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While I was sitting on the roofs I saw many of the students going to the academy walk in and out of their dorms. I smiled and just watched everyone.

"Fae? You up here?" I turn around and see someone walk up the walls. I pick up my sword and run to the other side of the roof. I then get down on my stomach and watch the person walk up onto the roofs.

"You up here, Fae?" They say again. I get up and walk towards them with my new sword at my side.

"Why are you up here?" I ask. It was dark enough that he couldn't see me.

"I'm waiting for a friend. She comes up here all the time." He answers.

"Maybe she doesn't want to come up today." I respond. He looks down at his hand and looks back at the direction I was at.

"That is true. My friends and I had to talk to her today." He tells me.

"Why?" I ask and move closer to him.

"Her brother was murdered earlier today. She was being very rude to her close friends and her other brother because she was so angry. She couldn't stop crying when we walked back to her dorm. She would fall to her knees and just cry and cry. The people who were walking with her would have to stop and help her to get back up. That was mostly me." I then knew that I was talking to Loki and I walked closer to him. He sat down and I sat down next to him.

"Sounds like that person was very close to her." I sais and knew that we were talking about me.

"Yeah he was. It was her oldest brother. She was the youngest out of three. It went her oldest brother, then her other older brother, then her. Her oldest brother was pretty cool. He knew a lot about her past and what really weakens her. I always wanted to know more about her. She seemed like she's always needed someone to be there for her and that was always me. Her and I have been there for each other. I......I never want to lose her.........." Loki says and I blush because he didn't know that it was the girl he was talking about was me.

"Why? What makes her not want you to lose her? How's she special to you? Are you in love with her?" I ask and he looks at me suspiciously.

"Why do you want to know?" He asks rudely.

"Are you gonna tell her or will you use what I tell you against me and her? Because we just met and I don't feel comfortable telling you." Loki says and I get disappointed.

"Maybe we did just meet. Maybe we've known each other for a while. Maybe we haven't. I would like to know and I will give you a hint of who I am." I tell him.

"Okay. She's special to me in some way. I don't know how, but she has that feeling on everyone. She protects everyone. She puts her life on the line for other people that she cares about. She's very charismatic and humorous. She even has this touch of being romantic. Her and I have this very special connection. She says that in her world it's called, 'Friends with Benefits'. I kinda like it too. I like being her friend with a romantic touch to it. The other thing is that I can tell that she's in love with other guys also. I'm not gonna let the jealously get to my head again. If I don't get her to be my love then that's alright. As long as she's with someone that truly cares about her." Loki says and I smile.

"That does kinda sound like me." I say and look at him.

"What?" He says and I take off my hood and lean in towards him. I kiss him and he accepts it. I remove my lips from his and smile.

"Who are you?" He asks and I put my hood back on and pick up my sword the stand up.

"You should know." I say and jump off of the roofs and he follows me.

"Wait up!" He yells and I keep running. I stop by a nearby river and get down on my knees and cup my hands into the water. He soon stops behind me.

"What are you doing and who are you?" He asks.

"You should know who I am. And I'm doing something for myself." I say and put the water up to my bad eye.

"I really don't." Loki says and I look at the water and my smile goes away.

"You should." I say and look at him with tears flowing out from under the bandana covering my eyes.

"Why are you crying?" He asks and sits down next to me.

"..............................................." I stay quiet and quietly cry.

"Why? You can tell me." Loki says.

".............No I can't............." I say.

"Why not?" Loki asks and moves closer to me.

"Because you'll get into what I want to do." I tell him.

"And what is that?" He asks.

"Loki, I'll tell you another time." I say and he looks at me surprised.


Kamigami No Asobi: Don't Know Who To LoveWhere stories live. Discover now