A silent Chaos

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     Sagittarius' pov

'Did I hear my name?'

Libra and I frowned at the hearing of the girl's voice, and we first turned to the balcony on our right – the one of apartment 25, to see if it was a possibility Aries was standing there, spying on us and now ready to make all kinds of commentary. This, however, wasn't the case. It left me and my brother looking at each other again, before we turned to the left side of the balcony, where not Aries, but another, unfamiliar girl was standing.

It definitely wasn't Aries, we should've realized that from the moment she talked. Aries voice had some rough sides in it, a bit low, even, but her voice was sweet and soft, and very high. She had long, shiny curls that reached down to her waist, and eyes that sparkled even in the late daylight. And, not to left out, she differed in length a lot from the other girls. Where they were on the short side, this girl seemed to be almost as tall as Libra was. But, it was obvious this wasn't just any pretty girl, when her eyes narrowed a bit and her beauty made place for a second side to her looks. The expression spread over her face was a "ready-to-murder" one, which frightened me, because she probably would be able to kill me, I realized after a glance at her posture and her long nails.

'I believe I asked you something,' she said, walking up to the railing that separated our balcony from hers. We heard a click with every step, telling me she was wearing heels. She placed her hands – she had a silver-colored ring on her finger – on the railing and leaned a bit forward. 'Did you say my name?'

But, all of a sudden, the girl's eyes widened and she took a step back, pulling her hands along with her. 'What – wait a second! I don't know you two! Does this mean – no way...'

Her rose lips formed into a large small and she clapped her hands together in excitement, as she giggled softly and walked back to the railing. 'New neighbors! Ah, so much fun! It has never happened to me someone new came here, but I've been hoping for it since forever!'

She giggled again, and Libra quickly flashed me a look that meant "oh-dear...", something he always used to do when mum got excited over something. The girl didn't notice this, but started talking to us again: 'I think this must be pretty weird for you, coming into a random place that seems it could break down every second, but I can tell, it's absolutely amazing here. Let me be the first here to introduce myself, so I can yell everyone together right afterwards and tell them we have new –'

'Actually,' I interrupted the girl, 'we've been here for about five days already, and we also already met some people. We know Virgo, Gemini, Pisces and Aries, and you'll be the fifth we meet.'

The girl didn't respond the way I thought she would, because I thought she'd just be a bit disappointed and move on to introducing herself. Instead, her entire expression changed from happily excited to plain anger.

'Oh. So, you've met the Dwarf before you met me. That's just great, just great, I tell you! I bet she said a lot about me, didn't she? Or maybe she didn't, because I had the last laugh, about ten days ago. Miss Dwarf was fooling around on the second floor and stepped right into one of my perfectly placed booby-traps! Or perhaps I should say, the booby-traps Aqua placed for me, but well, Aquarius isn't here now, so I'll be the one to –'

'Hold on a second,' Libra stopped her, and I noticed another frown on his face. 'You're Leo?'

The girl narrowed her eyes again, then sighed and flipped her hair back. 'I am indeed, but since you've met the Dwarf before me, you'll probably recognize me as Furface, won't you? That sickly little bitch, just spilling lies about me to you – what did she say to you? Did she talk about me in my time of the month? She's always just whining about that when I stay inside for more than two days, without realizing I might have a life too! Oh, I hate that tiny Dwarf!'

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