Kamigami No Asobi: Don't Know...

By graciegreat

33.6K 771 221

I thought I would never have to make a decision. But know I do. Many hot guys. Some I like as friends. Some I... More

Characters that I Own
Misery, Lilac, and Aqua
Fire, Light, and Sun
Thunder and Lightning
The Rooftops
Family and Control
Fights, Over Me?
The Sun
Wake Up
In My Head
Do It For Fae
The Moon
Not Me This Time
Lovers Rings
A Kiss (Almost)
Jealously Rises
Shackles: Part 2
SHIP NAMES!!!!!!!!!!!
Divine Warriors
The Light and Dark
Good News
Dress Shopping
Not the First Time We Were Alone
Parts That Didn't Write?
Alive and Game Plan
No Promises
Pictures Part 2
Telling Someone
Jerseys and Pitching
Game Day and First Inning
Second Inning and Third Inning Who Won?
Prom Appearances
Carmen, Kaylee, and Victoria's appearances
Zahra, Tavisha, and Fae
Our Reward
A Twist
God of Destruction
Biggest War Ever
The Unbelievable
End, For Now
Last Part for Sure
My Face?
A Third Book?
Coming Soon...
Tagged Again...
Come See Me!
It Is Out!!!

The Sea

267 9 0
By graciegreat

After the party was over we all went back to our dorms to rest. But I didn't. I got changed to go out and either practice or hangout.

"Dark Fairy!" I heard a voice cry out. I turn around and see Takeru running towards me very quickly.

"Takeru! Is everything alright?!" I ask him in concern.

"Yeah I'm fine." He comes up to me breathing kinda fast and trying to catch his breath.

"Then why did you yell my Shadow Knight name?" I ask him.

"I was trying to catch up to you. To see if you want to practice laido." Takeru requests.

"What's that?" I ask him and push my hair back.

"It's when you practice sword fighting." He responds.

"Sure. I guess so. Let me go get changed first." I run into my dorm and get changed into my shirt and shorts from earlier and run back outside.

"I'm ready." I tell him.

"Okay. Let's go." We run into the woods and get ready to fight. I pull my Shadow Knight sword out and he looks at me and his eyes widen with fear.

"WOAH! WE AREN'T USING REAL SWORDS! WE'RE USING PRACTICE ONES!" Takeru runs towards me and grabs my sword.

"I didn't know that." I put my sword back in its case and he gives me a wooden sword with a metal point on the end.

"Didn't you ever practice using a sword?" He asks me.

"Yes. When I was little either my mom or dad would help me practice everyday. We used real swords. Not the fake ones." I explain.

"That explains why you began to pull out a real sword." Takeru comments.

"Yeah. My mom was getting used to using her new sword. And my dad used his Jury of Nine sword." I explain. "I always had used my Shadow Knight sword. my Jury of Nine sword is a different kind of sword. It can shoot stuff out of it and it's much smaller." I explain.

"That explains why you always turn into a Shadow Knight." He comments and I nod my head.

"Come on let's get started." Takeru demands. We run at each other and I strike and block. At one point he almost got me in a position where I couldn't move. But I was able to get out of it and put him in a position where he couldn't.

"See? Look what happened to you. You're stuck. If you move at all you die." I say and he looks at me surprised.

"Wow. That's the first time a girl had ever beat me. You're difficult to fight." I help Takeru up and he looks at me in the eyes and leans closer to me and it made me feel disgusted because I liked him as a friend. Not a lover. I had no feelings for him.

"What are you doing?!" I yell and push him back. I could feel the sweat running down my forehead and my claws getting ready to come out.

"I was going to kiss you." He responds and my eyes widen.

"What?! No! Takeru, I'm gonna say this as nicely and calmly as I can. I don't have feelings for you. I like you better as a friend not a lover. I'm sorry." I apologize and his smile turned into a frown.

"I get it. You hate me now. Don't you?" He asks and turns his head away and looks at me pissed.

"No I don't hate you now. I like you more as a friend! Not a lover! Anata wa yoi tomodachidesu! De wanai koibito. Gomen'nasai." I began to speak to him all of the sudden in Japanese and I look up at him surprised. And I was too. I told him that "you're a good friend", "not a lover", and "I'm sorry". I felt bad that all of the sudden I was being kinda racist by talking to him like that.

"You know Japanese?" He asks me.

"Kinda. Some of my friends are Japanese and I learned from them. And I'm taking a course of how to speak Japanese." I tell him and he smiles.

"Okay then. What does 'Shadow Knight' mean?" He asks me and we both sit down.

"This is coming off of the top of my head. But, Shadōnaito?" I tell him.

"Correct. What does 'Jury of Nine' mean?"

"This one I know! Nain no shinsa-in!" I tell him.

"Very good. You know what we should meet up in the library sometime to learn each others languages and/or heritages." Takeru comments.

"We should." I reply. I get up and begin to walk until I step on the wrong spot and I fall down a huge ditch.

"FAE!!!!!!" I hear Takeru cry I saw him jump down the cliff towards me before I closed my eyes.

"Chikushō!!!" He cries out "Damn it!" And I hear him yell and I felt something catch me and I land.

"Fae? Are you okay?" I open my eyes and see Takeru.

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