And Peggy

By andpggy13

152K 6.8K 10K

She'll always be 'And Peggy.' He'll never be satisfied. She's helpless. He's back from France. He never told... More

Chapter two
Chapter 3
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17.5
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 19.5
Chapter 20
Chapter 21.1
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Wazz Up
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Read Right Now
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36.5
Part 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter One

11.7K 349 1.7K
By andpggy13

Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy. That's what it's always been. She's always been And Peggy.

Peggy sighed to herself while they passed a boy in Eliza's class- She forgot his name- who said, "Hey Angelica. Eliza. And- um, bye." He hurried away, disappointed in himself for forgetting the other sister's name.

"I can't believe he forgot you, Peggy." Eliza says, putting a comforting arm around her sister's shoulder. Peggy shrugged it off. "I'm fine," She says and plastered a fake smile on her face. No I'm not, she thought to herself before they reached their lockers, three of them right next to each other.

Angelica opened hers. Pictures of her and her sister's decorated the inside, with pink trimming and even a chandelier. Eliza opened hers. A picture of her and her boyfriend, Alex, was hanging up and a blue magnetic clock hung in the back. Peggy opened hers. All that was inside was a picture of her and her sisters with a yellow trimming. That's all.

Alex flaunted over to the three of them, leaned on Peggy's shut locker, and faced Eliza. "Hello, my dearest, Eliza." He kissed her forehead, and she giggled and kissed his.

Peggy huffed and pushed a curl behind her ear. Now I can't get into my locker, she thought, and leaned against the neighboring locker to wait for the two of them.

Angelica watched the two of them behind the comfort of her open locker. I want him to kiss me like that, she thought but forced it out of head. Compose yourself, Angelica! She slammed shut her locker, and said, "Peggy, come." And the two of them walked down the hallway,Angelica in a white skirt and pink sweater, Peggy in deep brown jean shorts with a yellow sweater.

"Alexander, I have to get to class." eliza said as he pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Can't you be late once?" he smiled and kissed her. Not now, Alex, she thought, but gave up underneath the kiss. The bell rang and she pushed him off. "I have to go, Alexander. I love you. See you after class." He kissed her quickly before saying, "I love you too."

Meanwhile, Madison is grappling with the fact that Thomas has other friends. The first week of school as a senior and new student, being alone is tough. And the only person you know happens to have other friends.

"Thomas, c'mon, wait." he pleads as he chases him down the hall. "Thomas waits for no man, Madison." he replies and walks the same pace, if not faster. "Ugh." Madison groans and then runs to catch up with him.

"Dude, but for real, Peggy is really-" Laurens struggled to find the word. "Weird?" Mulligan offered. "Not as pretty as Angelica or Eliza?" Lafayette suggested. Laurens made a face. "No, she just seems different from them. Y'know, like-" He was interrupted because Hamilton came up behind him and was red with rage.

"Jefferson transferred here. Thomas Jefferson. He transferred here from his private school in France." Alex seethed. Laurens laughed.

"Jefferson left France, to come, here? In a stinky old public school? Honestly, you have to be joking." Laurens laughed.No one else did. Alex looked angrier. "Yeah. He did." He spits out through gritted teeth. He opens up his locker, pulls out a binder, and slams it shut. Then Alex stalks away towards his class.

"Angelica, what about Peggy?" Eliza whispered as Angelica grabbed their lunches. Angelica turned red before grabbing another tray.

"Shush, Eliza. I didn't forget Peggy." Angelica argued, and glanced behind her where their sister was saving their spots at a table.

"If you say so." Eliza replied, and Alex came up from behind them and kissed Eliza's cheek. "Hello love." He says, and grabbed an apple. Angelica stared at the plate, avoiding Alexander's glance.

"Hey, Peggy!" Someone called Peggy looked up. Peggy? Someone knows her name? She turns around to see a boy with dressed in a deep purple shirt, black dress pants, and a white jacket walk towards her.

"You're Peggy, right? Angelica's younger sister?" He flashes a glance at the eldest sister. Peggy frowned. Angelica's sister.

"Yes," Peggy replied carefully, and glanced at the much shorter boy behind the purple one.

"My name is Thomas Jefferson. And this is James Madison." He pointed a thumb at the boy behind him. He grabbed Peggy's hand, kissed it, and waltzed away towards Angelica.

Peggy turned red, grabbed a book out of her bag and started angrily reading it, the words making no sense in her head, just swimming around. I'm always the other sister. I'm always And Peggy. She groaned before collapsing on top of her book and tried not to cry.

Maria Reynolds was a rebel. She was homeschooled to the people that asked. She looked just like Peggy Schuyler, but no one really said anything. But how unusual that they were never seen at the same time? And how unusual is it that Peggy Schuyler always had red lipstick on hand?

Angelica turned around. Peggy was gone. Where is Peggy? She looked around. No where. She disappeared. Angelica's thoughts were still consumed by the fighting going on on either side of her while Jefferson and Alex debated over the lunch menu, so she thought nothing of it.

Eliza sat down next to Angelica, and Alex sat down next to her. The two talked to each other quietly, and Angelica made small talk with Alex's friends across the table.

The end of school is most torturous. Peggy goes to the 'Library.' Eliza has community service at the homeless shelter. Angelica has book club. Alex and his friends,and enemies, are at debate team. Most of the time. Alex skips a lot, though. Everyone is doing their own thing until seven. And then it becomes alive.

Alex decided to skip Debate Club. how could he stay in there with Thomas Jefferson? His enemy? He seethed to himself while walking to the Pizza Hut. But there was a girl walking down the street.

She had beautiful skin, the color of hot chocolate, and big hazel eyes. She has curly dark brown hair, pinned to the side. Bright red lipstick, and winged eyeliner. Dressed in a high-waisted jean shorts and a red crop top. And black heels. And she was crying.

Alex discreetly rushed behind the girl, and tapped her shoulder. She turned to him. She reminded Alex of someone..He couldn't put his finger on it. She is gorgeous, he thought before he said, "My name's Alexander Hamilton." And she replied with "Pe- Maria Reynolds." And Alex was pulled into the trance of her eyes.

He forgot about Eliza. Simply forgot. Those eyes and those trembling lips..

He brought her for pizza. He asked her why she was crying. She paused and fiddled with a straw wrapper.

"Um, I'm being ignored. I'm sort of alone right now." And that was when Alex fell in love with her. Her trance, actually. He fell in love with her helplessness. So he suggested they go to his house. Well, the house he and his adopted brother, Lafayette, lived at with their adopted father and mother, George and Martha Washington. 

They walked to the houseand Alex let her in. He kept the lights off and suggested they go to his room. No one is home yet. They sat on the bed, and Alex kissed her.

She pushed him off first. Then, after a brief moment, she pulled him back in again. 

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