Mrs. Rockstar

By RunAwayCircus

18.7K 478 30

Stage and Jake are madly in love until they have a fall out involving their band, Run Away Circus. It leaves... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 13

615 20 0
By RunAwayCircus

I opened Cody's laptop and went straight to skype. I looked all who was on and instantly smiled when I saw Dria and Evan were both online. They listen to directions very nicely.

I clicked their names and waited for them both to respond to my call. Both of their faces appeared on my screen.

"What did you want?" Evan asked and looked annoyed.

"Missed you too Evan." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Can I first just say that I'm really sorry Stage about the whole Tyler thing." Dria said with an upset look. She must of felt bad still.

"It's fine." I assured her and smiled. Truth is I was still hurt but I got over it.

Cody jumped on the bed next to me and waved to the computer. "Hi guys!" He smiled and fixed the scarf he was wearing.

"Okay guys I have something to ask." I started. "So you remember our second home, Detrix? The CD store we would always go to as kids?"

"I haven't heard of that place in forever but yeah?" Dria sound interested.

"They aren't doing well and we were asked if we could perform there to help them make money!" I said full of excitement. "What do you guys think?"

"Stage. We all are busy up here right now." Evan said as he looked down and away fro the camera. As much of a jerk he can be, he hated disappointing girls. He knew they were capable of making you feel extremely guilty.

"I'm with Evan. We have alot to do till we go back on tour." Said Dria but she didn't look away. She just looked guilty.

"But if we don't help Detrix, It's going to go out of business!" I almost was shouting because of how mad I was. They didn't even know when the concert would be, they just didn't want to do it.

"I understand bu-" Evan began but I cut him off.

"You clearly don't! I mean you owe me for keeping the whole Tyler secret and I didn't even tell you when the concert was going to be! You just decided you weren't going to do it!" I was yelling now. The fact that they thought they understood upset me.

"Don't yell at me Stage." Evan looked pissed. "I'm not going to sit here and get yelled at for something I can't do. I don't owe you anything either." He spat.

"You don't owe me anything? You kept the secret and didn't tell me anything! The least you could do is come down here and help me do one conce-" Evan interrupted this time.

"I said don't yell at me!" Evan said as he grinded his teeth in anger. "I don't want to be yelled at and you know I hate that!"

"You guys stop getting angry over this." Dria said calmly. "We can figure this out."

"There is nothing to figure out." I said angrily. "You two don't want to do the concert even though it would help save Detrix and help Jake." My eyes opened widely and I wish I could have just taken back what I said. Evan wouldn't have anything to do with Jake.

"This is to help that ass whole?" Evan questioned.

I shook my head. "Yeah but it's mainly about the st-" Evan cut me off again.

"Of course this would be about him. Cody told me he was around and you guys were hanging out." He swallowed and then smirked. "I may some how owe you something but I owe Jake nothing!" He yelled.

"I didn't say you owed him anything! Just do the concert, please?" I smiled sweetly and tried to get rid of the anger but it didn't work.

"I'm sorry but no. I'm not doing anything that wil benefit that idiot. He chose to hurt you and he chose to forget and leave all his friends behind and we shouldn't be helping him in anyway." Evan said and shook his head. He clicked something and the key board and signed out.

"Ugh." I said sighing. "What do you think Dria?" I asked with the little hope I had left.

"Stage." She began. "I can't. Nothing against you but I just don't think Jake deserves our help. I'm going to have to go with Evan on this one." She looked down to avoid my disappointed eyes.

"You all are selfish." I said and signed out. I rolled over on the bed and sighed. "That was horrible." I admitted and sighed again.

"Could of gone better..." Cody said and let his voice trail off.

"What am I going to do?" I sat up and looked at Cody. I wasn't expecting an answer but he was really good with these kind of things.

"To be honest... I didn't expect Evan to forgive Jake so easily. Same for Dria. Just don't think that they hate you though. They just can't really get over things so easily. Every time they hear his name, they're going to remember what he did." Cody said and got up from the bed. "I'm going to go take a shower. Shout if you need me." He said and turned for the door.

I laid back on the bed and thought about everything. How was this even going to work out? You can't just do a show without half of the band! Wait! I got an idea.

I grabbed my phone off the side table and went straight for Jake's number and began to call him. It rang for a couple seconds and then he answered. "Stage, what's up?" He sounded exciting to hear from me.

"Well I have an idea." I said and fiddled with my hair.

"Yes?" Jake asked.

"Well I can't get the whole band so I was thinking, what if I did an acoustic set? Cody could play guitar and I could sing?" I asked curiously and the line was silent for a second. "Jake?"

"You can if you want but what about the whole band?" He questioned and it was silent again. I thought he would be a little more excited about this.

"They can't come." I answered plainly.

"You are a terrible liar." He said with a chuckle.

"Am not!" I defended myself.

"Your answers are plain and simple when you lie." He said and I kind of blushed when he knew that.

"Well they can't come." I said.

"Why can't they come?" he asked curiously and tried to think about a way out of this. The last thing I wanted to do was upset him in anyway but I guess he deserved to know as much as anybody else did.

"Evan and Dria..." I trailed off. "...well... they don't want to help you." I finally said and the line was silent once again.

"I see." Was all Jake could say.

"I tried to get them to help but they just... wouldn't." I said.

"I was kind of looking forward to them coming. I wanted to apologize some how but I guess that's out of the question." He sighed and I just felt bad. I knew he deserved a second chance. As much as he had hurt me and hurt my friends, he just deserved one.

"They'll come around some day." I said reassuring him. "I just know they can't ignore their problems forever."


Note: I uploaded! Yay! Sorry it's not long. I've been having major writers block. So do you think Dria and Evan will forgive Jake? Let me know what you think! Fan, vote, and comment! :)

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