A Third Book?

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Kon'nichiwa~! My beautiful readers~! It's been a long time, hasn't it? I haven't updated this book since December 30th, that's crazy, huh? But the reason for the title of this part and why I'm updating now, is because I am thinking of making a third book. It's when all the characters in this book are sent back to the academy and when they're all talking to Zeus again, the kids that are already born, they see them as 18 year olds and interact with them. And I'm not going to spoil the ending😉 but I want to add more characters, but I'm not sure what names to pick. And I would like to get to know my readers better, so I'm going to have a little quiz on all of my Kamigami No Asobi characters in the first and second book~! Let's get started! Oh, by the way, I'm only taking the first 5 people to answer first and I will not answer you if the question is right or wrong cause we do not want any cheaters! And I will be looking over the answers and keep track of who got the most right and the people who are in the top 5 will be part of my third book! The quiz ends on January 25, 2018! Now, let's get started!

1. How old was Fae at the beginning of the book?

A.) 16

B.) 15

C.) 19

D.) 17

2. How old was Fae when she killed her great grandfather's guard?

A.) 4

B.) 5

C.) 11

D.) None of the above

3. How old was Fae when she had hers and Loki's first child? (Annaliese does not count because Fae did not give BIRTH to her)

A.) 17

B.) 20

C.) 18

D.) 16

4. What is Kaylee to Carmen?

A.) Her best friend

B.) A sister-figure

C.) Her cousin

D.) All of the above

5. How many siblings does Carmen have?

A.) 3

B.) 1

C.) 4

D.) None

6. How long have Carmen and Fae been friends?

A.) They just met

B.) They're just distant family members


D.) Since they were little kids

7. What is Kaylee's position with her and her siblings? (where does she stand)

A.) The oldest/leader

B.) The middle child/does her own thing

C.) The youngest/the follower

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