Whole again

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     Aquarius' pov

Of course I had been on more holidays than this one. Plenty, actually. But none had taken longer than a few days and we'd always go to someplace close to London. There was a time my dad even took me and my brother somewhere every weekend, but I guess that didn't count, because that always ended up in the same coffee shop. Though I never found out what its name was, I could describe it from just my head, because, well, would I ever be able to forget about the small tables, or the many books on the shelfs against the wall, or the caramel coffee they served?

After that, my expectations for this holiday had been way to high. Capricorn might've liked it, just as dad, but I wasn't affected by the river, or the forest next to the small apartment we rent. But I was when dad told us we'd stay for two weeks straight, and even my brother, who seemed to like it here too at first, got a bit distracted from the trees by that.

'Nature will do you well,' said our father. 'That's something other than the dirty, old garbage on that field outside our flat. You can make some new friends here, who won't fight over every tiny thing.'

But why didn't he understand me and Cap were okay with the dirty, old garbage on the field outside the flat? Why didn't he understand we were okay with our current friends, even though they fought over every tiny thing?

And well, that's how we ended up in Scotland, and while dad had the time of his life hanging around the forest and fishing in the river, Capricorn and I stayed inside, sulking, trying to remember everything about chess Virgo had told us until even Cap agreed on just reading a book in silence. It hurt me a bit on the inside to see my brother like that, just being to himself, inside of being the happy and crazy one around. But I already knew he had another, different side to his personality.

Fourteen days had never been longer, but the day came when dad told us to pack our stuff and as we gladly did so, I thought of how it would be to back in the Chaos Flat. Of course Leo and I had stayed in touch those two weeks, and we talked and discussed about the newbies in apartment 26 for hours, but I had to see them in reality to get a good view of what they'd be like. Capricorn didn't need that; he could get along with everyone. Just his luck; it took weeks for me before I even wanted to be friends with anyone.

Back to the day where our father freed us from our waiting and said we could pack up our things again, because we were finally going back to our home sweet home. That day was today, and dad telling us we were going home was only a few hours ago, somewhere in the morning. Capricorn and I had immediately done as he said and we packed our things faster than we could imagine ourselves. Once the car was filled with everything we had taken to this place, it only took a minute for us to decide I could sit in the front, next to dad, before we left of and like that, we'd been driving for about four or maybe five hours.

The moment Capricorn started whining he had to pee very badly, was the moment our father pulled over to get us some lunch. While Cap sprinted to the closest toilets and dad went to a small shop for something to eat, I found out – yet again – waiting wasn't my thing, and I pulled out my phone to call Leo.

'Come on, come on, what's taking so long?' I mumbled. My gaze moved over to some little children running out of the shop dad just walked into, as they were screaming happily and eating ice-creams. I got up in watching them playing around so much, that I almost missed Leo's voice talking.

'AQUARIUS!' her high-pitched voice screamed and I laughed while greeting her back. 'Hey, Leo. Listen, I've got some good –'

'You won't believe me if I told you what I did today, dear!' Leo's voice just went on. I decided to listen and tell her later about me coming back. It might surprise a lot of people, but the ones who knew her knew she wasn't much of a talker, really, so when she would interrupt me to tell something herself, it must be something good.

Zodiac Story ~ The Chaos FlatTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon