The Seven Deadly Sins: Faded...

By Spencer_Lorenzi

136K 6K 589

"Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." Lucas quoted Alfred Lord. "But how would... More

The Seven Deadly Sins: Faded Stars
Don't Challenge Me
Expect the Unexpected
Seeing the Past
First Day
I'll be your Aphrodite, if you'll be my Ares
Humans and their weird phrases
Better? Better
Death of me
Who Am I?
The Weather
Jungle Berries
Cherry Bomb
Mirror Effect
Restless Thoughts
Quality Time
Playing Creepy
Splitting The Future
Ancestors and Descendants
Haunting Past

Angels Vs Demons

3K 152 14
By Spencer_Lorenzi

Skylar's Pov:

"You need to step into it Skylar...." Benjamin said for about the hundreds time.

Growing frustrated with every minute that passed, I decided to simply give up.

"It's not working." I said as I sighed and looked at the dummy that was tied to a pole.

It was roughly 20 feet way from us but I could still see the stupid smirk someone painted on it.

"Not with that attitude. Skylar you have a bad habit of picking up skills and mastering none. You can't even fly correctly and that's the first thing you're suppose to learn." Ben said as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"You're not ready to join the game." He mumbled as he walked away from me.

Sighing, I couldn't help but to feel defensed. Currently standing on the field, I was trying to summon an energy force from my hand but to no avoid. Everyone else was able to summon some kind of energy include Garnet who was 7.

It was a skill that was required if you wanted to play in the game. The game was full of strategies and collaboration where there was two teams. One team portrait to be demons where the other one were the angels. Sometimes we even played with hunters if there was enough people but the hunters needed to be skilled with tactics that didn't involved powers. Whenever they played with hunters though, they never won expected for once. When that happened, Ben was extremely pissed at the players who were angels and demons, however, he was immensely proud of the hunters.

I of course never got to play cause it would ultimately end extremely bad for me. I usually just watched with Ben on the side lines since he wanted me to see the tactics other people did.

"Guys gather around, it time to split the teams." Ben said as flagged everyone down.

Dragging myself away from my spot, I stood close to Benjamin while everyone else got in a line in front of him.

Just when Ben was about to speak though, the sound of trumpets and bells caught our attentions. We counted the times that the bells went off and listened to see when it would stop.

5 times the bells rang and 5 times the trumpets change their tune.

The queen had left the castle was obviously the first bell since it always rang when she did. The other 4 though I didn't know what they meant as well as the trumpets. I have heard this set up before but never bother to ask what it meant.

Turning to Ben, I noticed the shock expression on his face.

"What does it mean?" I asked.

I watched as Ben swallowed hard.

"The queen is coming to watch our practice." Ben said.

"Why the bells and trumpets though?" I asked.

"Whenever she comes to see us, she chooses one person to level up. Whenever someone reaches level 25 they are deem a guardian angel." Mia explained.

"And after they're deem a guardian angel they go to Earth and watch over a human right?" I asked.

"Sometimes they have more." Mia said as she shrugged her shoulders.

Slowly nodding my head, I turned to Ben who was now wearing a serious expression. Obviously there were no time for silliness.

It wouldn't long after though that we heard trumpets and saw a small group of angels wearing the signature black and purple. These were the mans who would watch over Alexandra.

Other angels by now were coming over to the field to watch the hunting game. This was all so new to me but it wasn't long before I realized that I needed to act like the Queen's mate. Excusing myself to Ben, I was quick to say hello to all the angels that came to watch the game. I smiled to all and greeted as many as I could before going back to Benjamin.

The angels that stood in formation, never blinked an eye as they waited for another sign of some kind.

After a few minutes though, one of the angels that stood in the formation yelled.

"Second platoon attention!"

A second row of angel arrived in lighting speeding and it wasn't long before the same angel spoke up.

"Now arriving, the Queen, miss Alexandra McCartney! Platoons take a knee!" He yelled as they other angels did as they were told.

It was no surprise that as soon as they did it the rested of us followed suit including me.

Everything went silent afterwards and before we knew it, we could hear the wind pick up. Soon, standing before us in all her glory was the Queen who wore her crown for this occasion. Unfamiliar to the other angels, I knew how different Alex's crown was compare to others I got to see in museums including the ones in Spain and England. Unlike the typical golden colors, Alex's crown was black with purple gems. Those were her colors and now they were the colors of heaven. Despite what many people think in Earth, just because Heaven is a place of purity that's compare to with white, there is a spot for black here. It just so happened to be with Alex.

"As you were." Alex said before locking eyes with me.

I gave her a small smile which she returned quickly before replacing it with a serious one.

"Benjamin what is the game you've picked out for training?" Alex asked.

"Today we were going to play the Angels vs Demons one but I can change it to one on one my queen." Benjamin responded.

"Nonsense, here, I'll pick the team since I know not of their abilities." Alex said.

Slowly walking over to us, she looked at everyone before standing next to me and Benjamin. She gave me a confused look as to ask why I was standing here instead of with the other but began with her task nevertheless.

One by one she picked sides for everyone but didn't tell them who were the angels and who were the demons yet.

When she reached Garnet, she smiled.

"Aren't you suppose to be in school?" Alex asked as she ruffled Garnet's hair.

Giggling he responded.

"It's President's day, there's no school." He answered.

"Well tell your mother Ruby I say hey." Alex said before telling him which side he was going to be at.

After she was done, she counted the teams and noticed one side was missing someone.

"Usually when the sides are uneven, the demons would have the extra person, my queen." Benjamin said.

"Nonsense, we have another person right there." Alex said as she looked at me.

I was quick to speak up.

"Who? Me?" I asked.

"Yes, you're on that team." Alex said.

Ben was quick to grab me.

"My queen, she's no where near ready to fight." Ben said.

"How do you expect her to get any better if you baby her Ben? She needs the training and this is the perfect opportunity." Alex said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Yes my queen, but,"

"No buts, Skylar will play." Alex said as she slowly turned her attention to Ben's hand which was still grabbing me.

Ben was quick to let me go afterward.

"Suit them up, Skylar's team will be the angels." Alex said.

Before walking over to her guardian angels, Alex came towards me.

"Be careful, whenever I come to watch, teams usually turn against each other and team up with anyone." Alex said before planting a kiss on the side of my cheek.

Obviously it was for show, the kiss, since almost half the city was here to watch the game. I smiled nevertheless at her gesture.

It wasn't long after that, that we were all suited up with our suit. The suits were padded with sensors and could monitor how much pain we could take. When it sense we were at our breaking point it sounded an alert signifying we were out of the game. The alert lets us know that if we were actually fighting we would have died.

The suit also had lights that illuminated a certain color. If you were an angel it would white and if you were a demon it would red.

Before the game began we were separated into two different areas of the forest. Looking at my team I noticed that I knew a couple of them. Garnet, Mia, and a male named Nicholas. The rest of my team were unknown to me.

I knew immediately that trust was going to be an issue.

Part of me was excited that I was about to finally play with the rest of the angels but another part of me knew how extremely dangers this was.

However, I didn't have time to worry before I heard the sirens go off, indicating the game had started.

"So..." I said as I turned around to look at my team.

To my surprise though, everyone had already left expect Garnet.

"What a team..." I mumbled.

"It's typical of them to do this." Garnet said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Before the game usually starts they talk to each other with their minds. They pair up or tell each other what's up. They usually ignore the weaker team players."

"So they left us to die?" I asked.

Nodding his head, Garnet sat down.

"Well shit that's just rude." I mumbled as I walked over to Garnet.

"At least we can die together." Garnet said with a small smile.

"I'm not about to embarrass myself in front of my mate." I thought to myself. Looking at Garnet I decided it would be better to stay together.

"How about you and I team up?" I asked.

"Sure!" He exclaimed as he got up quickly.

"What can you do?" I asked.

"Well I can fly, light my hands on fire and scream in waves but I can't really do that one to much."

Nodding my head, I looked at him.

"Anything else you might have forgotten?"

Frowning, Garnet tried to think hard.

"Oh yea! I can make people become lazy!"

"Really?" I asked.

"Yea my mother is the sin of sloth and my dad is the angel of diligence but I can only use it if I absorbed someone's laziness." Garnet said as he smiled.

"Well I can run fast, hear from a far,trick people with my mind and control them. I haven't master flying yet."

"How about your bless power?" Garnet asked.

"I don't think happiness will help us." I told Garnet.

"Yea but you can absorb angry can't you?" Garnet asked.

"No, only if it belongs to Alex." I said, correcting him.

"Oh... right..." Garnet frowned.

"That would have helped us though... angry blindsight people." Garnet said.

Just when I was about to speak, I picked up a sound.

"We can't stand here anymore, we need to go." I said as I grabbed Garnet.

"Get on my back, we need to go." I said as I bend down so Garnet could climb on.

Garnet wasted no time and before he knew what hit him, I took off, making sure I held him tight.

After finding a spot I thought was save, I stopped with my run.

"Holy dam you can run fast!" Garnet exclaimed.

I immediately noticed he was radiating happiness as my body was absorbing it.

I couldn't help but to chuckle.

After letting Garnet go, I asked him a question.

"How does this game actually work if people turn against their own team members?" I asked.

"You get points by what you do. Attacks get you points as while as deaths but those are double. You can kill your teammate but only if they betray their team members. Angels can kill an angel if they believe they are working with a demon and vice a versa. If they discover they are, they get triple points for killing an betrayer. There's also the bells which goes off when someone dies. They say who died and how so we're alerted of what powers are in place."

"So right now we have none right and no one has died?"

Nodding his head, he just smiled.

"Well shit that's no good either." I mumbled.

Sitting down, I started to think. It wasn't longer before I came up with a plan. Whispering it to Garnet I could already tell he liked it.

A few minutes later, I found myself standing in the middle of a opening, Garnet was no where in sight.

Taking a deep breath I began singing.

I made sure to pick a spot where I knew I had heard activities before and soon enough I heard the snapping of branches.

To my delight I watch someone who suit illustration red.

A demon.

At first he looked at me with curiosity but it was soon replaced with worry.

"Carrie?" He called out.

I kept singing and motioned for him to come closer. He immediately oblige.

"Carrie you can't be here, we're playing and you could get hurt." The demon said.

Smirking, I yelled.

"Now Garnet!" I yelled.

Quickly getting out of the way, Garnet immediately shot fireballs to the person. It hit him right on his chest and he hit the ground hard.

Garnet continued to attack him with fireballs while I entered his mind.

I immediately fill his mind with thoughts of this girl name Carrie who I assume with his mate. I sent thoughts of her death and I instantly saw the tears fall down his face.

We were hurting him physically and mentally.

Before we knew what happened, his suit let out a piercing sound, causing Garnet and me to stop.

"Robert Xavier, demon, death by, mind control and fire. 17 points, Garnet, 19 points, Skylar Charms."

Looking down, I noticed that Robert was still in tears probably because of the thoughts of Carrie dying.

"Hey shh it's okay, Carrie is still alive. I'm sorry." I said as I reached down for him.

Raising his hand and grabbing mine, I gave him a small amount of happiness that I absorbed from Garnet earlier.

I immediately saw a smile on his face.

"Thank you princess Charms. Good luck you two." He said as bowed to me.

He smiled one last time before he turned around and spread his wings, ready to take flight.

It felt good knowing that I was able to take someone down and yet see them smile afterwards.
However, my smile soon left my face when I heard another bell go off.
This time it was an angel to die.

"Let's go." I said as I looked at Garnet.

Nodding his head, he quickly jumped on my back before I took off.

It was going to be a long day.


Alex's Pov:

Currently watching the action on a monitor I was able to see what was going on in the field and for the sake of the other angels, I told my people to put up screens so they could watch for themselves.

"That Nicolas kid is pretty good." I mumbled.

"He is one of the strongest we have. I've been training him since he was 5 and he's 18 now, so you can imagine my queen." Benjamin said with a smile.

"His eyes are brown... no surprise he's working with the demons." I said as I stared at Ben.

"Strategy, nothing more of it." Benjamin said quickly.

Nodding my head, I just turned my attention back to the monitors and continued to watch what was happening.

My attention was on Skylar who surprisingly was doing great. She paired up with Garnet after their team left them for death.

At one occasion though, she was close to dying when one of them snuck up behind her. She got a nasty cut on her forehead and lip since the person decided to play dirty and slam a branch against her face.

After falling on the ground, the person got on top of Sky and was about to blast her when Garnet saved her.

One thing was for sure, Skylar needed to pay attention better.

After counting the total death there was only a few people left, 2 demons, 4 angels.

Watching the monitors we watched as Mia and Nicholas group together and started discussing their next move.

The only thing though, Nicholas already had his next plan in set. He had lured Mia to her death as the remaining demons jumped on her.

He of course couldn't kill her since that would get him negative points. He had accumulated 80 points and if it wasn't for Sky and Garnet he could win. Skylar had 68 points and Garnet had 71. If you were to kill an angel that didn't team up with a demon, you lost the equivalent of all the points that angel had. Mia in this case had 24, so if Nicholas killed her that would get his point pushed down to 56 allowing Garnet to be in the led.

Even if Nicholas was able to kill both demons, it didn't guarantee he could win.

We simply watched as Mia struggled and yelled out to Nicholas for help and of course he didn't do anything of the sort. It wasn't long before her suit sounded and she was out.

"Mia, angel, death by, energy beams, Rafael 65 points, Johnny, 63 points."

Nicholas just laughed and told Mia to not trust so easily.

Looking at the screen I realized something when the demons didn't move.

"He's controlling them." I mumbled.

Turning to Benjamin, I spoke up.

"Have this two demons been with him the whole time?"

"Yes, why?" Ben asked.

"Because he's been controlling them, that could be extremely dangerous if their under for so long." I said.

"I understand my queen but there is no rules against it, the demons are supposed to be able to over come this. Demons are known to posses our bodies so as real angels they need to be able to get Nicholas out of their head. If not, this will happen." Benjamin said.

Sighing, I knew he had a point and before I could respond, a pitching sound broke out.

Turning to see what happen, I watched as one of the demons was using their power of energy to blast a light source at Garnet. Garnet was using his voice to let out wavelengths but he was having a hard time. Before anyone could blind, the light source slammed against Garnet's small body. Skylar was desperately trying to help Garnet but the other demon was attacking her.

Seconds later, Garnet's suit was sounding but the demon didn't stop. Garnet tried to cover himself with his hands with fire and was able to deflect the energy source for a few seconds but it wasn't long before it hit him.

"Garnet, angel, death by energy source. Rafael 71 points. You may stop attacking."

The sound coming from the suit started fading but the attack to Garnet kept coming despite what the all call said.

Just when I was about to order the game to end, Skylar was right there grabbing the demon by his throat.

Her eyes were illuminating blue.

The demon she was fighting earlier was laying faced down but wasn't pronounced dead since he was only knocked out.

Slamming the demon that was attacking Garnet, Skylar was able to cause his suit to sound.

"Rafael, demon, death by, impact. Skylar 81 points."

In a heartbeat, Nicholas was by the last demon and just when he was about to kill him, Skylar attacked him.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Nicholas said.

"You were controlling that demon! You almost killed Garnet!" Skylar yelled as she punched Nicholas.

"No I fucken wasn't!" Nicholas yelled as he pushed Skylar off him.

Getting into a fighting stands, Skylar spoke.

"I went to control his mind and I could hear your voice in his head!"

Smirking, Nicholas got in his own fighting stands.

"Busted." He said before speed running towards Skylar.

Immediately the battle was on. Fighting happened on the ground first, but they soon took it into the air. I immediately wanted to cursed since Skylar didn't know how to fly. Nicholas was quick to notice this and used his energy source to hit her.

She immediately hit the ground hard. There was so much dirty in the air that we didn't know what was going on but the sound of a suit going off indicated what we all though.

"Skylar, angel, death by impact and energy source. Nicholas deducted 81 points, now with negative one."

Chuckling, Nicholas didn't seem to care since there was still one demon left who was unconscious. The win was obvious.

Nicholas calmly went down and when the dirty settled, walked over to the demon. Getting into a ready stand, he was about to shoot the demon when he was blast with a energy source catching him of guard and slamming him into a tree.

With every second that passed, the beam got stronger and Nicholas struggled against it. He tried to push off the tree with his own energy source but it failed miserably. His suit sounded and the beam stopped immediately.

Walking over to Nicholas was one gorgeous blondie.

"Pride is a horrible sin."

"Hey you're died! You can't attack!" Nicholas said as he scramble to get onto his feet.

"The suit that sounded wasn't mine. It was the demons." Skylar said as she turned her back to Nicholas.

Looking at the demon who was laying down on the ground I noticed that the suit was in fact turned off.

Walking over to Garnet who was still laying down, Skylar's smiled slightly.

Nicholas, however, wasn't happy one bit and as he got up, I knew he was about to take a dirty shot. Placing his hands together, Nicholas started summoning energy to his palm before he shot it at Skylar.

Anger shot through my veins and right before the energy source was able to hit Skylar, I deflated it.

I could feel my eyes turning black.

"Do you not recall who she is!?" I yelled at Nicholas.

He immediately froze.

"Warth is sinful and you reek of it." I said through clench teeth.

"My queen.. I'm.. I'm sorry." Nicholas said as he bowed down to me.

"You almost killed the heir to the sin of sloth and virtue of diligence. Then to top it off, you almost injured Skylar, who is my mate. Forgiveness is the farthest thing on my mind at this moment." I said.

"Alex... Garnet is fine and so am I. Forgive the child and talk to him in private, you're followers are watching you." I heard Skylar whisper into my ear.

Placing her hand on my shoulder, I could feel my anger slipping away from me and replaced with happiness.

Sighing, I looked at Nicholas who kept his head down.

"Get up my child." I said.

Nicholas quickly did as he was told.

"Forgiveness isn't for me to give, ask those who you have wrong for it."

Nicholas instantly turned to the other two.

"Forgive me my sibling for I have sinned badly." Nicholas said.

"We forgive you brother." Garnet and Skylar said.

"Take Garnet to the field Nicholas, he's in no shape to walk."

Nodding his head, Nicholas quickly grabbed Garnet and using his wings he flew back to the others.

"You did an excellent job today." I said as I turned to Skylar.

"Thank you, but who gets leveled up?" Skylar asked as she got closer to me.

"Typically it's the winner but you're not training to be a guardian angel. I would give it to Nicholas but this time he doesn't deserve it so I'll choose someone else. Let's go back to the field." I responded as I began walking away.

"Okay but.. I'll race you there!" Skylar exclaimed as she used her super speed.

Rolling my eyes, I smiled before I used my speed. I was the first to get there but Skylar was next to me in a few seconds.

"Dam... I thought I had you." Skylar mumbled.

"You do know I'm the queen right?" I said as I smiled.

"Yea... but I was close..." Skylar said.

Rolling my eyes, I decided to announce the winner so we could all go home already. It was late, and there was school for the angels tomorrow.

Angel or human, education was needed.

Clearly my voice, I spoke up.

"After careful consideration, I deem the person who will level up is Garnet for the protection of his Allie and quick thinking."

Using my super speed, I was in front of Garnet in a second. Smiling at the kid, I told him to rest before telling my men to change Garnet's status.

This was his first time leveling up and despite the horrible beating he got, he still managed to smile.

"That concludes today's game, thank you all for being here and thank you Benjamin for preparing our children." I said before turning my attention to Skylar.

"Skylar if you may, can you accompany me to the palace?"

Smiling, Skylar bowed before speaking up.

"Anything for you my beautiful queen."

Before I knew it, Skylar was next to me holding my hand. Kissing me softly on the cheek, she spoke up.

"Lead the way."

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