The F-boy Project

By xx_crowseye_xx

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Best friends, Mercedes Dittmar and Valerie Hope are surrounded. Surrounded by fuckboys. Wanting to escape the... More

Guinea Pig Number 1
Guinea Pig Number 2
Guinea Pig Number 3
Guinea Pig Number 4
Chapter 1: Is it illegal to ask...?
Chapter 2: Scary Baby
Chapter 4: Salsa Equals Torture
Chapter 5: Adding, Subtracting and Multiplying isn't right
Chapter 6: Romans aren't nude... Right?
Chapter 7: One Left, so you can't hurt us
Chapter 8: Sandwiched With Chemicals
Chapter 9: Can't Be Fake
Chapter 10: Reluctant Agreement
Chapter 11: Bad Idea
Chapter 12: This isn't my idea of Heaven
Chapter 13: Hungover & Allies
Chapter 14: Three's Too Many
Chapter 15: There's still the project
Chapter 16: Senioritis
Chapter 17: Confused About Lights
Chapter 18: Appropiate
Chapter 19: Adele was wrong (rumors don't always have it)
Chapter 20: Trust Me
Chapter 21: Hurt n' Jealous
Chapter 22: Are Apologies now Worthless?

Chapter 3: Woahh What

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By xx_crowseye_xx

Woahh What

Upon walking into French class, our teacher, Mademoiselle Barousse was passing out today's worksheet. Considering that I had half of this class as my free period, I began on the worksheet immediately. All thoughts of Oliver and Antoni vanished from my mind completely-- that is, until I handed in my worksheet to the teacher.

"Mademoiselle Barousse, I've finished my assignment, may I be excused?" I asked, handing her my finished paper.

Smiling at me, she took the sheet of paper and checked it. "Another hundred Miss Ramirez," she said softly, setting my graded paper aside. "Yes, you may be excused. Au revoir, Miss Ramirez."

I smiled and nodded goodbye walking out the door. I dropped off my french book in my locker, now only holding the journal Mercedes gave me.

Maybe I should go to Athletics to check in on Anton-­ I mean- ­ the fuck boys. Yeah... it is for the project after all.

​I nodded at my thought closing my locker, speed walking to the practice gym. Just as I opened the gym's doors, a freshman almost barreled into me.

"Watch where you're going bitch!" I heard him yell out, pushing past me.

I faced him and yelled back, "Get some glasses bastard!"

In response, he flicked me off. ​Real mature.

I huffed, turning on my heel, and heading over to the bleachers. Looking around, I noticed people were divided into groups. Freshmen girls were all huddled in one corner, pretending to work out while secretly taking pictures of some guys. Turning my head, I saw the weak people talking to each other while trying-­ wait, scratch that-­ failing to do some push ups. I laughed at the sight.

Last and certainly least, right beside the bleachers, we have our fuck boys showing of their so called "guns" to the freshmen sluts. I strategically placed myself close enough to them so I could hear them yet they wouldn't notice me. I noted I only saw Oliver and Conner. Tyler was in Home Ec. with Mercedes.

Wait, where's Antoni?

The door closest to them suddenly opened, revealing a sweaty Antoni strutting inside. He headed to the rest of the fuck boys and started talking.

"What's up?" he asked lifting up his shirt, and swiping the sweat away from his face. My mouth fell wide open at the sight infront of me. Holy shit! ​Antoni's sculpted eight pack shimmered with sweat the moment the gym's lights hit it.

Oh my fucking god, he looks like Edward in the sun! Except not white! And hotter! Oh and he doesn't look constipated! But he's shiny! Holy shit he's even hotter than before! How the fuck is that possible.

"Nothing much man," Conner stated, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Just talking about this morning." he continued with a chuckle. I quickly opened my notebook, taking a pen out of my back pocket, getting ready to write what ever shit they say down.

Antoni slowly dropped his shirt down, "Yeah... why the fuck did you do that?"

He shot a glare at Oliver. "You know she's my girl." He stated taking a threatening step towards Oliver.

Hold up a minute­ were they talking about what Oliver did you me during first period? If so.... Did Antoni just call me his girl!?

Oliver chuckled, "Dude, I just wanted to see how'd you'd react, that's all." He shot his arms up in surrender.

Antoni frowned. "Not cool man, and don't touch her again or else. Got that?" he spat, grabbing Oliver's collar, his voice full of venom.

Oliver gave him a short laugh. "Jeez calm down king kong," he shrugged off Antoni's hold."I wouldn't wanna touch her again if she paid me to do it," he grimaced.

"Didn't you mention she needed community service hours to hang out Mercedes, yeah?" Conner laughed, "I'd totally be with her then, if damn Tyler wasn't in the way."

"You told her what?" Antoni snapped, holding Oliver higher.

"Hey, hey, put me down, man!" Oliver cried out, "I was joking! But Mercedes on the other hand... I'd totally use up all of my time to-"

"Don't you dare say it," growled Conner.

"-fuck that sexy. little. ass."

Conner rounded on Oliver, glaring at him above since Antoni still had his shirt collar.

"You say that one more time," Conner spat. "And next thing you know, you'll be bleeding on the floor."

"Well, if you won't let me do it with Mercedes then I'll do it with Valerie," Oliver laughed, but that made Antoni hold him higher.

"You're not going to do anything to my girl, West."

"​Hey I'm no one's property!" I snapped​, before I could even think twice of the current situation.

Everyone's eyes shot over to me. I froze, unable to move or speak.

"Val," Antoni panicked, dropping Oliver in the process. "What are you doing here?" he nervously laughed, cautiously taking a few steps closer to me.

Conner and Oliver bursted out laughing.

"Oh shit 'bout to go down right now!" I heard Conner holler.

Antoni was feet away from me, about to say something when, suddenly, one of the coaches blew their whistle stopping some kids from taking off their gym clothes. I shot up from my seat, gaining a burst adrenaline, and ran for the door.

Running through the empty hallway, I hoped I wouldn't get caught by a hall monitor, "Yo Val, wait up!" Antoni called.

Shit! No! What do I do?! Think Ramirez think!

​A thought hit me.

​I'll go there, he can't follow me in there. ​Hearing his steps get closer, I fastened my pace, hating that Antoni was on the track team. He was a fast guy, holding the school's fastest record for the hundred meter dash.

I turned the corner, and saw it. A couple of feet away from me was my safe haven. The Girl's Restroom. I pressed my pace wanting to get there as fast as possible. Barging into the restroom, I slammed the door shut, pushing it to stay closed. After a couple of minutes of pure silence, I quietly padded over to the sink to look at myself in the mirror.

Damn it. ​My face was burning red from all the running. I turned on the sink and washed my face trying to cool myself down a bit. After I calmed down, I stepped out of the girl's restroom and sighed in relief when I didn't see anyone around. Tightening my hold on the journal, which I surprisingly held throughout the ordeal, I headed towards the library to calmly write down everything that just happened.

Turning a corner, I squealed at a sudden hand yanking and pulling me into one of the unused classrooms. Antoni muffled my frightened noise by holding a hand to my mouth.

"Shhh, it's just me," he hissed in a whisper. My eyes widened in horror, my scream instantly stopping when I heard his voice. Antoni lowered his hand, taking a step back.

"You fucking bastard! Why the fuck-­ you fucking-­ ughhhh!" I yelled, punching his chest, anger flaring through me.

Antoni gripped my wrists pulling me in to his hard chest. I dropped my journal, struggling to get out of his grip, but it was no use. He wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "Why are you punching me? And why the hell did you run away from me, damn it?!"

Silence laced itself through the room, while he held my gaze.

"Why Val?" he whispered, breaking the silence. His gaze traveled down to my lips. "Why?"

Antoni lowered his head until his lips were just a short distance apart from mine. He stopped and flashed a glance at my eyes again, smirking.

Just when he was about kiss me, the bell rang, snapping me out of the spell he had me in.

I jumped back, making Antoni let go of me. Feeling my face, heat up I lowered my head, picking up my journal.

"I...Um...I have to get to Orchestra..." I whispered, turning and opening the door.

"Val, wait,­" Antoni began, walking towards me, but I cut him off.

"Bye Antoni." and with that, I walked out ignoring anything else he said.

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