...but friends do

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     Libra's pov

The only sounds echoing through our living room, were the sounds of Taurus' sighs and our father's cutlery against his plate, while Sag and I both just stared around the room. It was the second day after we moved – or perhaps even the third. I'd kind of lost track of time throughout the days.

Dad had prepared dinner today, a small steak for each of us with his homemade fries on the side. Something we always ate with pleasure, but today, it just felt like a filler. Mum had gone out before dinner, stating she was dropping by at a friends' house, or something, and we were left once again with just our father and the three of us.

'Now, that's what I call a great meal. Unfortunately for you, I'm not doing the dishes for the third time in a row, so it's up to you three.' Dad winked at us, before he got up and left the room for the hallway. 'And don't you dare making Sagittarius do all the work again!' his voice yelled from upstairs, seconds later, and with a sigh, I got up. 'Come on, guys. They aren't going to clean themselves,' I muttered, stacking our dirty plates as I moved over to the kitchen, my brothers following me closely.

Taurus grunted something under his breath, as he dumped the pans on the counter and got the soap from under said counter. 'I would've called this unfair if he indeed hadn't done the dishes yesterday,' he huffed, earning an agreeing hum from Sag. 'Yeah, dad is right. Maybe we really haven't done much last days.' 'That's not our fault,' Taurus responded, 'he's the one who thought it was a great idea to take us away from our motivation.'

Sag repeated his sigh, but neither of us responded and like that, silence took over again. I had no idea what my brothers were thinking – although, maybe I had some ideas – but I was completely lost in my thoughts about... well, could I be thinking about something else than the past month? Sure, I couldn't think of the Chaos Flat the same way as my brothers did, but still – was it wrong to say that the old building was actually... important to me?

It wasn't wrong. Of course the place meant something to me, but it wasn't the building itself. It were the people living there.

It wasn't hard to remember the days we met them – and with them, I mean everyone, of course. The three sister from next to us had definitely left a mark; not only on Taurus, who still seemed slightly obsessed with Aries, but also on Sag, I noticed. He never had really true friends either, just like me, but I had to admit, it was great to see him get enthusiastic anytime Gemini came by to play Mario Kart. And well, then there was Pisces, who I still didn't really know anything about. Except for the fact she was dating Virgo...

A whole lot more memories came to mind when Virgo popped up, and I truly hoped I could see him another time to apologize for everything I'd caused, especially for him having to take him Sagittarius. And, actually, I wanted to see him again because it'd be nice to learn some of the stuff he was talking about before. Chaos, perhaps, and the others in the Flat, such as...

I turned away a bit more from my brothers in an awkward attempt to hide the blush that grew on my cheeks. Aquarius. I should probably stop lying to myself, because Taurus was right before; she had indeed caught my attention – or, to just come clear, yes, I had a crush on her. Me, Libra, who always stayed isolated from everyone, who never really liked anyone, who would rather just stay inside and sulk about life and –

'Guys,' Sag said out of nowhere, and I thanked him silently, because he stopped my thoughts right before they were going crazy. 'We... we will be able to get back to the Chaos Flat, right? I mean, dad can't keep us here forever... right?'

'I don't know, Sag,' muttered Taurus, who passed me a clean plate. 'He seems pretty stubborn to me.' 'So that's who you got it from,' I reacted, earning a chuckle back. 'But no, seriously. School is about to start in, what, another two weeks? No way dad is letting us go back now.'

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