one bus shots

By suicidetab

50.1K 1.3K 193


You're Short... [DaithiDeLui]
Sick. [MiniCat]
Smoke. [BasicallyLui]
Candy. [VanCat]
Brotherly Love. [VanLui??]
Cigarettes. [DaithiDeLui]
Good Morning.[MiniCat]
Collaboration !!
Ouija Board. [SilentCalibre]
but i don't trust you.
Feel Good Inc. [Vanoo]
Who Is Who Smut. [TAG]
Happy Easter.[Poly!BBS]
Falling. [VanCat]
Stargazing. [TerrorSnuckel]
new story
Drinks. [H2OVanoss]
Date. [VanCat]
Left. [Poly!BBS]
Camping. pt.2 [TerrorSnuckel]
question tag.
Argument. [VanCat]
Chicken. [MiniCat]
so uh.

Camping.[no ship]

1K 24 8
By suicidetab

"Ugh, why did any of us agree to this? It's hot and we're not even halfway there!" One of the ten men complained loudly. They were walking along a trail in a rather thick part of the camping area. Others agreed quietly with the complaint, and eventually they all decided as a group to stop a few feet into the brush next to the trail.

"Well, while you all take a quick rest, I need to piss." One waved them off as he stomped over the brush in either a tree or a larger bush.

"That's probably not the best thing, Lui-"

"Do you think I care right now?" He shouted sarcastically, lifting his arms to step over something.

"You should," Tyler huffed, watching him.

"There's skunks, I've been here a bunch." Lui waved him off, turning to go behind a tree. Jon rolled his eyes, dropping a backpack he was carrying. Craig looked around the area, before turning to look at Evan

"Evan, are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, we barely know anything about camping-"

"SKUNK!" Lui screamed, jumping over bushes, fanning the air in front of his face.

"Oh- god, Lui. You smell horrible," Marcel scooted himself away from Lui, who was sweeping leaves and dirt from his shirt and jeans. He huffed, crossing his arms with an quite unamused look towards Marcel.

"See?" Craig raised an eyebrow at Evan, who was hopelessly calling out at the men yelling at each other. Evan sighed, giving Craig an understanding look.

"Why did you decide camping? This sucks!" Lui yelled. He wouldn't let Arlan get too far from him, repeatedly pulling him by his arm just to piss his friend off.

"I want to go home," Lui pouted.

*"Cierra la trampa antes lanzó otra mofeta en usted, Lui!" Arlan shouted, yanking his arm form Lui's grasp, walking over to where David and Tyler stood, clearly wanting to hide himself behind them.

"Guys..." Brock quietly spoke. He didn't want to get himself involved with the arguments, so he stood quietly with Marcel as Tyler and Brian went at it.

*"Cogida egoísta..." Lui mumbled back, keeping his arms crossed as he turned to look around in the trees. Arlan pushed himself from between David and Tyler, throwing off his backpack.

*"¡¿Qué fue eso?! Ven aquí, pequeño palo de golf! Yo te empujo en el río!" Arlan shot back, running to push Lui forward off the path.

*"¿Qué? ¡No! Yo no tengo la ropa para esto!" Lui screamed, stepping away as Arlan grabbed at his arm.

"They're going to both end up in the lake..." Jon looked between the two wrestling on the ground, shouting at each other in Spanish.

"I'm going home." Tyler went back down the path, keeping his backpack with him.

"Fucking hell, man. This was a dumb idea." David gave a look to Lui and Arlan, then went to pull out his phone.

"Tyler has no idea how to get back, I'm going to help him." He left, quick enough to already be around the corner and going to catch up to him.

"Can't we all go home?" Brian asked, pulling on the strap of his bag.

Evan sighed, watching his entire plan go to shit.

"I just wanted a nice weekend..." He sulked, watching as Lui was pulled off the trail, curses being spewed every moment he was on the ground.

*"Me soltó que la mofeta mierda!"

"It's not my fault we got dragged out here!"

Evan immediately followed the trail back, Everyone else following him.

"Fine. We'll go get a beer together or something." He grabbed the bag Jon dropped, tossing it back to him.

"Careful, man. Trying knock me out?" Jon tried to joke, only earning a small giggle from Brock. He was most likely laughing at something else, but Jon took it was al uagh for him.

*"Pedazo de mierda!"



*: "Shut your trap before I launch another skunk, Lui!"

"Selfish fuck..."

"What was that?! Come here you little brat! I'll push you in the lake!"

"What? No! I have no clothes for this!"


"Let go of me you skunk shit!" 


"Piece of shit!" 

"Shut up!"

[please don't quote me on this, google translate is horrible.]

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