Those of Us Alone

By AshleyEmerson

124K 4.7K 686

Midori was an orphan. Hardships make up her life and she's never had it easy. When she is given a home by Mas... More

Chapter 1: Enter Midori
Chapter 2: Years Past
Chapter 3: The Fateful Night
Chapter 4: Soo-won Betrays His Friends
Character Info
Chapter 5: Into the Woods
Chapter 6: Annoyances of a Third Wheel
Chapter 7: There's No Way for Me to Actually Describe My Pain
Chapter 8: The Priest
Chapter 9: Hurtful Words, Understanding, & Rooting for HakXYona
Chapter 10: God's Will
Chapter 12: Yoon & I Get Dragged to Hakuryuu Village
Chapter 13: I'm as Clueless as You are in This Situation
Chapter 14: New Addition
Chapter 15: Well, Now You've Pissed Me Off
Chapter 16: Kija's Strength . . . And Weaknesses
Chapter 17: The Search for Seiryuu (The Other One)
Chapter 18: We've Arrived!
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20: Awkward Sibling. . . Stuff?
Chapter 21: How Angry is Yoon?
Chapter 22: Longest Chapter EVER!
Chapter 23: Kija vs Ungrateful Villager-Who Speaks More in this Chapter?!
Chapter 24: Digging Ourselves Out of a Hole
Chapter 25: Our 'Weird' Group
Chapter 26: Names and Ports and Trouble-Oh My!
Chapter 27: Stuck Between a Rock (Jae-ha) and A Hard Place
Don't Hate Me!
Chapter 28: Memories and Fights
Chapter 29: Nighttime Comforting?
Chapter 30: Psychological Issues
Chapter 31: You're Oddly Excited to Be Walking into Human Trafficking
Chapter 32: Intense Torture
Chapter 33: Bro-Bonding and Some Flashbacks
Chapter 34: A Dream-Like Plane
Chapter 35: Not Exactly the Type of Meeting I was Anticipating
Chapter 36: This Isn't the End
Chapter 37: The End of the Awa Arc
Chapter 38: Trauma Has Some Consequences
Chapter 39: Telling Some People is the First Step Towards Recovery
Chapter 40: A Run-In with the King
Chapter 41: Traveling Plans are Decided
Chapter 42: Every Journey has 'Pit-Stops' I Guess
Chapter 43: First Time in Chi'Shin
Chapter 44: We're Staying a Bit Longer Here Than I Thought
Chapter 45: A - Uh - Productive Night?
Chapter 46: A Familiar Place and A Familiar Face
Chapter 47: An Insane Wake-up
Chapter 48: Gaining Knowledge but also Confusion
Chapter 49: Putting My Plan Into Action
Chapter 50: Being Blushing Messes Together
Chapter 51: Down A Group Member
Chapter 52: Festivities Ended
Chapter 53: Travel Conversation has Surprising Results
Chapter 54: Memory or Nightmare? Maybe, Both?
Chapter 55: In Which Joo-doh Tries to Poison Us
Chapter 56: Everyone Needs a Little More of Tae-yon
Chapter 57: War-Council Interlude
Chapter 58: Capital Saika
Chapter 59: When Drama Ensues . . .
Chapter 60: Things Get More Heated
Chapter 61: Jae-ha's Insight on Midori
Chapter 62: Some Crying, Some Letters, and Some Leaving
Chapter 63: R-E-S-P-E-C-T
Chapter 64: Guilt
Chapter 65: Story Telling through a Letter
Chapter 66: To the Battlefield We Go
Chapter 67: In Which Tae-jun Surprises Us All
Chapter 68: Naming Chapters is Hard
Chapter 69: And You Thought Awa was Bad Before
Chapter 70: And You Guessed It! More Letters!
Chapter 71: Why are Idiots Running the Country?
Chapter 72: The Bad Idea
Chapter 73: The "Lovely" Town of Awa
Chapter 74: Public Speeches = Good Distraction?
Chapter 75: Transition~
Chapter 76: Oh No, a Filler While I Figure Out the Resolution to this Arc! XD
Chapter 77: Recollection of a Promise
Chapter 78: Planning Session

Chapter 11: Name the Chapter Author-chan!

2.4K 100 20
By AshleyEmerson

Midori's POV

"What did you mean by 'other' four dragons? There are only four, aren't there?"

Ik-su gave me a serious look, "Are you sure you want to know?"

I looked down before snapping my head up with a determined look, "Hai."

A small sigh left the priest, "Do you remember anything about your birth family?"

"No," I answered almost immediately, "I believe I was sold into human trafficking when I was young."

A look of sadness flashed through Ik-su's eyes, "When you woke up after I found you, you were in pain before you passed out again. What happened?"

I clenched my teeth, trying to remember, "Some voice. . . was speaking to me? It. . . Said something about dragons. . . And serving King Hiryuu?"

Ik-su patted my head, "That's enough. Don't exhaust yourself by trying to remember. Anything else that happened?"

"My eyes burn every once in awhile, but I thought that might be normal. Maybe I needed glasses?"

A sad smile spread across the priest's face, "But something contradicted that thought, is that right?"

I nodded, "My vision has always been good. Plus, I can see farther than most people."

"There's only one other person in the world with that power, Midori." I looked up in surprise, "Your brother."

"Hak has always commended me on my sight because I could always see something he couldn't. Hak can't have that power."

"Not Hak," Ik-su was serious again, "your brother by blood."

I flinched, "I-I. . . Impossible."

"No," Ik-su said placing a hand on my shoulder, "it isn't impossible. Your brother may or may not know of your existence, like you not knowing of him. You'll meet him though, if you all decide to go on the journey to find the dragons."

"Is he one?"

Ik-us nodded, "The two of you are, actually." My eyes widened. I was about  to ask him to explain further, but he beat me to it, "The two of you are twins, separated at birth. The village was afraid of having two of you they just gave you away."


He gave me a knowing smile, "You'll know."

I looked down, slightly disappointed, but had enough decency to softly say, "Thank you, Ik-su."

Another small pat on the head and a smile was what he left me with, "Mou!!"


I spent the morning with Yoon as he sewed Yona new clothing and evened out her hair. Yona and I learned that Yoon had a yearn for knowledge, but he had very little resources, "I've only collected a few books." He held up a dirty, slightly torn book, "This dirty book is all I need."

"What book is that?" Yona asked.

He laughed, "That idiot Ik-su got it out of the garbage when he tripped and fell somewhere."

Yona exclaimed, "That's terrible!"

"He's an idiot, right?" Yoon began to rant, "It's kind of strange that God chose someone like him, but," Yoon paused smiling softly, "he's the kind of guys that would never lie." Yona stared at Yoon who looked like a kid admiring his father. Same situation actually, "I know this most of," Yoon realized Yona was staring at him, ". . . all. . ."

Yoon gave Yona a suspicious look before getting flustered, "A-Anyway," he picked up a basket and began to make his way outside, "Best hurry and leave if you're going on your journey." The little tsun tried to pass off his embarrassment, "I don't have to deal with you guy's problems."

Yona gave a sad look as she watched him leave. I sat next to her and nudged her with my shoulder, and when she looked at me I asked, "What's up?"

She whispered, "Last night, Ik-su asked Hak and I if we'd take Yoon with us on our journey, but I can't do it. Not unless. . . Not unless."

"He says he wants to go?" I finished with an understanding smile. "I got it."

She gave a small smile before saying, "I need to tell Ik-su."

"Right," I said getting up and then helping my friend up, "I'll go bug Yoon, and try to keep him from Ik-su until you're done."

"Thanks, Midori."


Now, in my defense, I tried to keep Yoon occupied as long as possible, but just as he is, I'm a fast learner. I've learned many new recipes and even taught Yoon some more advanced medical practices, but Yona does not speak quick.

I couldn't help the fact she was slow to approach the subject, so when Yoon and I passed by a shed-like building, all was in the open for him to hear, "Even though Yoon is a badmouth," I glanced to Yoon noticing his intrigue, "he really loves you. I don't want to break apart a family."

I touched Yoon's shoulder, but he brushed me off. I didn't have a problem with it because if it would have been me in his situation, I would want to listen as well.

Yona continued, "I won't take Yoon with us on our journey." Yoon froze, "Ik-su, you asked us to take Yoon along with us," she paused and I could see Yoon clenching his fists, "but as long as Yoon doesn't say he's going with us I won't take him along."

"Yoon. . ." I whispered.

"I see," Ik-su said.

Yoon was barely containing his anger, "You might want to go somewhere else, Midori."

"Are you sure you want me to go?" I said looking at him concerned.

He nodded, "It'd be best."

I nodded and jogged away from the angry boy. He didn't want me to see his anger, and it was something he had to deal with.



Happy Summer Everyone!

It's been raining a lot here in Texas! AND it's hot! These are not enjoyable weather situations!

So, I am sitting in my room with my fan on and I decided, hey, I'm going to update a story, and this was the one I decided to update.

(Who reads these? Idk.)

If you care, I'm trying to learn different software to make amvs. I have a few up on YouTube that I used a website called Kizoa (I'm not really using that now, I'm actually trying videopad).

I have an amv on Akatsuki no Yona and one on Jessie and James from Pokémon.

Should I try to do some for my AnY OCs?

Maybe I will, maybe I won't.

If you want to see the videos, check out my YouTube: Ashley Emerson (surprise, surprise. I'm not good at making up usernames. XD)

Okay, Keep reading and I hope you enjoy my work,

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