Falling to Pieces

By guardedsoul

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Do you know that feeling, that feeling of your life completely changing in the matter of a second? Jessica Ha... More

Chapter 1 - Wet Glue
Chapter 2 - The Beginning of the Beginning
Chapter 3 - Deep, Sky Blue Eyes
Chapter 4 - Unpleasant Surprises
Chapter 5 - To Maybe
Chapter 6 - The Millbrae Fair
Chapter 7 - Secrets and Ferris Wheels
Chapter 8 - Vanessa Kemp
Chapter 9 - Flowers and Paint
Chapter 10 - Millbrae's Ball
Chapter 11 - Prince Charming
Chapter 12 - "Sunshine"
Chapter 13 - Alone and Vulnerable
Chapter 14 - That Touch
Chapter 15 - The Halloween Fest
Chapter 16 - "Which pocket is it in?"
Chapter 17 - Killing the Desire
Chapter 18 - That Shoreline
Chapter 19 - Not Letting Go
Chapter 21 - Truth... or Dare?
Chapter 22 - Deception
Chapter 23 - Recovery
Chapter 24 - A Night at Maddy's
Chapter 25 - Struggling with Tape
Chapter 26 - If You Like Me, then Say You Like Me
Chapter 27 - You Can Never be too Close To the Truth
Chapter 28 - The Calm before the Storm
Chapter 29 - Turmoil
Chapter 30 - Ready
Chapter 31 - Panic Attack
Chapter 32 - Unraveling Past Sins
Chapter 33 - Quarantine
Chapter 34 - Happy Birthday, Jess
Chapter 35 - When the Pieces are at Your Fingertips
Chapter 36 - Emotion Overload

Chapter 20 - Rising Tension

499 12 1
By guardedsoul

Zach lifted his head from his phone, a brief smile setting across his face as his eyes softened with indescribable concern. “Is he asleep?” he asked quietly, referring to Brody.

                “Yeah, finally.” I sighed, grabbing my laptop from the table as I plopped down into the sofa dejectedly.

                I gazed at Zach; he was sitting on the other end of the sofa. His blue eyes were alert as he watched me ever so carefully, his eyebrows perched up slightly.

                I bit my lip and turned away, but I could still feel Zach’s eyes still boring a hole into my head. Pulling the blanket from the recliner chair, I opened my laptop and cleared my throat. “Where’d Joe go?”

                “He left,” Zach straightened and took in a deep breath, “He went to go check on Taylor.”

                He went to go check on Taylor? What happened to solving this? What happened to Joe’s cover being blown? How can Zach and Joe just sit here and do nothing?! “You guys didn’t figure anything out?” I questioned accusingly.

                Zach shifted to face me, his elbow pressing into the sofa’s backrest. “There isn’t much we can figure out, Jess,” he tried to assure.

                “I told you guys that Will and Vanessa were talking about my Dad, though. Weren’t you guys able to make any connections?” I interrogated harshly. First Zach stops me from talking to Will. Then he makes me lie to the police. And now, he hasn’t pieced anything together? He won’t let me do anything yet he isn’t doing anything himself!

                Zach pulled in a little closer, his eyes narrowed in an understanding worry. “Jess, I know—” His words stopped as he suddenly became aware of my livid expression. Zach pulled his teeth over his lower lip as he shifted his eyes away from me. For once, it seemed like he was the one at a loss out words—maybe out of anger or maybe out of guilt.

                But as I watched him, it suddenly hit me. My face tendered as the guilt washed over me. Why was I being so rude? I’m acting like this was all Zach’s fault. He’s trying to do everything he can and it’s unfair for me to treat him this way. Everything Zach has done has been in my best interest, so I’m sure that he’s still looking out for me; I trust him on that. Sighing, I slapped my head back and closed my eyes. “I’m sorry,” I mumbled sorrowfully.

                “No—No, Jess, it’s not your fault,” Zach reasoned calmly.

                He was always too modest. I opened my eyes but avoided looking him in the eyes. “No, Zach, I’m being such an insensitive bitc—”

                “Hey,” Zach quickly cut me off, “Jess, stop.”

                I forced myself to look towards him.

                Zach nodded his head towards my laptop, eyeing my fingers on the keyboard as he promptly changed the subject. “What are you up to?”

                I gazed at my computer screen and then back at him. “I have a Government report due tomorrow,” I answered, letting out a small, sheepish grunt.

                He smirked charmingly. “And you waited till now to do it?”

                “Gov is boring,” I whined.

                He chuckled, smiling as he leaned closer. “What’s the report supposed to be about?”

                “Hmm,” I hummed, shrugging slightly, “It can be about anything, really. Just something that’s been on the news.”

                “That’s easy then!” he exclaimed confidently. Zach grabbed the laptop from me, his eyebrows coming together in seriousness. “Do your report on the Presidential election.”

                I snickered, “Some people running for President, really shouldn’t be running for President.”

                “See,” Zach chuckled, his laugh originating from the bottom of his throat. “Gov isn’t that boring.”

                I almost shuddered at his sexiness, but I was quick to cover it up with a giggle. “I guess not,” I remarked, titling my head slightly as I smiled.

                “Here,” he pointed to the screen and gestured me to look, “I found you the perfect article.”

                All of sudden, my vision became blurred. It was as if all of the exhaustion in the day had finally taken over my body. It’s already twelve, and I haven’t been getting much sleep. Maybe I should just sleep peacefully instead of half-ass this assignment. I can make up some excuse, right? “Mm,” I muttered while pulling the blanket over me. “I’ll do this later.”

                Zach placed his hand on my shin and shook me slightly. “You have to finish this, Jess,” he insisted, “It’s due tomorrow.”

                “I’ll just wing it,” I mumbled.

                “Jess,” Zach purred. I could tell he was smiling, but he reached over and tugged the blanket off.

                “Zachhh,” I moaned, my eyes becoming so heavy that they began to shut involuntarily. “I’m sleeeeepy.”


                “Jess,” Mr. Watson called from the front of the classroom.

                Oh god, what am I going to do? I’ve never flaked on an assignment before. I got up out of my seat and approached him, nervously preparing an excuse. “Um, Mr. Watson, I—”

                “I got your email, are you ready to present?”

                I narrowed my eyes, the corners of my eyes wrinkling. “My email?” I echoed, looking towards Mr. Watson.

                He continued staring at his computer for a few seconds before he looked up and plastered on a weary smile. “Yes, your presentation,” he said while grabbing his remote to turn on the projector. Mr. Watson was quick to look back at me, though, a curious expression flooding his face. “I do have one small question, though. Why on earth is your email zachb@gmail.com?”

                My mouth dropped open for a second, before I quickly straightened my posture and racked my brains for an excuse. “Well, Mr. Waston, y-you know,” I let out a fake, uncomfortable laugh, “That’s what my parents like to call me. Zach. It’s short, for, um, my middle name.” Fail Jess, fail. Why on earth would you say something like that?

                Mr. Waston’s raised his eyebrows in disbelief. Just as I was about to come clean, I heard him whisper, “Hmm…fascinating!” I let out a sigh of relief… this man was way too tired to have bought this.  Mr. Watson began to walk towards the back of the classroom, nodding slightly at the projector before he spoke again. “You can begin when you’re ready, Ms. Hayes.”

                I passed him a nervous smile and looked towards the projector. Zach did my presentation for me. Great. I don’t even know what to expect! Inhaling deeply, I grabbed the remote and pressed the button to begin reading off of my first slide. “Things are changing, and they are changing quickly. This year’s presidential election has been one of the most controversial…”


                The loud, shrilling bell rang just as I completed my presentation.

                “Very impressive,” Mr. Watson grinned surprisingly as I walked towards Chadd.

                Chadd was eagerly waiting for me at the door, my backpack swung across one of his shoulders.

                “Thanks,” I yelled back, feeling a little guilty. My eyes widened as I approached Chadd.

                “Okay,” Chadd remarked, handing me my backpack as we made our way into the hallway. “That was a freaking amazing presentation and there is no way in hell that you did that.”

                I let out an insulted breath of air. “Excuse me,” I stated, punching his arm, “I’m very capable of making a decent presentation. But you’re right, I didn’t do this. Zach did.”

                “He’s damn smart,” Chadd laughed.

                I shook my head, watching ahead at my fellow students scurrying to class. “I know. I never expected that.” I know that I don’t know much about Zach, but I’m praying that it all doesn’t turn out to be good like this. I like Zach enough already!

                “I never expected Joe and Taylor to have magic either,” Chadd garbled intensely.

                I stepped back, tugging on Chadd’s arm. “Wait, what? And how is Taylor?”

                “She seems to be doing well, especially since Joe is always with her.”

                “That’s good then!” I let go of his arm and smiled.

                “But I think he likes her,” Chadd whispered, his voice urging.

                “That’s still good. Surprising, but good.”

                Chadd let out a sad grunt, turning to his side.

                I squinted, watching him carefully until suddenly I realized. “Chadd, do you still have feelings?” I reached over to squeeze his shoulder. I could have slapped myself—when he meant that Joe liked Taylor, he wasn’t just referring to some new blooming relationship, he was referring to his feelings about those two being together! Poor, Chadd. He always has girl problems, but he’s the most understanding guy I’ve ever met. He deserves so much more.

                Slowly, Chadd turned his head back around. He brought his hand over to the back of his head and rubbed his bleached, blonde hair. “I don’t know, but I just…,” he stopped to take in a deep breath and released it before responding, “I mean, everyone’s just moving on and I’m here. No girlfriend, no girls to look at, no girls looking at me… what am I doing wrong, Jess? I always get into such sticky situations with girls and somehow, they end up moving on before I do. Gah, you’re right. I am such a girl.”

                I laughed apologetically. “No, Chadd, you’re not like a girl. You are a thoughtful, emotional guy—that’s a good thing, a great thing! You’ll find your girl soon, don’t worry about that. Let nature take its course.”

                A smirk spread across his face. “Let nature takes its course? That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard you say.”

                “Hey! At least it’s not as stupid as saying that Joe and Taylor have magic,” I countered, sticking out my tongue. “But seriously, I think you’ll find your girl soon; you’ll find a girl that you deserve. Plus, you’ve got plenty of time. What’s the rush?”

                “Easy for you to say. You and Zach are totally—”

                “Nothing,” I interjected, “Totally nothing, Chadd.”

                Chadd raised his eyebrows suspiciously. “Definitely something, Jess.”



                I let out a defeated groan. How am I supposed to get over Zach if I keep being reminded of him?


                Chadd popped in another set of tablets—his third dose all day.

                I titled my head. “Chadd, are you sick?”

                He lifted his eyes to me before proceeding to take a look at the medicine bottle. He shrugged confusedly, “Ever since Halloween, I’ve been getting these massive headaches.”

                “Have you gone to the doctor?” I asked worriedly. I have been having those headaches too, but I always avoid medicine so it hasn’t been affecting me as much. Maybe this is more serious; maybe I should be taking something for it too.

                Chadd shook his head, brushing off my concern. “I haven’t had the time. I’m trying Advil for now.”

                “You’re taking so many, though,” I reasoned.

                “Ugh,” he let out a helpless grunt, “I don’t know why, but I keep getting this consistent shrill of pain in my head. It’s like, the more I take the Advil, the more I need it. I just can’t stop.” He glanced away, checking his phone momentarily.

                I began to fidget in my spot next to the kitchen sink. Was this something I should be worrying about? I mean, wasn’t it kind of like an addiction? Chadd and I were both having similar symptoms… after Halloween. There had to be some connection, but what could it possibly be?

                “Where are they?” Chadd suddenly inquired, scanning the insides of my house for one last time.

                I looked at Chadd and shrugged nervously as I chewed away at the inside of my cheek. It’d been a good thirty minutes since Chadd and I got back to my place but there was still no sign of either Zach or Brody.

                “Why don’t we go check by Zach’s place? He might have gone back there to get some clothes or something,” Chadd suggested.

                I grabbed my keys and headed for the door. “You’re right, let’s go.”

                Within no time, Chadd and I hoped into his car and made it to the Mayor’s Residence. The second his car came to a halt, I peered through the driver window to catch a glimpse of the entrance to the house. A sudden nervousness fluttered in my stomach as I noticed Zelda pacing outside the gate.

                Noticing my expression Chadd matched his gaze with mine. “Who’s that?”

                I took in a deep breath while unbuckling my seatbelt. “Housekeeper? Servant?” I exhaled. “I don’t know, but she’s basically like the maid.” I cracked open the car door.

                “Interesting,” Chadd noted while proceeding to open his door.

                “Zelda!” I called out to weary lady.

                She snapped her head towards Chadd and me, her face automatically turning pale. “You must leave right now, Miss Jess,” she announced apprehensively in her lilting British accent as the two of us approached.

                My eyebrows came together worriedly. “Why, is something going on?”

                Zelda gulped and wandered her eyes.

                Who am I kidding? Of course something was going on! Zelda wouldn’t be so troubled if not. “Zelda,” I gripped onto her shoulders, “You have to tell me!”

                “Jess,” Chadd’s voice called from the corner.

                I turned my head to see him creeping his head behind the house. “What?”

                He shot his head around and all I could see were his wide, gray eyes bulging out at me in shock.


                I zipped my head around in the opposite direction—where the noise was coming from. Tyler appeared behind Zelda, waving his arms dramatically.

                “You can’t be here! You need to go!” Tyler cried, desperately begging me with his eyes.

                Oh my god, what the hell is happening? Questions flooded my head: why don’t they want me here? Where are Zach and Brody? I tried to move my lips, but I couldn’t seem to say anything. It was just as well, I doubt that Zelda and Tyler would tell me anything if they thought I was in danger. Zach would have put them up to that.

                Without even thinking over my next move I ran towards Chadd, nearly passing him until I felt my head press against some firm clothes. Pushing away my messy brown hair, I looked up and froze.

                There, standing right in front of me, was Mayor Bryan. Mayor Bryan. I had never been this close to him. His presence was overwhelming; he had so much power.

                Mayor Bryan stared at me, not shifting his light blue eyes. So this is where Zach got all his charming features from.

                My gaze shifted from the Mayor to Chadd and then back to the Mayor. I shuddered as I felt his smolder. He wasn’t glaring at me, but instead staring at me, just staring at me with such a cunning smile that I couldn’t help but be frightened.  

                “Jessica Hayes,” he uttered quietly, with a twitch of his eyebrows, “Nice to finally meet you.” He passed me a skeptical look before slightly lifting his hand and motioning to the big crowd of men standing in front of the guesthouse. Immediately, two men began to sprint towards us.

                An involuntary gasp fled my throat. There were too many people.  What was happening? Fight? Flight? Come on, Jess, don’t just stand here watching these huge men who are hurling towards you! I shifted my head to look at Chadd, the same shock still present in his eyes.

                My breath wavered as I felt my arm being wrapped around my back, a rough bulky man grabbing me and pushing me towards the guesthouse. I heard small groans escape from Chadd’s lips as he attempted to struggle away from the man that was strangling him. Ultimately, he gave up; the man was way too strong for Chadd.

                After a few struggling minutes, the man holding me cracked open the door and a swift of warm air hit my face. The other man roughly shoved Chadd through the doorway, making us both fumble to the floor before they slammed the door shut.

                Chadd let out an angry, besieged groan, “What the fu—”

                “Jess? Chadd?”

                I snapped my head up to see Zach with Brody sleeping peacefully in his arms. Brody looked so serene; I wish I could go back to being his age and not have to worry about anything. I closed my eyes and pressed my cheek back against the carpet. I didn’t want to move, I didn’t want to talk. My brain felt like it was swelling.

                Zach let out a deep grunt. “I knew this was going to happen.”

                What was I supposed to say to that? I focused on my breathing, trying to shove away my thoughts.

                Chadd pushed his body off the floor and straightened his shirt. “Dude, what’s going on outside?” he asked Zach.

                “It was a trap to get Jess to come here,” Zach remarked in his agitated voice. He groaned heavily and began to curse under his breath.

                They wanted to get me here? I peeled my eyes open and lifted my head slightly, Chadd immediately lending me a hand to help me up. This was about me!

                Zach shifted Brody in his arms, placing Brody’s head on his shoulder while walking closer towards me.

                I sucked in my stomach, and looked into his blue eyes with all the bravery I could muster. “I told you it had something to do with me all along,” I whispered, letting go of Chadd’s hand.

                “Uh,” Chadd scratched his head, “I’m obviously missing the big plot line here—”

                The door swung open and then instantly shut, stopping Chadd’s words as the three of us spun around to face Mayor Bryan. My eyebrows came together in a realization that this time, the Mayor wasn’t smoldering. His eyes were dazed but they were looking right in Zach’s direction. His eyebrows were lifted, not in shock but in question. His lips parted in anxiousness. Three years I’d seen this man give speeches and public appearances and this was the first time that I’d seen this much apprehension on his dark face—he wasn’t the composed, confident man I had seen minutes ago.

                “Dad, what the hell is going on?!” Zach asked in frustration. He watched his father with the angriest eyes I’d ever seen, his nostrils widening as his jaw tightened.

                “Son, you have to listen to me right now,” the Mayor pleaded with a hesitant voice.

                Zach nudged my shoulder with his elbow. “Take him,” he insisted dryly, placing Brody in my arms while still keeping his eyes fixed to the Mayor. As soon as Brody was secure, Zach thrust to the doorway, his fists clenched so tightly that I thought he was going to break himself. “Don’t you dare call me son because you sure as hell haven’t acted like my father. Now, you better tell me why we’re here or I swear to God I’ll go out there and find out for myself,” he ordered furiously.

                “I can’t right now,” Mayor Bryan’s voice deepened.

                Zach let out a sarcastic laugh and threw his hands up. “Can you ever?”

                The Mayor didn’t respond. He just kept gaping at Zach, no part of his body making any movement.

                Zach was now only inches away from the Mayor, his eyes still burning with rage, his teeth clenching.

                Worried, I gripped onto Brody tighter, holding him close to my body.

                Mayor Bryan shook his head, “Just listen to me, Zach.” He reached for Zach’s arm and placed a pair of keys on his palm. “Take the car out from the back and go to John’s; he’ll have answers for you!”

                Zach’s anger flushed out of his face completely and was replaced with confusion. The skin on his forehead wrinkled as he flicked his eyes from the keys to the Mayor.

                “Zach,” Mayor Bryan gripped onto his shoulders and rattled him. “You have to leave. I can’t give you much time.”

                Zach’s gaze shifted towards me, making my breath catch in my throat. He was almost pleading me with his eyes for something, his expression suddenly so vulnerable, his cheeks reddening.

                Why was he looking at me? Was I supposed to say something? I wish I could form the right words to comfort him—or at least give him whatever he needed.

                “Give me a minute and we’ll be out,” Zach said, reverting his eyes back to the Mayor.

                Mayor Bryan gave Zach a small nod, eyeing me for a long second before exiting the house.

                I gulped as Zach looked back at me. He was vulnerable but there was this tiny glint of happiness in his face.

                I thought hard; he was happy in such a critical time? Maybe it had to do with the Mayor. I remember Zach telling me that his father absolutely resented him. But today, it didn’t seem like the Mayor detested Zach at all. He was caring—on the contrary to my previous experience—and seemed to be looking out for Zach. Maybe Zach was happy that his father was being considerate and finally leading him to answers.

                “Who’s John?” Chadd asked, jarring me from my thoughts.

                Zach advanced towards Chadd and me, running a hand through his hair. “He’s my Uncle; he lives in Arizona,” he answered Chadd.

                “Wait, so you’re leaving to Arizona?” I questioned warily, praying from the bottom of my heart that he would say no. He couldn’t leave.

                Zach shook his head. “No, we’re leaving to Arizona,” he remarked sincerely, his blue eyes twinkling earnestly.

                “I can’t go to Arizona!” I exclaimed.

                Zach’s blue eyes widened earnestly. “Jess, please, you have to come with me. I can’t leave you here,” he pleaded.

                “But,” I heaved, “What about Chadd, Uncle Jesse, Taylor, Joe, Brody and everyone else?”

                “Jess, listen to me please,” Zach crept closer towards me and caressed my shoulders, making me shiver. “Chadd and Brody have to come with us, Joe will take care of Taylor, and I think Jesse will understand. If you come with me, you’ll be able to get those answers that you’ve needed and I can’t...” Zach stopped, his tongue trailing along the inside of his bottom lip.

                I straightened my back and squinted. “You can’t?”

                Zach swept his tongue over his lips, his eyes straying from mine for a second. “I can’t,” he voice softened in awareness of Chadd, “Jess, I can’t leave you here by yourself. I don’t think I can—I don’t want to.” He finished, his voice shaking in desperation. It seemed so hard for him to say all of this.

                I bit my lip, I’m such a retard. This was probably so difficult for him because he thought that I had no feelings for him. I took in a deep breath and passed him a small, uneasy, reassuring smile. “Wait, uh,” I closed my eyes uncomfortably and then opened them again, “How will going to Arizona help us figure out anything?”

                “Do you remember that Uncle I told you about a few days ago?” Zach took his warm hands off of me and gestured me to hand Brody to him.

                “Oh…,” I stated remembering the drug dealing Uncle that Zach had been talking about that day at the beach house.

                Chadd cleared his throat purposefully, “Can someone fill me in here? And also, how exactly am I coming with you guys to Arizona? There is no way in hell my parents will willingly send me off in the middle of a school year.”

                Zach didn’t bother to look at Chadd because his eyes were still fixed to mine hopefully. He was speaking to me through them—as always—imploring me to say yes. I couldn’t help but give in.

                I looked at Chadd. “I’ll talk to your parents,” I shrugged, “I think we should go too, Chadd.”


                Zach chuckled genuinely. “I guess he’s really tired,” he remarked from the driver’s seat, gesturing to Chadd.

                I glanced at Chadd.

                He was dozed off in the passenger seat, his head hanging off the headrest.

                “He probably is,” I giggled, smiling as my eyes drifted from Chadd to the image of Zach in the rearview mirror.

                Our eyes met, and instantly, both of smiles faded. We just looked at each with such uncertainty. My teeth gripped onto my upper lip as I shifted my gaze. Will was making his way into my thoughts again, forcing me to hold back my feelings.

                “Jess?” Zach whispered.

                I lifted my head back towards the rearview mirror, but Zach had his eyes fixed to the road. “Yeah?” I whispered back.

                He eyed me again, quickly. “I want to apologize for that other night—”

                “No, Zach, you don’t need to—”

                “Jess, please just let me finish.”

                I dropped my head and closed my eyes. Apologize? Why did he have to apologize? There was no need for him to apologize! He kissed me and that’s okay. Please don’t say sorry with that alluring voice of yours and those sad yet beautiful eyes that make me burn inside. I wanted to scream—a rumbling scream from the bottom of my throat so that I could let out all of this frustration.

                “The other night, I… I don’t know why I did it, but—”

                A small hand tapped my side, and forcing me to look down at the sleepy little boy. “I’m hungry, Jess,” Brody pouted.

                “Aww,” I huffed. Ruffling his hair, I brought my eyes back to Zach. “Brody’s hungry, do you see anything nearby?”

                Zach glanced over his shoulder, taking a peek at Brody as a tiny smile danced at his lips. “Hmm, there should be something soon,” he said, turning back around. “I’ll take the next exit and see what’s there.”

                I smiled to myself, reaching to fix Brody’s messy hair.

                “There’s a grocery store at this exit. Should I take it?”

                “Yeah, that’d perfect,” I replied.

                After a few quiet minutes, Zach steered into a parking spot in front a grocery outlet. He was quick to rush to the door, holding it open for Brody and me—just like a gentleman would. My breath caught in my throat as I admired his rippling biceps.

                Looking away, I gently helped Brody out of his seat and on to the concrete parking lot. I couldn’t get myself to look at Zach, though. I don’t know what I would have done if he had finished his sentence in the car… I’ve only got so much self-control.

                Zach pressed his fingers into the small of my back—making my blood rush and my heartbeat accelerate—and poked his head back into the car. “Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” he asked Chadd, nudging his shoulder slightly.

                muttered something in his sleep.

                I laughed, “Chadd?”

                “Yeah, I’m sure,” Chadd mumbled a little irately.

                Zach pulled his head of the car and gazed at me. “Let’s go,” he said, the corner of his lips hitched up as he let out a chuckle and shut the door hard.

                Within seconds, we were making our way towards the grocery store.

                Zach had his hands hung beside him, his green, round necked t-shirt lining his broadened shoulder. As he walked, the muscles in his back were flawlessly defined. I continued raking my eyes down his body shamelessly, trying to contain my drool. His washed jeans hung along his waist—

                My body fell into Zach’s back, his instinct automatically to cling to waist as he fumbled to push the door open.

                “Whoa there,” Zach let out an uncomfortable laugh as the three of us entered the store. The second we were inside, Zach glanced at me, his eyes weary.

                I took in a deep breath and held his gaze as I blinked at him. I just looked at him, feeling so lost until suddenly realization dawned on me. What the hell are you doing, Jess? You can’t look at him like this—you can’t be checking him out! I finally let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding and looked towards Brody.

                Zach did the same, his hand slipping off of my waist, effectively ceasing the tingles that kept erupting along my gut. “Uh,” he cleared his throat, “Aisle eight.”

                Brody smiled, looking up at both of us innocently, his big brown eyes glowing eagerly.

                Awkwardly, Zach and I shuffled through the aisles. Brody kept clutching my hand tightly as Zach and I searched for something Brody liked. Nothing seemed to catch his fancy, until we reached the candy aisle.

                I smiled knowingly. Of course.

                “I want this,” Brody grinned, waving a pack of sour patch at Zach.

                Zach squat down to his level and let out a chuckle. “Are you sure you want to eat this for dinner, bud?”

                My heart was raced. This guy is amazing, he was so adorably sweet with Brody. My mind fast forwarded a couple of years as I caught a glimpse of me and Zach with children of our own. I could vision Zach laughing and tossing a football with our little boy and twirling our little girl up in the air. Crap, why am I thinking about this?

                I tried to shake away my thoughts. “He’s going to get sick if he eats that for dinner,” I whispered to Zach, “I’ll go find him something to eat.” That, and I need to get away from a few minutes to collect my bearings.

                Zach nodded “Alright, in the meantime we’ll go get us something to drink,” he suggested while taking Brody up in his arms.

                I back away slowly, smiling to myself intensely as I began to scan the other aisles. I need to focus on Brody, not Zach. What would a five year old like to eat for dinner? I found myself wandering to the frozen section and reaching for lunchables. Did Five year olds still like lunchables? I remember being so excited to see the special prize inside. I reached on to my tiptoes to pull one off the rack.

                “Hey, sunshine.” a familiarly rough, masculine, and putrid voice breathed into my ear.

                Before I could speak, scream, or make any sort of noise, a strong arm sealed my mouth and pulled me close.

                I wiggled, trying my best to get away, but the only movement I could feel myself making was in the direction that this person was pushing me. My heart was beating hard, but I couldn’t think. I drew my eyes to frantically look behind me and immediately recognized that dirty blonde—almost brown—hair and withered leather jacket. Will.

                He pushed open the door to the freezer room and shoved me inside.

                The cold breeze hit my eyes, sending me into a little daze. There was a rustle and when my eyes were finally open again, I found myself outside, facing Vanessa. How can this be happening? Just seconds ago, I was with Zach, smiling like crazy, and now I’m here, facing the bane of my existence. Terrific.

                “That didn’t even take you five minutes, Will,” she smirked in disdainful shock while crossing her arms, “Good job... for once.”

                My blood boiled. She thought she was better than everyone, and her condescending tone was incredibly irritating. The mere sight of her was enough to make me angry. I struggled once again to release myself from Will’s arms as my blood continued to rush through my body heatedly.

                Vanessa walked up to me and poked at the loose strand of hair that was falling on my face. “Why the rush, hun?” She watched me derisively. “We’re going to be spending lots of time together,” Vanessa assured.

                I cringed. I couldn’t stand this woman for another second. I needed to get away. Jess, do something; think! Feeling as if this was the only option I had, I dug my teeth into Will’s hand, nearly wincing as his blood entered my mouth. It was utterly disgusting, but I couldn’t stop; I had to bear it until he let me go.

                “Ahh,” Will hissed, jerking his hand away from my mouth.

                But unfortunately, before I could move, Vanessa grabbed me and thrust me into the side of the red SUV.

                Pain shot up shoulder, causing me to lose all my balance and fall to the floor. I croaked in a difficult breath of air, closing my eyes as tears trickled down my cheeks. I felt as if my bones had shattered and all m nerves were tearing apart. The pain was unbearable.

                The next thing I felt was Vanessa’s fierce grip pulling me up by my injured arm and shoving me into the SUV. Gasping—my eyes literally hazy—I curled up into a ball on the floor of the car.

                “You’re an idiot, Will. Get in the damn truck and drive,” Vanessa’s squealing voice boomed.


Hmm, how was it? A lot of the plot will come into play next chapter... so we're nearing the climax! No Zach next chapter, though. But it's okay, there's still a lot of meat coming. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed. Vote/Comment/Fan if you liked. I'd love feedback!

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