Zodiac Story ~ The Chaos Flat

By SpiritGazer

116K 3.5K 1.7K

Updates every Saturday! Hi there, readers! So this is a Zodiac story about three brothers who move into an ol... More

The Chaos Flat
The apartment
Spirit(s) of Chaos
It has only just begun...
...actually, it didn't even start yet
A silent Chaos
Chaos strikes
Something silent
Return of Chaos
Whole again
Confession, Obsession and Chaos
Explanations (and more)
The Ceremony
Crashing Chaos
Chaos crushes (you) part 1
Chaos crushes (you) part 2
Flashback Day 1
Flashback Day 2
Flashback Day 3
Flashback Day 4
Calm after the storm (or before)
Brand new Chaos
Changes (and more)
Bad Influences
Accidental/On purpose
It's not... never mind, it's Chaos
Mission Saving Chaos
A Chaotic Conspiracy part 1
A Chaotic Conspiracy part 2
Everything's... fine?
Time doesn't last...
...but friends do
Author's Note
Guess who's back!

Working Together

1.5K 63 23
By SpiritGazer

     Capricorn's pov

'Are you sure that's what happened?' I asked Gem, after the most unlikely story she told me. She started to nod enthusiastically, as if that would make me believe it. 'Yes, very sure! Aries and Leo are definitely working together! In fact, they're in my apartment right now, trying to work out the plan!'

'Okay, so let me get this straight: Leo and Aries, arch enemies, are working together on a plan that they are going to do... together? I don't think my brain will accept that,' I smiled, but Gemini shook her head. 'Fine, because I'm part of the plan too and I had to bring someone to help. If you really don't believe me, I'll just go ask Sag if he wants to join –'

'No need to do that, I'm down,' I quickly stated, at which Gem smirked widely and grabbed my arm to pull me over to her apartment. Believing her was hard, but if it involved a plan in which I could work with Gem, I was definitely joining in.

The moment I walked into apartment 26, I saw something I hadn't seen in a long, very long time: Aries and Leo sitting next to each other on the couch with a large piece of paper on the coffee table in front of them. Wow, miracles really do happen, apparently.

Aries looked up when Gemini closed the door and grinned, as she stood up and folded her arms. 'Ah, great. I was hoping you'd bring Cap.' 'Yeah, well, you didn't leave me much of a choice, with your "Bring either Cap or Sag",' Gem stated and walked past me to plop onto the couch. I could practically hear Leo making a nasty comment about it, but she didn't say anything and instead of hearing a comment, I heard the door open again and this time, Aqua came in.

'Hey, Q,' I smiled, and she immediately frowned and groaned. 'Oh, great. I should have known you'd be here too,' she mumbled and quickly moved over to Leo.

'So, what's the plan exactly? I have like a million ideas that can totally help us through everything and anything and that would work out in other situations too, but well, let's hope there won't be a situation like this again, even though it would be cool and exciting and –'

'Alright, Gem, we get you,' Aries interrupted her sister, and cleared her throat before she started pacing around the living room. 'We made up two plans, Plan A, where A stands for Aries, and Plan B, with B for Back-Up.'

'And Plan C, for Collapse of the universe,' Cap mumbled softly, causing me to chuckle not-that-silently.

'Indeed,' Leo continued, just as Aries stopped, ignoring both me and Capricorn. 'Plan A is simple and we hope it works out. I will distract Scorpio and convince him to come over to my apartment, to talk more about Chaos stuff. Aries, Gem and Cap will get into his apartment thanks to Virgo's help with the lock. Within twenty minutes, you'll have to find the plans on the Chaos Flat. Understood?'

'Wait a minute,' Aqua said, and frowned slightly. 'Why is Virgo in Plan A and I'm not?' 'Because we hate you and Virgo's awesome,' I stated, but Aries got over me: 'We figured you could maybe help with distracting Scorpio. It wouldn't be as suspicious, you know.'

'Alright, so are we clear?' Leo asked with raised voice, and when no reactions were given, she stood up and smiled brightly. 'Perfect! Now, let's make sure we get a hand on those plans and we're already past the first step of saving the Chaos Flat!'

But, of course, such optimism had to be blocked by a negative boost. The first obstacle arose right away, putting us all in a difficult situation.

'He's not in the hallway! Now what do we do?' I checked with Aries, who calmed me down by smirking widely. 'We'll move on to Plan B. Plan B concludes Leo getting in and taking the plan herself.' 'But how will I even succeed in that? He's already watching us, he knows we want to save our flat, so I guess he hid the plans. I don't think Plan B will really work now,' Leo said, looking over to the door of his apartment with a frown.

'So, I guess we'll move over to the Collapse of the universe?' Gem asked, and I went on for her: 'Or maybe Plan D? D for Despair? I mean, come on, this is pretty desperate. We aren't getting in there anyway.'

'Unless we pull Virgo into this,' Aqua suddenly said. I saw Aries frown, Leo put on a questioning look and not even Gem seemed to know where she was going, making me the only one who understood what she meant. 'Yeah, guys! We should just hide Aries and Gem, knock on the door, get Scorpio to argue with Virgo and we're in!'

'But how are we getting through the door without him noticing us?' Aries questioned, and I wanted to answer it but my sister was faster. 'That's easy. You, Leo and I will go back to your apartment and go via the balconies!' Aqua exclaimed. I shook my head while looking up at her, pretending to be impressed. 'Q, sometimes you truly are a genius. It seems we're related after all.' 'Shut up, you jerk,' she stated and pushed me away. 'Gemini and you will be in charge of getting Virgo and making sure this will go just right. Gem will come and warn us when Scorpio is out, okay?'

'We can totally manage that! Now, go hide yourselves and we'll take care of the rest!' Gem promised, and after Aries had repeated everything one last time and made Gemini promise on her life to do things right, they left off, leaving Gem and me alone.

'I have a really, really great feeling about this,' Gem grinned and already turned around to walk over to Virgo's, but I stopped her from doing so by grabbing her wrist. She turned back to me, a smile in her eyes and a question on her lips, but before she could say anything, I gave my hope yet another shot by working out Plan D. With D for Despair.

'Gemini, would you go out with me?'

My stomach already dropped when her grin slightly faded, only to reappear again to form her answer. 'No, sorry, I actually think this whole thing is enough excitement already,' she smiled, 'but we can totally play Mario Kart after we saved the world?' 'Yeah...' I reacted, before I realized something. 'You know we're not saving the world, right? We're just saving this place.'

She looked back at me, and I noticed something had changed in her eyes. Something strange was lingering in her always happy, always positive eyes.

'I know. But this place is my world.'

And she turned back around, pulling me over to Virgo's place with my hand still lasting on her wrist.

     Leo's pov

'If this gets screwed up, I'm a 99% sure we have Gem to blame for it,' Aries mumbled, pacing around in her living room. I didn't really listen to what she was saying, more was I looking around in the place I hadn't been in for so long. Not much had changed; sure, they had a completely new set of chairs and the couch had some rips to the side, but well, this was still Aries' apartment.

'What if Scorpio doesn't get out of his apartment?' Aqua thought out loud, ripping me out of my imagination. 'What if he just doesn't open the door? I mean, sure, he's not prepared for everything, but he's still suspecting us.' 'Will you stop being such a pessimist? My plan won't fail,' Aries stated, at which Aqua huffed and turned around to face the small girl. 'Your plan? I'm fairly sure this was my plan to start with –'

'It was Capricorn's idea,' Aries reminded my best friend, and before Aqua could even start her next sentence, the door opened and a hyperactive Gemini stormed in.

'Alright, you guys can totally go – but be quick, because Scorps is totally suspecting us and even though Virgo is basically a magical wizard when it comes to stretching out time, you won't have too long! Also, you have to hurry because so far, it's been amazing and I'm really hoping Virgo will destroy him with his wizardy word-magic and – you know what? I'm wasting my time here. I wanna see what's happening there, so just go and don't forget to be fast!'

Gem must have been the first person in the world to be able to yell those words within less than fifteen seconds, and over a total look, her appearance in the apartment took less than thirty seconds before she'd taken off again.

'Then let's go already! Wasting time here won't get us any further,' Aries stated and made her way over to the balcony, followed by Aqua and I.

'I remember this from some time ago,' I mumbled when I swung my leg over the railing of the balcony, to land onto the next one, the balcony belonging to Virgo's apartment. 'Only when I did this, I had to pull the fire hose with me. It was a lot more difficult, especially after your balcony had become a private pool.' 'How interesting that that particular story had to pop into your head again,' Aries groaned from behind me, and soon, she hopped over the railing and stood next to me with a cold look in her eyes.

Aquarius, already situated on the final balcony, coughed nervously from her spot there and tried being silent yet clear at the same time. 'Girls, can we please do that after we've gotten ourselves out of this? Please?'

'Sure,' Aries sighed – as if it tired her too, impossible, because she loved arguing with me – and swiftly climbed over the next railing. 'Let's get this over with.'

Aries was the one to crack open the lock, which concerned me just a tad. 'And I don't suppose you are willing to tell me how many times you've cracked open the lock on my door?' I asked her with my left eyebrow on my forehead, but Aries only flashed me another silent look, as she gave the door a soft push and let us all in.

'Please do remember we are not allowed to break stuff here, okay?' I mumbled, so only she could hear it and Aqua wouldn't give us another warning. 'Only if you can get yourself to remembering that you can't just leak blood on the floor here, 'kay? I know it's impossible for you to hold in your period, but still,' Aries snapped back, at which I turned around with clenched teeth. Ugh, this armistice was tiring me out already.

'I'll take the rooms in the back, why don't you two go up and look over there,' Aqua suggested and disappeared into a room before I could protest. 'Yes, because that's a great idea,' I huffed, after a glance at Aries, who immediately turned around again. 'Hey, Furface, do you remember those days when you actually had a personality? You know, before you turned into such a bitch?'

'Do you mean the days where you weren't a raging barbarian? Yes, I surely remember,' I managed to get out through my gritted teeth and decided to walk away from her, into one of the other rooms. Well, wasn't this going just perfect. Apparently, Miss Dwarf wasn't really interested in saving the flat after all and took more likings for insulting me, referring back to times she insulted me, insulting me again, and not to mention –

'Leo.' My thoughts abruptly stopped and when I turned around, my eyes found Aries standing in the door opening. Her own eyes darted down to the floor. 'Eh... sorry for that. We should probably find those plans.'

I was silent for a bit, but then I smiled. 'Yes. And, Aries?' She looked up again, and my smile turned into something apologetic. 'Sorry too.'

'Accepted,' she stated, and she walked over to the desk in this small office. 'Did you find anything?' 'Not yet, but I guess we are looking in the right place,' I responded and turned to the large bookcase in the corner. It was filled with all kind of files, and if the plan to break this place down was in there, we'd be here all afternoon looking for it. Luckily I was here with an expert on the level of looking for things – as Aries had to look for stuff in the mess in her room daily.

But it remained silent, and time just passed, first slowly, until Aqua noticed we only had five minutes left. 'Dang it,' Aries cursed under a breath and stomped over to another room. Aqua did the same, and I just stood there, in the middle of a random living room.

If we didn't find the plans... this place would go down. Mum and I wouldn't have anywhere to live. We'd have to move to a small neighborhood, where everything and everyone was unfamiliar. Aqua would move away and I would probably never so her again. I could never make fun of Aries again, or one of her sisters, I could never tease Cap and Gem again on how everyone wanted them to get together, I could never again whine to Virgo how he had to teach me how to make proper, real coffee...

I shook my head, to convince me it wouldn't happen and to make sure the tears in my eyes wouldn't move over to my cheeks. We had to find the plans. We just had to. Find the plans, destroy them, and live happily ever after.

And if it was her que, Aries called us. 'Hey, guys... I think I found something.'

Before I could move anywhere, Aries already came up to me and handed me a small pile of papers, bound together with a tie. The upper paper read "Destruction Flat and Apartments Rustic Street", and when I looked at the other papers, I knew we had found it. 'Great, we finished Step one,' I smiled, and looked up from the paper in my hands. 'Finding the plans. Now, let's get back to your place, and move over to Step two.' 'Reading the plans,' Aries finished. 'Sounds good to me. But we should probably meet in Aquarius' apartment, or something. Everyone has to hear this.'

'Darling, did you hear that?' I called over to the room where Aqua went. 'Yeah...' Aqua mumbled as she walked over to us, studying something I couldn't quite see. 'What is that? More information?' I asked her, trying to see what she was holding, but she pressed it against her chest and hesitated a moment before answering. 'Yes... I think it's more notes of how Scorpio worked this all out.'

'Well, now that we've got everything, let's get the hell out of this place before we get into worse trouble,' Aries stated and we rushed to the balcony again. 'What are we going to do after we finished Step two? I mean, we should do something, right?' I asked Aries when we finally got back to her living room. 'Easy. We go over to Step three, which is either destroying the cause, or murdering Scorpio,' the small girl responded, and just as she was about to open the door, Gemini sprinted inside with a big smirk planted on her face.

'Do you have the plans? Did you find it? Please tell me you got back before Scorps found you guys?' she yelled. After Aries explained the story, she sighed happily and plopped down on the couch, gazing from her sister to me. 'So? What are we going to do now?'

'Now, we're going to make sure those plans will never be activated, and we will destroy everything that has to do with it,' Aries smirked, and I finished for her: 'And otherwise, we're just going to murder Scorpio.'

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