By DivineBeauty17

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Hiccup and Astrid has to keep a secret to themselves. The other teens are already getting suspicious. But the... More

Chapter 1: The Secret
Chapter 2: Hiding the Secret
Chapter 4: I didn't Mean To
Chapter 5: Trust
First Ever Tagged
Chapter 6: Denial and Acceptance
Chapter None: Please Read
Chapter 7: Suspicions
Chapter 8: Secret REVEALED?!!
Chapter 9: The Truth
Chapter None 2.0: Tagged and Author's Note
Chapter 10: The Story Behind
Chapter 11: Explanations
Chapter 12: Some Time Alone
Chapter 13: But I always -
Chapter 14: Waking Up with You(s) In Front of Me?
Chapter 15: The Girl Who Cried Hiccup
Chapter 16: Mother Knows Best
Chapter 17: From MANY, to ONE, and finally NONE
Basically just me Blabbering
Chapter 19: Finding the Cure
Chapter 20: Seeking Help
Chapter 21

Chapter 3: The Argument

3.9K 87 33
By DivineBeauty17

Hi Guys! It's been a long time since I updated this book and I'm so sorry for that. School has started and I've been very busy lately and I only have little time to write but now I have some free time. Yey! I'll try to update more often. Maybe at least once a week.

By the way, I already watch the new episodes and Hiccstrid has improve a lot. The feels... Buffalord Soldier and all the episodes and that Cliffhanger... can't wait for season 4.

So this is the next chapter. Enjoy reading :)

"Yeah, uhmm... G-good morning." She greeted as they pulled away from each other.

"Uhh..." He rubbed the back of his neck like he always do when something embarrassing and awkward happen. They avoided each other's gaze and sat in silence.

"Let's go clean up and have breakfast at the Clubhouse." He suggested trying to end the uncomfortable feeling between them.

"Yeah." She muttered. They folded the blankets and placed it back on their saddle bags. Toothless and Stormfly started to wake up.

"Hey bud. Did you get a good sleep?" He asked. Toothless gave him his signature gummy smile. "I'll take that as a yes. You hungry?" The dragon nodded.

"We'll head back to the Clubhouse after a few minutes. Is that fine with you?" Toothless growled happily.

"Morning girl." The dragon gently nudge her rider. "Do you want to go on a morning flight later?" The dragon squawked happily. "Okay then, give me a few minutes. We'll eat breakfast first and then we can go on a nice flight."

Astrid and Hiccup went to the place where they planted the seeds. "Anything?" The blonde haired Viking asked.

"Not yet. It's a plant you have to wait for it to grow you know." He informed.

"I know but I can't wait to get this mission over. As long as we're not done with it... the dragons could get in serious danger and so are we." She said quietly. Worry was evident in her tone and so was the look in her eyes.

"It's going to be okay. We can do this." He reassured.

They were checking out the seeds when they heard a loud rumbling sound. "Hungry?" Hiccup asked. "Sorry." She replied.
"It's okay, I'm hungry too. Let's get back to the Clubhouse. We can come back here and check again later."

"Okay, let's head to the clubhouse Stormfly." She told her dragon once she got on her back.

Hiccup and Astrid landed at the Clubhouse. "Ehem!" They saw the whole gang standing in front of them. Fishlegs looked at them worriedly, Snotlout unamused, and the twins with an I-don't-care face.

"What?" They asked at the same time.

"We've been waiting here for hours." Snotlout groaned.

"Where have you been? We checked both of your huts but you guys are not there. We were all worried." Fishlegs said.

"Ughhhh.. they're back." Ruffnut whined.

"I thought you were all worried?" Hiccup questioned.

"Fishlegs is. But not us. We're actually happy that there's no one here who's gonna tell us not to do something stupid. Until she came. And now you two came back too. So there's three of you now." Tuffnut said annoyed. "Oh Great Loki, help us prank someone without them telling us what to do please." He pleaded.

"Who came?" Astrid asked.

"I did." A voice said from behind.


"Astrid!" The two girls walked up to one another and gave each other a quick hug much to everyone's surprise even Hiccup. They knew that the two have gotten closer but not that close especially since they know that they're not used to showing their soft side.

"Did Astrid and Heather just hug?" Tuffnut asked.

"It looks like they did." Ruffnut answered.

"Let's go have breakfast." Astrid offered her friend.

"Sure." Heather replied.

The two walked inside the Clubhouse. Hiccup and the others followed behind them. They all sat on the table and grabbed food for them to eat.

"Do you want to have some girl talk just like we had the last time?" Heather asked.

"Yeah, sure. That would be nice." Astrid said.

"What exactly do you do when you have a girl talk?" Snotlout asked.

"Yeah, do you go and blow things up? Cause if you do I'd like to join you." Tufnut said.

"You can't join them. Girl talks are for girls only. And they don't blow things up. Only if they want to." Ruffnut explained.

"Then why are you not joining them if it is "for girls only"?" Tuffnut asked quoting the words with his fingers.

"Because I'm not invited. I love pranking and spying on people but I respect girls having girl time because I am one." Ruffnut said to her brother.

"What exactly do girls do that we can't come?" Snotlout asked.

"Well, we share secrets and stuff." Ruffnut answered.

"That's it? Boring!" Tuffnut mocked.

"It's not boring. It's actually a way of improving your relationship with someone since you talk to each other involving private problems and playing together to be happy." Fishlegs defended.

"How do you know? Have you ever been to one?" Snotlout interrogated.

"No, but -" before he could protest Snotlout cut him off.

"Blah, blah, blah!"

"Let's go?" Heather asked pretending that they were not hearing what the others were talking about.

"Okay." The blonde replied and they run off.

Hiccup stayed quiet the whole time but he was listening to their conversation. Meanwhile Astrid and Heather are walking in the stables with their dragons.

"I never got to ask you, how did you escape from the hunters?" Astrid started the conversation.

"Dagur helped me escape." Heather replied.

"Dagur?" Astrid questioned.

"Yeah, but can we not talk about it now. I think he just did that because Viggo told him to. It was all part of their plan. But planned or not I wanted to get all the things that have to do with him out of my mind." The raven haired girl explained.

"Okay, I understand. What do you want to talk about?" The blonde asked.

"Something not depressing. Like Hiccup." Heather suggested.

"What about him?" Astrid asked.

"Astrid, life is too short. You need to express your feelings. Stop wasting your time. You two are perfect." Heather said. Astrid didn't argue with her nor did she denied anything. Instead, she just smiled at her friend.

"Since when did you became an expert on telling how you feel? Is there something going on that I don't know." Astrid interrogated with hands on her hips looking suspiciously but still smiling at Heather.

"Okay fine. Me and Fishlegs have been penpals a few weeks after we last fought Viggo together." Heather admitted.

"And by penpals you mean you two are dating?" Astrid questioned but it sounded more like a statement.

"It's a secret." Heather said simply.

"Hey, no fair." Astrid pouted playfully.

"I won't tell you until you tell me something about you and Hiccup." Heather smirked.

Astrid was speechless for a moment before questiong her again. "What does that have to do with the secret you are keeping with Fishlegs?"

"Nothing but you have to tell me first."

"Nope, you're going to tell me first. You know I'm not going go stop until you spill it right? What's the secret?" Heather was about to answer her question but a voice interrupted them.

"What are you talking about young ladies?"

"Tuffnut?" The girls queried at the same time.

"Of course it's me. Did you lost your memory or something? Anyway, I asked you both first. What are you talking about?"

"It's girl stuff, Tuff. You are not allowed to know anything about it unless we wanted you to." Heather said.

"Oh, is that really the case? Or are you just keeping us from finding about your little secrets?" Another voice said.

"Snotlout?" The two said again in unison.

"The one and only." Snotlout said proudly.

"What are you two doing here? And who else is with you?" Astrid asked irritated and at the same time worried that Hiccup might have heard them.

"No one else is with us. Me and Snotlout are walking around here and no we are not trying to spy on you guys because we wanted to know what is a girl talk because we know exactly what that is, right?" Tuffnut said unsure.

"Exactly." Snotlout said. "Now what did you say?" He whispered to Tuffnut.

"I don't know. I already forgot? What are we doing here again?" Tuffnut asked. "Wait, wait. Don't tell me. I remember. We were trying to spy on Heather and Astrid to find out what is a girl talk." He answered himself. Snotlout facepalmed.

"How many times do we have to tell you that a girl talk is a private time for us girls." Heather said annoyed.

"TUFFNUT! SNOTLOUT! I TOLD YOU NOT TO SNEAK ON GIRLS WHEN THEY ARE HAVING A GIRL TALK. YOU TWO COME WITH ME NOW!" Ruffnut who had just entered the stables shouted grabbing each of Snotlout and Tuffnut's ear dragging them out.

"I'm sorry for letting this two out of my sight. Not going to happen again." Ruffnut apologized.

"Thanks, Ruff." Astrid smiled.

"Anytime. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do." Ruffnut said before fully exiting the stables with the boys still in her hands.

Ruffnut dragged Snotlout and her brother back to the Clubhouse where Hiccup and Fishlegs currently was.

"What happened to those two?" Fishlegs asked.

"They were spying on Astrid and Heather so I dragged the back here." Ruffnut exclaimed.

"What did you two hear?" Ruff asked the two boys.

"Nothing." The two said.

"I am going to repeat my question. What did you two hear?!" Ruffnut shouted in front of their faces.

"We didn't know anything about their conversation but we do heard something about them telling a secret to each other but we don't know what that is." This caught Hiccup's attention. Ruffnut looked at them in the eye.

"You're clean. The next time you sneak up on girls and their girl talk again. You'll get more than that." Ruffnut warned and the two ran off the Clubhouse. Just as they ran outside, Heather and Astrid walked in.

"They ran away from you?" Astrid asked Ruff. The girl gave her a grin and they high five. "You know, next time you are free to join us in our girl talk." Astrid offered.

"Thanks, but I need to go now. It's getting late and I need to rest and maybe teach Tuffnut a lesson." She said before leaving.

"I'll head to my hut too." Fishlegs said with Heather following her.

"I'll be at Fishlegs' if you need me." Heather informed and waved goodbye at Astrid and Hiccup.

Once they were no longer in sight, Hiccup and Astrid were the only one that was left in the Clubhouse. Astrid turned around to face Hiccup with a light smile but she received a disappointed look from him.

"Hiccup what's wrong?" She asked concerned.

"Don't act innocent on me Astrid." He said in a monotone voice.

"What are you talking about?" She asked confuse.

"I can't believe you trust Heather more than you trust me." He said with a hint of hurt and anger in his voice.


I didn't reach my deadline for this book which is before season 3 of Race to the Edge so I'm planning on continuing it not with my original plan but with more than 5 chapters. I don't know how many yet, but we will see.

I'll update How to Tease Hiccstrid next. Maybe tomorrow or next week. Anyway guys, thank you very much for reading this book and How to tease Hiccstrid. I can't believe that after one month I'll have more than a hundred reads. Thank you for that. You made my day.

I also wanted to thank Jane_Hiccstrid, Astrid876, cheetahsoul, emilymai_sibley Tuffnut_and_Chicken, kathleen_da_bae, Hiccstrid-4Ever, FirstBookworm, JaninneSudjatmiko, and Smartypants82 for voting for this book and also to Firestar777 for voting for How to Tease Your Hiccstrid.

Also, thank you for putting both of my books in your reading list and for following me. It means a lot to me.

Hope you like this chapter :)

P.s. sorry for the long a/n and for the little cliffhanger I put there.

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