Shackles: Part 2

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"Takeru? You saved me!" I tell him.

"I will now be able to protect you from now on. My Divine Powers are back!" He tells me and sets me back down.

"Susanoo Takeru Tostuka." We heard Zeus voice and we appeared in the front hall.

"Susanoo Takeru Tostuka, you have disobeyed my rules and broke your shackle." Takeru began to float. He was than put into a globe with golden sparkling bars around it.

"For now you shall be suspended. If you do this again you will be expelled. Everyone else would graduate expect you. You will stay here and be turned to stone." All of our eyes widened.

"What the? Fae? What's going on here!?" Kaylee yells and looks up at the giant glowing ball. Then everyone comes rushing in and they all looked puzzled and worried.

"Takeru eínai se megálo chronikó diástima beládes ! Den xéro ti na káno !" I yelled and only the Greek gods and my brothers understood what I said.

"What did she just say?!" Kaylee asks my brothers.

"She said, 'Takeru is in big time trouble! I don't know what to do!'." Apollo responded.

"So what? He gets to go home. Big deal." Loki says.

"Are you deaf, boy!? Who said I was sending him home? Anyone who gets expelled will stay here for eternity and be turned to stone." Everyone's eyes widened.

"EH????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Loki cries out.

"Bastard let me out!" Takeru bangs on the inside of the giant glowing globe.

"Écho varetheí aftó!! kai tou Día," I say in Greek and he looks at me. "Skatá tha páei stin kólasi sas." I tell him again in Greek.

"How dare you! Do you know what would happen if you said that to me?!" Zeus yells.

"Yeah I do. You'll die." I turn into a Shadow Knight and lunge at him. I strike him but he blocks it. I keep on striking him again and again and again until he couldn't block it no more.

"ENOUGH!!!!!!" He called upon lightning and I flew back. "Did you even remember my warning on the first day girl? Now you get a shackle!" Zeus sends a light around my neck and a spiked collar appeared around my neck. I growl at him and leave the room. Takeru chases after me and tries to catch up.

"Fae, wait up!" Takeru calls out.

"No. Get away from me." I tell him and keep walking. My eyes filled up with tears and it was hard to hold them back.

"Fae!" He catches up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"I said get away from me!" I scream and push him back. I fall onto my knees and put my face in my hands and cry.

"No. I know you're angry about the shackle. But I am too, you need to let it go." He tells me.

 "It's not that. You didn't have to save me. I don't deserve to live. I need to die. I bring misery to everyone. That day when I lost control of myself to Enki, I almost killed everyone. So why? Why did you save me and let me survive?" I ask him.

"The people here need you. They care about you. And we can all tell that Apollo, Tsukito, Balder, and Loki have feelings for you. They take extra care of you and care about you too much. Just be happy that they would do that for you." I look down at the ground and look back at him and smile.

"Anata no Takeru o arigatō. Watashi wa sonotame no hoho ni anata ni kisu shimasu. Chīku nomi." I thank him and tell him and he smiles big.

"Hai. Watashi wa sono hijō ni ōku no koto o tsutaetaidesu." Takeru accepted the kissed the kiss on his cheek and we smiled at each other. We got up and went back to the others.

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