand? Ok Nevermind that.

I swirled my finger again to make a mini leave tornado. Sehun pointed his finger, waiting for the right time.

"Ok you ready? Watch this." Sehun said.

I watched another large gust of wind shoot out and landed in the middle of the street. it then formed a tornado that was noticeable or big enough to tell people that it was a tornado.

"Sehun, I think I've seen enough. Let's do this later ok?" I asked, worried.

"Yea sorry. I got carried away." He said sheepishly. I chuckled at the maknae, and asked him something.

"Sehuna, where's there? I wanna know!!!" I whined. "Fine I'll tell you... until we get there." he replied, smirking.

"Ugghhhhh. Fine." I groaned.


Sehun lead me to who knows where, [since there were a lot of turns] and we finally reached a cafe.

Ohhhhh..... so there was a- bubble tea café? Awesome! KYAAAAA! XD

Did I mention that I LOVE bubble tea????! It's freakin awesome!

[ A/N: I have bubble tea rn. Hehehe ]

"Let's go in? The members must be waiting for us." Sehun said, opening the door.

The scent of food made my stomach growl for food, even though we ate lunch just a whole ago. This was perfect timing!

Bubble tea here I come!!! XD

I excitedly spazzed, and Sehun chuckled at my childish behavior. I made a mad face, which made him laugh more.

"Jeez you're so cute when you do that. It's funny." Sehun chuckled as I blushed a little.

7 minutes later, Sehun and I had our bubble teas in hand. The
large café was busy with orders, and there were many customers waiting in line.

"Sarang-ah, this way." Sehun said, gesturing to me and heading upstairs. I followed Sehun in front of a door, which he opened and revealed the 11 other EXO members.

Their conversation stopped as Sehun and I entered the room. They were carefully eyeing the both of us before bursting into loud whispers.

"Hey I heard that Sehun wanted to make us jealous." Kai whispered loudly. "He wanted Sarang all to himself."

"He's so selfish. Who ever knew that the innocent maknae is like this?" Luhan whispered back.

"Yea. Guys, I say we teach him a lesson." Xiumin added.

Whoa. Being the eldest, I never knew Xiumin would take the chance and join along. He's supposed to be the role model here! Whatever he acts like a cute little kid anyways. ^^

"Hey hyungs?" Sehun said, uneasy. "What Sehun?" XiuKaiHan said, acting innocent.

"Teach him a lesson later. Not now. We're in public. What if someone sees us huh? Our idol image would be ruined." Kris said

"Kris hyung is right. Stop acting like little kids guys." Suho chimed in.

"FINE." Xiumin huffed, crossing his arms.

"Now what was that about me?" I asked the three. Kai gulped and pointed at Luhan and said, "Hyung told me to do it!!!"

Luhan returned with a "No I did not!!! Xiumin hyung's the one whose supposed to be mature here!!!!"

I laughed as the three started arguing, and they didn't even notice that I went to Chanyeol's table.

"Hey sweetie! You finally came! Now how about a hug?" Chanyeol asked with open arms.

"Uh no thanks." I said, sitting down. Chanyeol looked dumbfounded and upset, and Baekhyun comforted him.

"IM SOOO LONEY...... She doesn't even like meeeeee..." Chanyeol cried. "That's cuz you overreact to much Yeollie-ah." I replied.

"Cheer him up." Baekhyun whispered. "Ah waeyo????" I whined. "He'll act drunk and bawl his eyes out until he gets what he wants."

Do I seriously have to deal with such a giant baby? What did I ever do? I guess I got to cheer Yeollie up unless he goes crazy with the other members.

Let's just hope that he doesn't overreact.

"Chanyeol-ah!!!" I said, standing up and walking towards him.

Chanyeol sniffed a few times before saying, "Y-Yea?" He looked like a sad little puppy, which was the complete opposite when he's.... derping.

"You wanna hug?" I cautiously asked. "Y-Yea..." Chanyeol said, sniffing.

I embraced the taller guy who stopped sniffling and he broke out in a wide smile.

"I GOT A HUG FROM SARANG-AH!!!!" Chanyeol yelled & spazzed. "Ahhhhh!!! That felt nice..." ^w^ And Chanyeol nearly fainted from that.


He's bipolar, I know that now.

"I WANNA HUG TOOOOO!!!!" Baekhyun yelled, which was followed by Sehun, Tao, Kai, Chen, Xiumin, and..... Kris????!

"Today must be hug day or something...." I mumbled. "What?" Baekhyun said. "Oh nothing!" I said, fake smiling.

Chen was running towards me for a hug, and he pushed Kai and Xiumin out of the way, making them fall on their bum.


"HYUNGGGG!!!" Kai whined, rubbing his hurt bottom.

Chen gives Xiumin and Kai a 'merong' and embraces me in a soft hug. I wasn't tall enough to reach him [Well I'm just an inch shorter jk] and we just.... hugged.

Chen's mood HAS been better these days, and he was constantly thanking me and giving me things, like oh I don't know, a freakin LAPTOP and a NEW PHONE.

I didn't ask for these and yet he just gave them to me. I was surprised at the sudden expensive gifts, and Chen said that he didn't mind. He said that he'd buy me anything like Prada or something.

Haha, JK. At first I thought that it was a joke and what not, and Chen's serious face told me that he wasn't kidding.

I broke from our hug, only to find myself bombarded from more hugs. Most if EXO was as tall as me or just a bit taller, but Kris and Chanyeol were no joke.

They're freakin huge and tall!!! I was almost a head shorter than them!

Minutes have gone by and I was hugged from every member, [although I tried to avoid that.] Being the evil squishy D.O is, he literally crushed my bones a bit, which Lay gege helped me heal them ASAP.

I feel like a hugging magnet or a machine or something.

And lastly was Sehun, who was jumpy. {His bubble tea must've had too much sugar in them.} I thought.

"NOONA!!!" Sehun yelled before engulfing me into his giant hug. "Sehun-ah, I'm not your noona. You're older than me. You know that." I said.

"Sarang-ah, Sehun's a bit crazy right now so I don't think you should-" Suho started.

And that was when the windows suddenly opened and the wind had flown in crazily, just like the sugar high maknae.


MYSTERY..... haha jk, no.

Sehun's kinda high right now, I'm sure he'll calm down. Right Oh Thehun?

Sehun: My name isn't THEHUN! It's Sehun, and my lisp is gone!!!

Me: But that's what makes you cute!!! ^^

Sehun: I can be cute!!! *does gwiyomi*

Me: Ahh so cute!!! XD Now say goodbye Sehuna!

Sehun: Annyeong!!! *buing buing* :3

Me: Bye bye my beautiful reader! ^_^

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