Chaos strikes

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(A/N: Indeed, I missed my daily update yesterday, but I really wasn't feeling well, so it had to wait a bit. Making it up to you now, I'll publish another part later this day! So, for now, enjoy this new chapter! And thank you all for the votes and comments!!)

      Leo's pov

Waking up had never really been one of my favorite things in my morning routine, but yet, it was the most important thing, and I groaned softly to the bright sunrays which fell right through my window and ruined my morning.

'Don't make me do this, sun,' I mumbled to myself, but since neither the sun or me could make up an answer to that, I sighed and got up from my pillow. 'What time is it even – half past seven? Crap,' I said out loud and rushed to the living room, something that seemed impossible yet achievable. It was the first one, I noticed, as I stumbled somewhere halfway the hall and fell straight against the door of the living room.

'Okay, ouch,' I said to myself, and from the fact I didn't get any reaction to the fact I just crashed right into the door, I made up I was too late again. And yes, while I opened the door and walked up to the table, the familiar note was there again.

"Hey, honey. You were still sleeping and I didn't want to wake you, so hereby; I already left for work. Have a good day! Bye and love, mum."

'Sure, I'll have another good day. Thanks for forgetting you'd wake me up this morning. Again,' I muttered and read the p.s. '"Can you get the mail?" Why not, it's not like I am doing anything with my free time, right? Little Leo is only calling with her friend Aqua, instead of trying to do something useful with her life. Yes, mum, I indeed caught you talking on the phone to aunt Liz the other day!'

My frustration started rising again, but I kept my cool and flashed a look in the mirror before I walked to the hall, still in my pajama's. I looked pretty alright, after a night laying on my big pillow. My hair still remained in the messy bun I'd put it in right before bed – only it was now a bit messier – and I looked fresh, but was it worth it to be seen by anyone?

Now I didn't stay in for a week many times, I had a reason for being inside all by myself those seven days. For my best friend, Aquarius, had took off for a holiday somewhere in Scotland, without me, for two entire weeks! And the Dwarf knew how weak I was without Aqua right by my side, or at least back in her apartment, ready to help me with winning another argument or discussion. The Dwarf herself wouldn't know how it felt to be alone. She had her best friends and sisters right next to her, forever. I certainly didn't envy her.

Even despite the voice in my head telling me to stay inside and to not show me until Aquarius came back, I opened the front door and stepped outside. The concrete of our floor was warm, and it felt quite nice to be out in this hall again, this time without any people screaming or throwing things to my head. It was completely silent, and I calculated the chances of being seen in my head.

I didn't know about the newbies next to me, but I did happen to know that Gemini always slept until ten, which made this place comfortably silent in the morning, in contrast with the afternoons. Miss Dwarf usually got up around eight, and Pisces didn't go out until either one of them would be around.

A small grin appeared on my face as I walked past the first two apartments. I had yet to know about my new neighbors, but thank gosh I learned the wake-up times of the girls, because, believe me, it made my morning a whole lot better knowing they would still be asleep.

Next to the girl's apartment was apartment 24, the apartment of the very lovable, very charming but also very much dating Pisces – Virgo the Helpful. No girl in this place could deny she never took a small liking for him; even I had had a short period some years ago in which I was completely crushing on him, but as you spend more time with him you realize he is too perfect anyway; yet it still came as a shock to most of us – even to the boys – when he and Pisces announced they were dating. Sure we were happy for Pisces, because dating Virgo seemed to be the best thing that happened to her in a long time, but it still felt weird every time I saw those two together.

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