Changes (and more)

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     Aries' pov

I think it was around two-ish when I woke up another time – all due to a certain person having the annoying habit to sleep talk during my rest. It took me a moment to realize it most likely was Taurus through that damn hole, because let's be honest, even Gemini can't sleep talk that loud.

'Ugh, I want to punch him so bad right now,' I muttered to myself and rolled over to the other side of my covers, which unfortunately didn't help to muffle the sounds coming from the other room. I decided that falling asleep would be almost impossible, and since I was now fully awake I pushed myself up and slowly made my way over to the kitchen, to get some of the left food Gem had stolen from the neighbors some days ago.

When I returned to my room with some pudding combined with chocolate sprinkles, I noticed the soft talking about clocks and more pizzetthi had stopped, and it was awfully silent as I sat down on my bed, leaned back and took a spoon full of my strawberry pudding – although, it was silent until the next thing he said.


I tried to swallow the pink mush as quiet as possible, and I slowly stood up. 'Yeah?' Nothing but silence came as an answer. I frowned to myself and carefully sat down in front of the slightly bigger hole. 'Dude, you just said my name at night. Tell me your problem or I'll go back to sleep again.'


My eyebrows furrowed themselves again, while I leaned almost into the hole, trying to look through it, when realization hit me. 'Oh, gosh... this better not be what I think it is,' I mumbled to myself, and as I tried to ignore my thoughts, I got up and kicked the wall just above the already created hole. A crack appeared, followed by another crack, before a small piece of wall came down and formed an even bigger hole – almost big enough for a normal person to crawl through. Boy, was I glad I was even smaller than a normal person.

I put my arms through the hole, feeling around for any possible furniture. I reached down to put both my hands on Taurus' floor – or at least, it was a piece of clothing on the floor. I quickly threw it away before I could realize what it was.

My arms pulled the rest of my body further through the small hole and when one of my legs got stuck for a moment, I thought I might have underestimated my height, but, luckily for me, I was still tiny as ever, and soon I was laying on the cold floor on the other side of the wall.

I heard Taurus mutter another soft "Aries" followed by a giggle. It made me cringe, and I groaned. 'You're disgusting, you giant piece of shit. Time to wake you up, to my opinion.'

I waited a few seconds before I got up from the floor – my eyes had gotten used to the darkness quickly and I could now slightly see the contours of his bed – and as soon as I stood on my two legs again, I kicked the side of his bed.

Taurus jolted up and frantically started looking around, and as soon as his eyes caught onto me, he frowned and immediately pulled up the covers, covering up his bare torso. 'W-What the actual fudge? W-What are you doing in my room? A-Am I still dreaming?'

'Well, I highly doubt anything in your dream will come true now,' I stated, at which his frown only turned bigger. 'What –' 'You're a sleep talker, mate. I could hear you in my room, try to be some more silent during your sleep, so I won't have to guess what dream you're having.'

'Shit,' Taurus stated and rubbed his hands over his eyes. 'Just when I thought Sag was the only one who had sleeping problems.' 'Looks like you're a pretty messed up family,' I said, and we both chuckled at that. 'Yeah... but, seriously though,' he went on. 'How did you get in my room?'

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